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May 3, 2009
My view is I'm not that important, go ahead :rolleyes:

If I have nothing to hide, you have no business with me.

Until something happens and what you've shown them makes them believe you are a terrorist - even though chances are you're not and never will be, just like the rest of us around here. Simple.

Here you go people. In the US there were 1000-2000 requests last year from law enforcement. It's pretty obvious that they aren't looking at every person! They were probably high end criminals.

Agreed! It's nice to read common sense-based posts. Hyperbole (including mine above) are just that. Hyperbole.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
Criminals? Well, isn't that the idea? The government says you're a criminal and you say you're a good citizen and since the last time I checked we're SUPPOSED to be innocent until proven guilty so WTF should the government get to secretly spy on you, invade your privacy and then get upset when someone tells you that your PRIVATE emails and other activities aren't private at all? WTF else would they be spying on you if they didn't think you were either a criminal or an undesirable element that might be a threat to someone getting re-elected or something? Frankly, the government is where the REAL criminals are for god's sake!

If I had my way, every single member of Congress would be ousted and we could start fresh and the entire NSA would be on trial for crimes (spying) against its own country which is supposed to be the "we the people", not just the politicians. Criminals. The government doesn't know the meaning anymore. THEY are the most obvious large-scale criminals out there and the Supreme Court is a freaking partisan, biased JOKE these days, always siding with one party's views rather than what the law actually says. Of course, since they started making laws 10,000+ pages long, WTF knows WHAT the law actually is? Ignorance is no excuse, after all. Make sure you read every line of every software license agreement every time too, even when it's 30 pages long and you have two dozen pieces of software to install on your new computer.... :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Feb 7, 2011
This is server-side data we're talking about though.

Right, so I want a company that will respect my privacy and my data, and those are the terms of me using/paying for their service. I expect them not to cave to officials for any reason, that's all. Apple has always taken privacy very seriously, and that's one of the reasons why I'm willing to put my information on their servers, and use their apps/products. I would never trust Google like that.


macrumors 6502a
My data. My property. Don't care what they want.

It's stupid how everything we do it's tracked....No one should have their personal info stolen from them.

Only until you click "I agree" in everything that you download or buy anymore.

But really all this tracking and info gathering. Is it really for our safety or is it just about money so they can specifically target us for money generating ads.

So why even put your data on these corporate servers (Facebook, Google, Yahoo, et al) that can be sold to advertisers or surrendered to the government? This is exactly why I created this to solve all these issues -

And sorry for the shameless plug but, it's relevant and important. It's what I've been working on for the past year... a simple to use consumer device that works like a Social Network, but is a FreedomBox... and more!


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
I think this is a bad thing. Come on who are we helping here? The police/FBI/invesagator? No. There job is now harder. And if you didn't do anything then why should you care that they are trying to solve a crime and looked at your stuff?

NO ONE in our government EVER EVER did anything wrong, immoral or illegal themselves so you can truly trust them, right? Bullcrap. Hell, I can't turn on the news anymore without hearing about another scandal in the government and you want me to TRUST these people with the ability to look into my private phone and computer conversations? Why not just give them my bank accounts numbers while I'm at it? I have nothing to hide, right? Frankly, if you value privacy so little, why don't you try living in a glass house and let all your neighbors and anyone who drives by spy on you 24/7? You have nothing to hide, after all. :rolleyes:

Honestly, *YOU* can live that way if *YOU* want. But some of us don't think that way or want to live in a society where a Comrade Putin can just do anything he wants whenever he wants and answer to no one. Frankly, this country is getting WAY too far along those roads for my comfort. We've had Presidents start wars on false pretenses so they could make a private fortune in no-bid contracts through their Vice-Presidents' former company (that's a proven FACT, not some conspiracy). We've got drone technology where they could just take someone out here if they felt like it. Hell, we're already doing it overseas and console ourselves about the technology because these people we know nothing about other than what the news services tell us...and we all know the news companies don't have any bias or hidden agendas. Paleeze. I learned a LONG time ago you can't trust ANYONE, not even your close family members, let alone a government that is elected by big money lobbying and run by crooks, which is the definition of our government these days. I wouldn't trust them with my dog for an hour, let alone my private affairs.

