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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 25, 2015
Have a seat, and allow me to tell you a story of hope, joy, and hope lost.

I picked up my iPad Pro on launch day, Wednesday November 11th like a lot of you here. They had just sold out of the configuration I wanted at my local store in New Jersey, despite arriving 10 minutes after store opening, so I gladly opted for store pickup from the only location that still had any left....5th Avenue in Manhattan. When I got there, I tried to get an Apple Pencil, but quickly realized the demand was high as the people in the pickup line before and after me all wanted one as well, which quickly turned into the realization that there didn't seem to be any in the United States at all (well okay, it turned out to be very very very few)

I tried countless other stores in New Jersey, but ran into the same roadblock we all ran into here. Nobody had any to sell. So I waited and tried each day after, Thursday the 12th, Friday the 13th, and even Saturday the 14th. But it was all in vain, so I resigned myself to refreshing Best Buy's page frequently and feverishly checking the "Share the results of your retail store Apple Pencil stock check" thread on this very forum.

Before I knew it, it was Tuesday the 17th. I got home from work at 5, and after checking the stock thread on my breaks, I learned the Apple Store in Short Hills Mall in NJ might have some thanks to a very kind poster on that same thread. Despite it being far from my local store, I dutifully rushed out, drove an hour to the store and bought one of the three they had left on display.

I paused for a moment, wondering if I should buy two in case something happened to one or I lost one, but decided against it so that other people like me would have an equal chance to buy one. It was the first day of major in store availability, the first major shipment, and I knew there'd be others along shortly looking for pencil's, and I didn't want to take the opportunity I had away from anybody else over my own paranoia that something might happen to one.

And so I proceeded to the closest Apple Store Employee, happily clutching my Apple Pencil, and asked quite triumphantly "Jesus ******* ******, where can I pay for this?!?" The employee seemed confused, probably thinking I was angry, when in all reality, I was just overjoyed to finally have one in my hand after hours and days of searching.

I drove home in 2 hours worth of prime rush hour traffic that had built up by then. But I didn't even care, I finally had a Pencil.

I've had 8 days so far. 8 glorious days of using my apple pencil. I used it for everything from drawing to general stylus duty for browsing. After the debacle I went through to get it, just like all of you, I was extremely careful with it. I never dropped it, or even unnecessarily rolled it. It never even left the house.

Until today.

I brought my iPad Pro to work today to design some flyers in Pages. And I brought the pencil along to make precision adjustments a little easier. I grabbed the iPad in my hand and picked up the pencil. I went to put it in my pants pocket for its maiden voyage out of the house but I paused, realizing that might not be a good idea, fearing it would get damaged when I sat down in the car.

So I was smart, I put it in my shirt pocket.

And off I went. An hour later and I was at work. I unlocked the Pro, retrieve my pencil and...wait what? Why is the nib loose?....

I tried to screw it back on, but it turned infinitely in a way that made me realize it wasn't spinning in a circle, it was spinning in a oval like a car tire with a rim that was bent.I pulled off the nib, and the gold rod was bent. All the way to the side, just slightly touching the outer rim.

It was about then I knew I was screwed.

Even if I could bend it back, I knew there was no way it would be right after that, not with how complicated and delicate the sensors are in the Pencil. I watched the keynote quite a few times, I knew how many sensors and delicate mechanisms must have been royally messed up. In disbelief, I inspected the nib, which was no longer a perfect cone shape, but instead had a very slight indentation.

But how? How the heck did this happen? I purposely avoided putting it in my pants pocket, and figured it didn't get any safer than a shirt pocket. And frankly, I thought I was just being paranoid anyway. I mean, after using it for 8 days, I knew the nib was well screwed on and didn't allow for any play of the golden rod sensor....

Or does it?

I'm still not really sure what caused it. I suppose it could have been my seat belt, as that would be the spot where it would cross my chest. Or maybe the nib got caught against my chest just right (I should probably mention I'm a guy, for uh...reasons) and bent it. All I know is that I didn't do anything unusual. I didn't bend down to pick up anything off the floor of the car and I didn't spontaneously take up yoga as a hobby so I'm at a loss for words. All I did was put it in my shirt pocket, drive to work, and it was broken when I arrived an hour later.

I then spent the rest of the day today trying to track down a replacement in New Jersey. I drove all over. From Edison to Short Hills to Bridgewater Apple Stores, with a few Best Buy's in between, but nobody had any to sell me as I kind of expected, despite having hopes otherwise.

I called AppleCare, mentioning I didn't even care about getting it repaired, I just wanted to buy another one as soon as possible. But they told me there was nothing I could do despite my story. They tried to see what advice the Sales department could offer, but all they could do was tell me to order online with a 4-5 week wait, the same old script we've all heard here.

So after several hours of driving all across New Jersey today in tons of traffic and a few phone calls to even more distant stores, I'm right back where I started. No pencil, and no replacement available or any hope of one being available anytime soon.

I should mention I just got back home and, figuring I had nothing to lose, tried to bend the golden rod piece back into place. It snapped. Like cleanly off. Interestingly enough, with the golden piece now off and separated from the pencil, I can see that it does have space to wiggle a bit within the nib. Now, its not a large space by any means, and its about as accurate as machine manufacturing can get, but its not a "grip" type of seal against the walls of the nib either. Point is, be careful because a slight hit or bend to the nib would be a slightly larger hit or bend to the golden sensor rod underneath, which may be what did me in.

And with that, I leave you with a warning. I thought I was being careful, I even changed my habits to be safe with the pencil by avoiding putting it in my pants pocket this morning. I just thought you guys should know its possible to break it, and that it's likely a lot easier to break the Pencil than you might think.

