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macrumors 68030
Aug 16, 2011
Beyond the Thunderdome
Thats not true. The workflow for android is overly complicated in my opinion. I takes way too many clicks through a number of screens to get stuff done honestly. Secondly,its not secure and thirdly its slower by default no matter how much hardware they throw at it.

1- On Android you Get: SWYPE Keyboard Input, FAR BETTER AAND PRECISE than iPhone Tap-Tap approach (I'm frequent on both platforms).

2- On Android you have BACK BUTTON so you can QUICKLY Return to previous screen/app once you explore something or jump to another app coz you opened a Link.

3- SPEED: It depends on specific devices and BLOATWARE, no big difference an Bloat Loaded Galaxy S2 and an iPhone 4 with iOS 6, both sucks, different history if you got an Nexus or GoogleEdition Galaxy S4, Neither the Note II and (now Note III) also offer more memory and cpu Speed (today the most complete, powerful and POLIVALENT devices are The Note 2/Note 3 a Deal Breakers, thats why Apple is focused on this Size).

So Android Workflow most cases is QUICKIER than iPhone's (I hope the new Figerprint Scanner could be used for cursor/gesture (back/fwd) input).

iOS 7 is just getting current on things available on android at least a year before:
  1. Flat minimalst design.
  2. Active Wallpapers
  3. Pop-Down/Up Notificatios and Notification Area Switches (gorgous similar).

Only superior is the new security feature of iTunes Activation Lock deeply installed in Os is a superior solution coz cant be disabled by hard reset (btw Android is reading such improvement).


macrumors 6502a
May 16, 2012
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1- On Android you Get: SWYPE Keyboard Input, FAR BETTER AAND PRECISE than iPhone Tap-Tap approach (I'm frequent on both platforms).

Erhm, that exist in iPhones as well.

2- On Android you have BACK BUTTON so you can QUICKLY Return to previous screen/app once you explore something or jump to another app coz you opened a Link.

Sound interesting, but I don't miss any of that to be honest.

3- SPEED: It depends on specific devices and BLOATWARE, no big difference an Bloat Loaded Galaxy S2 and an iPhone 4 with iOS 6, both sucks, different history if you got an Nexus or GoogleEdition Galaxy S4, Neither the Note II and (now Note III) also offer more memory and cpu Speed (today the most complete, powerful and POLIVALENT devices are The Note 2/Note 3 a Deal Breakers, thats why Apple is focused on this Size).

So Android Workflow most cases is QUICKIER than iPhone's (I hope the new Figerprint Scanner could be used for cursor/gesture (back/fwd) input).

For you it works better. But iPhones are incredible speedy already. And let's not forget, smartphones, even tough you suggest otherwise, are no serious working devices for 95% of the people out there. One is not very smart when buying a Galaxy 4 actually thinking they can do professional work on it. It's material for stand-up comedians.

I also never understood how adults can actually waste their time on debating which device is superior. In my view all smartphones are already quite powerful especially for the things they have been designed for in the first place: phoning and sending txt using e-mails or sms. They became extremely popular due of Apple's move to combine music and other possibilities with it. Apple was also the first as far I remember this correctly that rolled out video-calling build in an smartphone device. But who's first or not is not even that relevant. All smartphones are powerful and it's just a matter of taste which one you prefer.

iOS 7 is just getting current on things available on android at least a year before:
  1. Flat minimalst design.
  2. Active Wallpapers
  3. Pop-Down/Up Notificatios and Notification Area Switches (gorgous similar).

Only superior is the new security feature of iTunes Activation Lock deeply installed in Os is a superior solution coz cant be disabled by hard reset (btw Android is reading such improvement).

You give Android not enough credits. Android has more stuff to offer where Apple's iPhone lacks in following.


- viruses
- vulnerable os for hackers



macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
I don't think having two sizes of phones will cripple the buying public.

This is from the same company who once had four sizes of laptops on the market at the same time.

