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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 4, 2006

I have an idea for an App. Basically it provides the user with a interface, where you quick and conveniently can organize files in hierarchy, or applying tags on media files for an App like iPhoto. During MacHeist i hooked up with Stephen who helped me out allot, he made some pre-alpha versions. Stephen had to pull back because of various reasons, and since Christmas my project has been pretty still. So i am looking for a new Developer who can assist me in making this application. I still have the alpha, and some pages detailing my program further, i have also produced mockups. I can not code yet, I'm learning, but i have a little photoshop skill. I will mainly be taking the marketing/PR role of this project, and of course providing input, and be describing my idea in depth. This is meant to be a Shareware app, so it will hopefully develop some profit, i am in no position of giving payment, other than what the app makes. So if you are an indie Mac Dev Cocoa ninja with some spare time, send me a mail and i will provide you with further information.

aron [DOT] n [DOT] allen [AT] gmail [DOT] com
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