So when the day comes that someone passes a law that everyone in this country has to be "chipped" for their own good using propaganda like, "You never have to worry about your children running away or being kidnapped since we'll know where they are!" and crap like that, I'm sure YOU will be the first in line. After all, why shouldn't they know where you are and what you're doing 24/7. You have nothing to hide, right? There's nothing nefarious about the NSA knowing what you had for breakfast, when you take your bowel movements and the color of your bed sheets, right? Like I said, live in a glass house. Your neighbors should be able to know what you're doing 24/7 as well since you have nothing to hide. Put some webcams in every room in your house and put those camera on the Internet for everyone to watch 24/7 as well. You have nothing to hide, after all so what's wrong with that? Only a criminal would need to hide behind an opaque wall! You must be doing something wrong if you don't let everyone watch you pee! How do we know you're not injecting drugs while you're in the bathroom? It would be better if we had someone watch your bowel movements to be sure you don't harm yourself. It's for your own good.

Now me, I think what I do in the privacy of my home is none of the goverment's damn business. Frankly, if I had my way, there would be no laws that governed ANYTHING you do that doesn't harm someone else. If I want to sell my body, for example, that should be my business, not the governments. Why do they get to tell people what they can and cannot do that's not harming anyone? These concepts are based on religions and puritan-esque laws. I thought we had freedom of and from religion in this country? So why are there Blue Laws on the books? Why can't I sell alcohol in my business on Sunday? WTF does that law have to do with ANYTHING *EXCEPT* someone else's religious beliefs??? It's 100% bullcrap is what it is. This country was founded to STOP that kind of persecution and yet it's still all over the place in 2014. I didn't vote for it. You didn't vote for it. Someone else is deciding what you can do and how you can behave that has NOTHING to do with harming anyone else. We're already living in 1984 and have been for a long time and people like you defend it. There's a lot of talk about the U.S. being the "home of the free" but it's a load of crap. We live under ever-increasing systems of restraints that have nothing to do with actual "crimes" and everything to do with political and cultural bullcrap that divides, not unites.


Nov 20, 2010
I hope Apple isn't victim to the dragnet surveillance that affects other companies like Google and Microsoft?

Anyways, great move by Apple and Tim Cook. This is why Apple stands apart from the rest, besides making the best products of course. :) Well done, Apple!

The Doctor11

macrumors 603
Dec 15, 2013
New York
NO ONE in our government EVER EVER did anything wrong, immoral or illegal themselves so you can truly trust them, right? Bullcrap. Hell, I can't turn on the news anymore without hearing about another scandal in the government and you want me to TRUST these people with the ability to look into my private phone and computer conversations? Why not just give them my bank accounts numbers while I'm at it? I have nothing to hide, right? Frankly, if you value privacy so little, why don't you try living in a glass house and let all your neighbors and anyone who drives by spy on you 24/7? You have nothing to hide, after all. :rolleyes:

Honestly, *YOU* can live that way if *YOU* want. But some of us don't think that way or want to live in a society where a Comrade Putin can just do anything he wants whenever he wants and answer to no one. Frankly, this country is getting WAY too far along those roads for my comfort. We've had Presidents start wars on false pretenses so they could make a private fortune in no-bid contracts through their Vice-Presidents' former company (that's a proven FACT, not some conspiracy). We've got drone technology where they could just take someone out here if they felt like it. Hell, we're already doing it overseas and console ourselves about the technology because these people we know nothing about other than what the news services tell us...and we all know the news companies don't have any bias or hidden agendas. Paleeze. I learned a LONG time ago you can't trust ANYONE, not even your close family members, let alone a government that is elected by big money lobbying and run by crooks, which is the definition of our government these days. I wouldn't trust them with my dog for an hour, let alone my private affairs.