Yes they had 4 different notebook screen sizes. But they realised 4 was too many. So the 17 had to go. Also the phone is different to the computer. resolution changes on the computer is not such a big deal but on the phone/tablet they are. Also you have to always be actively making sure the 90's mess never happens again. If your guard is dropped the seeds for a return to the 90's is sewn. Not in near bankruptcy per sé. But more in way too large a total product line.


macrumors 68030
Aug 16, 2011
Beyond the Thunderdome
Erhm, that exist in iPhones as well.

SWYPE Keyboard on iPhone ? you didn't know anything on android... NO SWYPE INPUT YET ON iOS, NUANCE DIDN'T LICENSE IT TO APPLE YET, NO SWYPE LIKE INPUT AT LEAS ON iOS7.

Sound interesting, but I don't miss any of that to be honest.
So you Dont heavy use your phone, or you like to double click home-button and then open task manager to find you previous app and jump back (3 steps on iOS, 1 step on Android with back button action).

For you it works better. But iPhones are incredible speedy already. And let's not forget, smartphones, even tough you suggest otherwise, are no serious working devices for 95% of the people out there. One is not very smart when buying a Galaxy 4 actually thinking they can do professional work on it. It's material for stand-up comedians.

I also never understood how adults can actually waste their time on debating which device is superior. In my view all smartphones are already quite powerful especially for the things they have been designed for in the first place: phoning and sending txt using e-mails or sms. They became extremely popular due of Apple's move to combine music and other possibilities with it. Apple was also the first as far I remember this correctly that rolled out video-calling build in an smartphone device. But who's first or not is not even that relevant. All smartphones are powerful and it's just a matter of taste which one you prefer.

iPhone is Fast due it dont have the task load of android (more background functions, much more pixels)...

When Jobs Launched the iPhone, the original promise was to PUT A REAL COMPUTER ON YOU POCKET, CAPABLE TO SURF THE WEB LIKE ON YOUR PC, do you remenber ? Actually that promise isn't fully accomplish yet, but the closest device to achieve full PC functionality is the Galaxy Note 2/3, while the Smaller S4 with its bigger screen approaches very close when navigating webs in "desktop mode" ...

Before iPhone there was a plenty of multimedia capable and very easy to use phones, do you remember the beloved Nokias? With powerful cameras and media players.... iPhone main novelty was the friendly OS and its web browser, deal breakers then.
You give Android not enough credits. Android has more stuff to offer where Apple's iPhone lacks in following.


- viruses
- vulnerable os for hackers

iPhone vulnerabilities/virus also exists (REMEMBER THE FAKE USB CHARGER CAPABLE TO LOAD MALICIOUS APPS ON iPhones EVEN ON NON-JAILBROKEN IPHONES, but most vulnerabilities comes thru Jailbreak, as on Android is required to Root/Mod the OS to enable unsigned content -pirated apps, unofficial apps- while on Android it's an lot quirkier than on iOS is due it open ness architecture, btw however direct collaboration from the user is required (except on Android there is no reported fake-usb-charger vulnerabilities)....

Also The existence of Antivirus Apps on Google Play is due it's allowed coz google don't censor it, while such kind of apps often aren't allowed (censored by apple staff) on iOS (btw I don't think both are necessary neither effective against user collaboration).

And Android Still have something Apple Calls "fragmentation", for Android users its named (what actually is) DIVERSITY, Android has as many devices for as many user needs (we means needs as: hand sizes, visual accuracy, income, etc not only What Apple tells are my only needs (which seems for Apple User Experience dont contemplate there are a lot of different races, sizes)...

I'll watch the iPhone 5S event, mostly coz I'm interested on the Haswell Retina MacBook Pro and the Mac Pro pricing than the iPhone line, Only thing Intrigue me about iPhone 5S is the extra functionality that may have the fingerprint scanner if only used as authenticator Apple is using only 1/3 of its potential.
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Mar 31, 2012
I'm sorry, but I don't understand how people can look at that picture and want a phone (!) the size of the left one.

I didn't think I would either yet I wanted something to use as phone and a tablet as I really don't need both at the moment.

