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Glassed Silver

macrumors 68020
Mar 10, 2007
Kassel, Germany
I sincerely hate how iCloud file saving has been handled on the Mac so far. It defaults all of the standard applications' saving locations to iCloud, and then I have to drop the full dialog down with the arrow to search for the location I actually want (admittedly, it sometimes shows up in the recents just under the iCloud option).

On a semi-related note, the dialog the pops up when you first launch Textedit sucks! It increases the amount of time the application takes to open, and it adds steps between launching the app from spotlight and entering text. I've switched to Sublime but will be looking for fixes.


EDIT: If anybody else hates this, read this reply to my post!

Read mine instead, no need to sacrifice anything!

defaults write -g NSShowAppCentricOpenPanelInsteadOfUntitledFile -bool false

This will keep iCloud enabled, you still can save to it, but apps will open with an untitled file instead of the open panel.

Cheers, folks.

Glassed Silver:mac


macrumors regular
Dec 15, 2011
Meanwhile Google's online ecosystem is evolving, as is my DropBox dependency. I didn't pay much attention to Google until recently when my university student daughter showed me how she is using Google documents to collaborate, and a friend got me sharing a Google calendar for a club we belong to. I still find Google's world messy, but it's heading where I thought iCloud was going to go.
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