So when the day comes that someone passes a law that everyone in this country has to be "chipped" for their own good using propaganda like, "You never have to worry about your children running away or being kidnapped since we'll know where they are!" and crap like that, I'm sure YOU will be the first in line. After all, why shouldn't they know where you are and what you're doing 24/7. You have nothing to hide, right? There's nothing nefarious about the NSA knowing what you had for breakfast, when you take your bowel movements and the color of your bed sheets, right? Like I said, live in a glass house. Your neighbors should be able to know what you're doing 24/7 as well since you have nothing to hide. Put some webcams in every room in your house and put those camera on the Internet for everyone to watch 24/7 as well. You have nothing to hide, after all so what's wrong with that? Only a criminal would need to hide behind an opaque wall! You must be doing something wrong if you don't let everyone watch you pee! How do we know you're not injecting drugs while you're in the bathroom? It would be better if we had someone watch your bowel movements to be sure you don't harm yourself. It's for your own good.

Now me, I think what I do in the privacy of my home is none of the goverment's damn business. Frankly, if I had my way, there would be no laws that governed ANYTHING you do that doesn't harm someone else. If I want to sell my body, for example, that should be my business, not the governments. Why do they get to tell people what they can and cannot do that's not harming anyone? These concepts are based on religions and puritan-esque laws. I thought we had freedom of and from religion in this country? So why are there Blue Laws on the books? Why can't I sell alcohol in my business on Sunday? WTF does that law have to do with ANYTHING *EXCEPT* someone else's religious beliefs??? It's 100% bullcrap is what it is. This country was founded to STOP that kind of persecution and yet it's still all over the place in 2014. I didn't vote for it. You didn't vote for it. Someone else is deciding what you can do and how you can behave that has NOTHING to do with harming anyone else. We're already living in 1984 and have been for a long time and people like you defend it. There's a lot of talk about the U.S. being the "home of the free" but it's a load of crap. We live under ever-increasing systems of restraints that have nothing to do with actual "crimes" and everything to do with political and cultural bullcrap that divides, not unites.

Dude nice job writing all that. Anyway they are going to look at the ones they feel they need to look at. FACT O LIFE right there. Apple is simply going to be notifing users. I do not see the reason why you need to be notified before they look at it. After would be great.


If you don't want people all up in your business, don't do shady stuff.
Yup. That's a good quote to use. I might be using that some time.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2012
With govt paramilitarizing every govt branch from IRS to post office or BLM, surveillance of citizens on mass scale is not a concern?
(so said the nazi sympathizers in 1930's - papierren bitter ! ).

With the bill of rights almost completely eradicated by this administration
(who is comprised of the largest too big to fail corporate execs hired by Obama)
The veil of liberalism is lifting slowly to reveal the fascist path that this country is taking, due to the ignorance of *pro-police state* un-informed sheeple and complacency.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
With govt paramilitarizing every govt branch from IRS to post office or BLM, surveillance of citizens on mass scale is not a concern?
(so said the nazi sympathizers in 1930's - papierren bitter ! ).

With the bill of rights almost completely eradicated by this administration
(who is comprised of the largest too big to fail corporate execs hired by Obama)
The veil of liberalism is lifting slowly to reveal the fascist path that this country is taking, due to the ignorance of *pro-police state* un-informed sheeple and complacency.

My problem with your comments is this Obama BS and liberal only crap, as if so-called conservatives were any better. Bush started this crap LONG before Obama and the NSA has been doing it LONG before either one of them. This has nothing to do with "Liberal" and "Converative" and the only people that believe it does are victims of propaganda themselves listening to lying sacks like Rush Limbaugh and that phony pretend religious BS money-grubbing Glenn Beck. They make crap up to get people's money and people buy right into it. It's unreal. Obama is no better or worse than someone like Bush. Sadly, you sound like you bought into it a long time ago.