I'm really bummed out. If anybody gets a lead on pencil availability in New Jersey, I'd really appreciate a heads up even if it means a lengthy drive. I can only hope Best Buy gets more in soon, as I'm not sure I'll have time to spot check my local store this weekend with work and the holiday.

MacRumors, you giveth my Pencil, only to taketh away (well, not you, but still!) haha...

For the record, the nib is dirty in the photos from carrying it around in my pocket after it was broken as I didn't want to lose it. But if you look closely, you can see half of the "flange" or "lip" on the side of the nib you screw into the pencil is missing, suggesting some kind of light forced caused it to break off (either completely or it broke off in the pencil)...

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Jun 28, 2015
Western Hemisphere
Ouch, at least you're the first I've seen to destroy one.
The sad implication metered out by the hero worshipping faithful is _Never_ even begin to reveal any possible shortcoming on the manufacturers part.

It's always the fault of the person who placed their trust, spent THEIR Money, and carelessly "destroyed" the product.

Apples Cult like followers never disappoint. :)
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Apr 7, 2012
The sad implication metered out by the hero worshipping faithful is _Never_ even begin to reveal any possible shortcoming on the manufacturers part.

It's always the fault of the person who placed their trust, spent THEIR Money, and carelessly "destroyed" the product.

Apples Cult like followers never disappoint. :)

I did't say it was his fault at all, just saying the first I have seen broken. In fact I wish Apple would replace it for him, no way it should be broken this quick. I placed no blame on the poster at all.


macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2015
Can somebody explain to me -- nice and slowly -- exactly why there is no stock of Apple Pencils. I want to be able to understand why the biggest, richest company in history couldn't plan to have sufficient stock at the same time as the release of the iPad Pro.

I know that there is a reason. I know that it's deliberate because Apple never does anything wrong ever and all its decisions are perfect.

I just don't understand what that reason is.
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macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
That seems, unusual...

I will echo the question above - why is the white nib bent at the very tip? Do you write very hard? Some people report wearing out the Surface Pro stylus tips in as little as a month while I haven't even seen the slightest wear on mine in a year of daily use.


macrumors 6502
May 31, 2012
Can somebody explain to me -- nice and slowly -- exactly why there is no stock of Apple Pencils. I want to be able to understand why the biggest, richest company in history couldn't plan to have sufficient stock at the same time as the release of the iPad Pro.

I know that there is a reason. I know that it's deliberate because Apple never does anything wrong ever and all its decisions are perfect.

I just don't understand what that reason is.

Because somebody {messe}d up. Be that Apple, be that a supplier, somebody made a mistake along the way and now there aren't enough Pencils.

People can speculate all day and night, stomp their feet, and complain all they want, but at the end of the day, Apple is staffed by humans, and even the best of us make mistakes.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 25, 2015
That seems, unusual...

I will echo the question above - why is the white nib bent at the very tip? Do you write very hard? Some people report wearing out the Surface Pro stylus tips in as little as a month while I haven't even seen the slightest wear on mine in a year of daily use.

"In disbelief, I inspected the nib, which was no longer a perfect cone shape, but instead had a very slight indentation."

"For the record, the nib is dirty in the photos from carrying it around in my pocket after it was broken as I didn't want to lose it. But if you look closely, you can see half of the "flange" or "lip" on the side of the nib you screw into the pencil is missing, suggesting some kind of light forced caused it to break off (either completely or it broke off in the pencil)..."

It was never like that until I took it out of my shirt pocket yesterday. I noticed the bend immediately after I took the Nib off and realized the sensor rod was broken. Like I said, it was loose in a way like it was half hanging off due to the "flange" being missing on half of it. But I know the nib was fully screwed on when I put it In my shirt pocket because I would have noticed it being loose.


macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2009
The sad implication metered out by the hero worshipping faithful is _Never_ even begin to reveal any possible shortcoming on the manufacturers part.

It's always the fault of the person who placed their trust, spent THEIR Money, and carelessly "destroyed" the product.

Apples Cult like followers never disappoint. :)
There may be some valid point in the above but the way it's worded makes it a d!c* comment.


macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
Can somebody explain to me -- nice and slowly -- exactly why there is no stock of Apple Pencils. I want to be able to understand why the biggest, richest company in history couldn't plan to have sufficient stock at the same time as the release of the iPad Pro.

I know that there is a reason. I know that it's deliberate because Apple never does anything wrong ever and all its decisions are perfect.

I just don't understand what that reason is.

Perhaps you should contact Apple.


Nov 25, 2012
United States
Can somebody explain to me -- nice and slowly -- exactly why there is no stock of Apple Pencils. I want to be able to understand why the biggest, richest company in history couldn't plan to have sufficient stock at the same time as the release of the iPad Pro.

I know that there is a reason. I know that it's deliberate because Apple never does anything wrong ever and all its decisions are perfect.

I just don't understand what that reason is.
Maybe it's because they sold out...


macrumors 68040
Aug 7, 2013
Can somebody explain to me -- nice and slowly -- exactly why there is no stock of Apple Pencils. .

It's both the pencil and keyboard, and since these are rather dissimilar items, one might conclude Apple is just producing these on demand, while totally neglecting any kind of retail strategy, other than luck of the draw, or "I'll take 5 for and an easy turnover."


macrumors 68000
Dec 24, 2007
I have to say from those photos it looks very much like there was a sharp sideways impact very near the end of the tip at some point, while the pencil was being held firmly. The dent in the nib is exactly where it would be to then break off the plastic retaining flange. I could imagine this being a really unlucky bump into a doorway or similar if was in your shirt pocket. I doubt a seatbelt could have given that much impulse to the nib.
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