Michael Scrip

macrumors 604
Mar 4, 2011
Yes they had 4 different notebook screen sizes. But they realised 4 was too many. So the 17 had to go. Also the phone is different to the computer. resolution changes on the computer is not such a big deal but on the phone/tablet they are. Also you have to always be actively making sure the 90's mess never happens again. If your guard is dropped the seeds for a return to the 90's is sewn. Not in near bankruptcy per sé. But more in way too large a total product line.

Let me repeat... two sizes of smartphones will not ruin a company.


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
Let me repeat... two sizes of smartphones will not ruin a company.

In your opinion they will not. Apple don't have more then one phone size for a reason. And I think that's a smart choice. We agree to disagree on this point. I think that's the best way to put it.

Michael Scrip

macrumors 604
Mar 4, 2011
Maybe not, but they already have 3 sizes for iOS. one for the phone, the iPad and the iPad Mini. One more could upset the delicate balance of Apple's ecosystem.

The iPad and the iPad mini are the same platform.

If you write an app for the iPad it will look and function the same on the iPad mini... only smaller.


In your opinion they will not. Apple don't have more then one phone size for a reason. And I think that's a smart choice. We agree to disagree on this point. I think that's the best way to put it.

Yeah... Apple has really stuck to the one phone per year idea since 2007.

It's interesting that they are breaking tradition and announcing two new phones in a couple days. Obviously they feel comfortable doing so.

Now let's see them branch out a little more and offer a greater range in their smartphone product line.

This is the same company who offered 4 different iPod models... surely they can handle a few phones.


macrumors 68000
Sep 8, 2013
I bigger screen iPhone would be awesome and would completely turn the industry on its ears IMO. 6 inches would be a tad bit much IMO. Now a 4.8-5in display? :D:D:D But it is cool to see that Apple is at least considering bigger screen iPhones. Let the hype for the iPhone 6 begin
1- On Android you Get: SWYPE Keyboard Input, FAR BETTER AAND PRECISE than iPhone Tap-Tap approach (I'm frequent on both platforms).

2- On Android you have BACK BUTTON so you can QUICKLY Return to previous screen/app once you explore something or jump to another app coz you opened a Link.

that is one thing that has always frustrated me about the iphone, that stupid double click on the home button.....I LOVE the back button on my note!!!


macrumors 65816
Mar 31, 2012

that is one thing that has always frustrated me about the iphone, that stupid double click on the home button.....I LOVE the back button on my note!!!

Strongly agree with the ease of use with the back button. I hope the iPhone changes that at some point.


macrumors newbie
Dec 6, 2012
I have switched to Android (HTC One & Nexus7) from iOS6 (iPhone4S & iPad3) and I find that:

You get way more features...
-Downloads manager.
-Notification bar is better (toggles and controls).
-Better lock screen (you can put widgets on the lock screen (tablets only), go straight to a notification/open a docked app straight from the lock screen etc).
-You can run a Bittorrent client.
-Chrome is faster than Safari.
-You can change pretty much everything without modding (home screen, keyboard, default app...).
-Can install non Play store apps.
-Use windows to transfer files instead of bloated iTunes.
-Stereo speakers (on HTC One and Nexus7)

-Foreign language support is better on iOS(Japanese). Android default keyboard useless. The fonts are different between English and Japanese modes.
-Most Android phones comes with a lot of bloatware (esp Samsung) which require modding to remove.
-Easy to get accessories for Apple.
-Apple appstore is better.


macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2004
I think Samsung et. al are really barking up the wrong tree with the 6" devices. The sweet spot for phones (and not tablets) is the 4.3-5" screen. Any larger and the device loses mobility and can't be used comfortably with 1 hand, any smaller and the screen feels cramped.


macrumors 68030
Aug 16, 2011
Beyond the Thunderdome
I think Samsung et. al are really barking up the wrong tree with the 6" devices. The sweet spot for phones (and not tablets) is the 4.3-5" screen. Any larger and the device loses mobility and can't be used comfortably with 1 hand, any smaller and the screen feels cramped.