Paramilitary? Dude, I have family members that work at the Post Office. If anything, they're more Pro-NRA than anyone else I know. Paramilitary? Who dreamed that LIE up? I know the NRA would like every 12-year old to own a Mini-Gun, but acting like the Post Office is paramilitary is an absolute LAUGH. Where do you hear this crap? Nevermind, I know where you hear it. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, you can't even walk into McDonalds without everyone in there packing. A lady drops her purse and someone gets shot in the leg (this actually happened at a Starbucks). Yeah, that's the kind of society I want to live in. And no I'm not against gun ownership. I'm against crazy arse loonies owning guns that shoot people in movie theaters because they threw popcorn at them. That's ridiculous. This isn't the Wild West anymore. Having a gun at home is one thing. Having it in a crowded dark movie theater and shooting up the place is quite another. Common sense background checks make sense, but not to crazy people who think everyone is out to take their guns away from them.

IMO, BOTH parties SUCK. Both parties only care about one thing, POWER to do whatever the frack they want. Republicans cater to the top 1% and lie to the other 99% and Democrats waste money giving it away to bureaucracies, red tape and people that don't want to work. Both sides claim they want the Middle Class to succeed. Both sides cater to either rich or poor and nothing in the middle. There is no trickle down. There is no new deal. It's all a load of crap so they can live their lifestyles of power and money and the rest of us have to pay for it, literally and figuratively. Two EXTREMIST sides do not for a good country make. Until this country returns to reason and the MIDDLE, this crap will just get worse and worse.

Sad to say, but you appear to already be far far off in the "right" land of extremist nonsense.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2012
My problem with your comments is this Obama BS and liberal only crap, as if so-called conservatives were any better. Bush started this crap LONG before Obama and the NSA has been doing it LONG before either one of them. This has nothing to do with "Liberal" and "Converative" and the only people that believe it does are victims of propaganda themselves listening to lying sacks like Rush Limbaugh and that phony pretend religious BS money-grubbing Glenn Beck. They make crap up to get people's money and people buy right into it. It's unreal. Obama is no better or worse than someone like Bush. Sadly, you sound like you bought into it a long time ago.

Paramilitary? Dude, I have family members that work at the Post Office. If anything, they're more Pro-NRA than anyone else I know. Paramilitary? Who dreamed that LIE up? I know the NRA would like every 12-year old to own a Mini-Gun, but acting like the Post Office is paramilitary is an absolute LAUGH. Where do you hear this crap? Nevermind, I know where you hear it. :roll eyes:

Meanwhile, you can't even walk into McDonalds without everyone in there packing. A lady drops her purse and someone gets shot in the leg (this actually happened at a Starbucks). Yeah, that's the kind of society I want to live in. And no I'm not against gun ownership. I'm against crazy arse loonies owning guns that shoot people in movie theaters because they threw popcorn at them. That's ridiculous. This isn't the Wild West anymore. Having a gun at home is one thing. Having it in a crowded dark movie theater and shooting up the place is quite another. Common sense background checks make sense, but not to crazy people who think everyone is out to take their guns away from them.

IMO, BOTH parties SUCK. Both parties only care about one thing, POWER to do whatever the frack they want. Republicans cater to the top 1% and lie to the other 99% and Democrats waste money giving it away to bureaucracies, red tape and people that don't want to work. Both sides claim they want the Middle Class to succeed. Both sides cater to either rich or poor and nothing in the middle. There is no trickle down. There is no new deal. It's all a load of crap so they can live their lifestyles of power and money and the rest of us have to pay for it, literally and figuratively. Two EXTREMIST sides do not for a good country make. Until this country returns to reason and the MIDDLE, this crap will just get worse and worse.

Sad to say, but you appear to already be far far off in the "right" land of extremist nonsense.

I comment on the liberals as the country is brainwashed by the democrats who also cater to the 1% and big corps..

Sorry to burst your bubble but the republican Globalist pro corp part of the RINO party sucks for me as well IMO. They are complicit with the so called *liberals* who cater to the 1% (remember too big to fail policy?). In fact the current administration is comprised of ex execs of the big corp too big to fail 1% -ers, and continue the world bankers policies of robbing the country blind while preaching the exact opposite. (i.e. UN globalist unelected oligarchy loving politicians for world bankers- both left and right)

As for paramilitarizing branches do the research dude.. military arms and swat teams for BLM, IRS, Post office enforcement, etc.. As for crazies with guns, do you realize that since 1992 gun crimes have gone down 40%? But I guarantee that psych drugs pushing has gone up a multitude of times, while care for crazies has gone down by a large percent. What has really gone up concerning gun crimes is the MSM propaganda against particular semi auto rifles....which are responsible for only 0.40% to 0.7% of such crimes per annum.. (400-700). Medical malpractice deaths however are about 200,000 deaths per annum.... no cries from MSM or govt however...go figure...
Last edited:


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
If you don't want people all up in your business, don't do shady stuff.

Spoken like the people who said the same thing about the Patriot Act, FISA, and all of the things Bush and Company were doing between 2001 and 2008. The only difference is, people speaking out about it now are the same people who called those who were speaking out about it then 'UnAmerican'.

I guess what is good for the goose really isn't what's good for the gander, eh? :rolleyes:

Again, I posted a thread about this and what LEOs and the government can do in relation to your 4th amendment rights roughly 6 months ago. It may be a good time to look at that again and see what we really have to deal with.



macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
As for paramilitarizing branches do the research dude.. military arms and swat teams for BLM, IRS, Post office enforcement, etc..

I don't have to do the research. Let's just say my job puts me in a position to know these things and frankly, you're just plain WRONG. There is no such thing going on in the IRS, Post Office, etc. You only prove that the lunatic fringe is alive and well and will believe utterly any crazy thing they're told by right-wing propaganda people like Rush Limbaugh. That's the thing about paranoia propaganda. You can't tell what's real and what isn't anymore because they tell you everyone will deny it.


macrumors regular
Mar 10, 2014
Spoken like the people who said the same thing about the Patriot Act, FISA, and all of the things Bush and Company were doing between 2001 and 2008. The only difference is, people speaking out about it now are the same people who called those who were speaking out about it then 'UnAmerican'.

I guess what is good for the goose really isn't what's good for the gander, eh? :rolleyes:

Again, I posted a thread about this and what LEOs and the government can do in relation to your 4th amendment rights roughly 6 months ago. It may be a good time to look at that again and see what we really have to deal with.


I'm not a republican. That's fine if you want complete privacy with no government oversight, but it's not that simple. I don't have a problem with the 4th amendment, but the second amendment gun nuts are ruining this country. The constitution and these amendments were great 200 years ago. But it's 2014, and our nation isn't the same.


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
I'm not a republican. That's fine if you want complete privacy with no government oversight, but it's not that simple. I don't have a problem with the 4th amendment, but the second amendment gun nuts are ruining this country. The constitution and these amendments were great 200 years ago. But it's 2014, and our nation isn't the same.

Never said that the 2nd was a problem. You completely miss the fact that Apple is doing us a favor here when it comes to your data because the LEOs/government don't need a warrant anymore to get your data. Since the cell phone companies and other entities like Apple, Google, etc. keep/store your data, all they need to do is subpoena those companies to get that data, bypassing your 4th amendment right for needing a warrant, because Apple/Google/etc. are 3rd parties to the incident, not directly related.

That should scare you, regardless of whether or not you did anything wrong.



macrumors regular
Mar 10, 2014
Never said that the 2nd was a problem. You completely miss the fact that Apple is doing us a favor here when it comes to your data because the LEOs/government don't need a warrant anymore to get your data. Since the cell phone companies and other entities like Apple, Google, etc. keep/store your data, all they need to do is subpoena those companies to get that data, bypassing your 4th amendment right for needing a warrant, because Apple/Google/etc. are 3rd parties to the incident, not directly related.

That should scare you, regardless of whether or not you did anything wrong.


Scare is not the right word. Concerned... a little. I think we're going to have more options for privacy in the future, and snowden kind of ruined the NSA anyway at least short term. Going back to my original statement... I'm not worries as I'm not doing anything shady. Most of these "injustices" will work themselves out in the next decade or so. No sense for me to panic. Everyone will have their day in court if it comes down to that. It comes down to being able to afford a good lawyer. The rich usually win.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2012
Long Island, NY USA
I don't have to do the research. Let's just say my job puts me in a position to know these things and frankly, you're just plain WRONG. There is no such thing going on in the IRS, Post Office, etc. You only prove that the lunatic fringe is alive and well and will believe utterly any crazy thing they're told by right-wing propaganda people like Rush Limbaugh. That's the thing about paranoia propaganda. You can't tell what's real and what isn't anymore because they tell you everyone will deny it.