I Owned a Galaxy Note II, and I can day you re WRONG, galaxy note 2 have a Single hand mode, it compress the keyboard and put a your hand side, co you can swype on it with an single hand (SWYPE is much better than tapping).

I really favor the 5"screen on the Galaxy S4, almost identical view window as on the Note 3 and fit more comfortable any pocket. 4"screen are from the past from me...

I'm Still using My iPhone 4S, still the best build iPhone EVER, the iPhone 5 was a backward return on quality build.

Galaxy note 2 feels same weight as the iPhone 4S.


macrumors 68020
Aug 6, 2008
Weird. Then why does the buying guide also have an iPad listed as being released in March 2012? The iPad 4 was a minor update, bringing the 128GB option and just a minimal spec bump.

128 GB option did not appear until March of this year. The iPad 4 debuted in spring. I forgot that.

I got my facts messed up.

I think the released the iPad 4 so quickly after the iPad 3 to push out the lightning connector and a new gpu to improve the retina performance.

I still think they want all the iOS devices released in the fall to milk the holiday buying season.


macrumors 65816
Mar 31, 2012
I still prefer options 4" iPhone and something like a 5" iPhone which would likely be pushing it for Apple, I like the Note's 5.3" screen. The pricing could be an issue as with other companies phones tend to be around the same price points if they are new and close enough to the same size so if Applies phone line up had the 4" with 32GB 64GB and 128GB and a 5" with the same by rights the larger pone should cost no more then they currently do as no other company really based price on that.

Of course it is Apple and they likely could get away with different price points.

I'm Still using My iPhone 4S, still the best build iPhone EVER, the iPhone 5 was a backward return on quality build.

The iPhone 4s is perfect for a 3.5" phone along with a better design than the iPhone 5 as at least the back is all one color.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2007
Get it while you can, apparently the Nexus5 is going to be 5" or more.

I ordered it today. Seems a nice cheap way to try out an android device, and will do until Apple add more options to their range. I still have my iPad to play with iOS 7 on :)


macrumors 68000
Aug 18, 2008
At the bend in the river
This has no real appeal for myself. If I have a bigger screen I want to sketch on it, which is why I have an iPad. It's lot like having that ginormous screen is making me more productive. It's not making scanning the contact list in the phone easier to use. It's not making checking my ebay watchlist any watchlistier. I dunno, I don't see the point... for me


macrumors 68030
Jun 18, 2009
I ordered it today. Seems a nice cheap way to try out an android device, and will do until Apple add more options to their range. I still have my iPad to play with iOS 7 on :)

It's a nice piece of hardware (far nicer than I would have expected from LG for sure) and Android has turned into a very solid phone OS... I bought a Nexus One when they came out and while I liked that hardware quite a bit, Android at that time was an absolute POS.


macrumors member
Jul 21, 2010
Have an iPhone 5. I've had every iPhone to date. I will NOT buy another iPhone unless it has a larger screen.


macrumors regular
Nov 30, 2012
Erhm, that exist in iPhones as well.

Sound interesting, but I don't miss any of that to be honest.

For you it works better. But iPhones are incredible speedy already. And let's not forget, smartphones, even tough you suggest otherwise, are no serious working devices for 95% of the people out there. One is not very smart when buying a Galaxy 4 actually thinking they can do professional work on it. It's material for stand-up comedians.

I also never understood how adults can actually waste their time on debating which device is superior. In my view all smartphones are already quite powerful especially for the things they have been designed for in the first place: phoning and sending txt using e-mails or sms. They became extremely popular due of Apple's move to combine music and other possibilities with it. Apple was also the first as far I remember this correctly that rolled out video-calling build in an smartphone device. But who's first or not is not even that relevant. All smartphones are powerful and it's just a matter of taste which one you prefer.

You give Android not enough credits. Android has more stuff to offer where Apple's iPhone lacks in following.


- viruses
- vulnerable os for hackers


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