"Paranoia propaganda" can only work in a climate of lies where people realize that nothing may safely be taken at face value and that damn near anything may be said or done to advance some covert agenda. Which is why there is a pervasive climate of lies today. Fear is the best way to move the herd to any desired location. IMO you should reserve your disparagement for those responsible for the climate, whoever they may be. The "lunatic fringe" are just that part of the herd that doesn't get frightened in quite the same way as the rest.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
I comment on the liberals as the country is brainwashed by the democrats who also cater to the 1% and big corps..

Sorry to burst your bubble but the republican Globalist pro corp part of the RINO party sucks for me as well IMO. They are complicit with the so called *liberals* who cater to the 1% (remember too big to fail policy?). In fact the current administration is comprised of ex execs of the big corp too big to fail 1% -ers, and continue the world bankers policies of robbing the country blind while preaching the exact opposite. (i.e. UN globalist unelected oligarchy loving politicians for world bankers- both left and right)

As for paramilitarizing branches do the research dude.. military arms and swat teams for BLM, IRS, Post office enforcement, etc.. As for crazies with guns, do you realize that since 1992 gun crimes have gone down 40%? But I guarantee that psych drugs pushing has gone up a multitude of times, while care for crazies has gone down by a large percent. What has really gone up concerning gun crimes is the MSM propaganda against particular semi auto rifles....which are responsible for only 0.40% to 0.7% of such crimes per annum.. (400-700). Medical malpractice deaths however are about 200,000 deaths per annum.... no cries from MSM or govt however...go figure...

Do I detect a bit of "No True Scotsman" here?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2012
Long Island, NY USA
If you need to ask if it's shady... Just sayin'.

I don't think this is a trivial question at all. For instance, an Afghanistan veteran googles NRA and surfs around their web site, ending up by joining as a lifetime member. Suspicious behavior? Some history nerd surfs around 9-11 conspiracy sites, does research on terrorism and government conspiracies, and then signs up for an anarchist newsletter and e-mails the publisher. Need to follow this person? Some guy posts content on several discussion forums which includes keywords like NRA, anarchist, terrorism, government, NSA, freedom, totalitarianism, etc. Possible terrorist or just a guy?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2012
I don't have to do the research. Let's just say my job puts me in a position to know these things and frankly, you're just plain WRONG. There is no such thing going on in the IRS, Post Office, etc. You only prove that the lunatic fringe is alive and well and will believe utterly any crazy thing they're told by right-wing propaganda people like Rush Limbaugh. That's the thing about paranoia propaganda. You can't tell what's real and what isn't anymore because they tell you everyone will deny it.

Obviously you cannot conduct a discussion without labeling people, but
i digress, you are misinformed or uninformed as to the militarization of govt branches via donations from this administration.

While I do not watch or read *right wing propaganda* the slippery slope of fascism is slowly creeping in this country.

While I do not agree with the United Nations as a whole, maybe you should spew your bigoted opinions to the UN who has condemned the USA for human rights violations in March..

Do I detect a bit of "No True Scotsman" here?

I do not believe in terms of *right vs left*, it seems these days it's govt theatre vs the people..
Last edited:

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
Obviously you cannot conduct a discussion without labeling people, but
i digress, you are misinformed or uninformed as to the militarization of govt branches via donations from this administration.

While I do not watch or read *right wing propaganda* the slippery slope of fascism is slowly creeping in this country.

While I do not agree with the United Nations as a whole, maybe you should spew your bigoted opinions to the UN who has condemned the USA for human rights violations in March..


I do not believe in terms of *right vs left*, it seems these days it's govt theatre vs the people..

That still doesn't answer the fact that RINO is essentially saying "Well, he isn't a REAL Republican anyway".
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