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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 25, 2009
A sad day...

CorePlayer for OS X - as many of you know an absolutely essential purchase if you're viewing video on your PPC (especially G4) architecture - has been euthanised.

It's still up on Mobihand's site and you can even order and pay for it. But you'll get a refund along with the following message...

"I rejected the order because we no longer offer that product. I am sorry for the confusion."

So, if anyone has a copy *ahem* or maybe it will appear on OldApps at some point?
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May 12, 2011
A sad day...

CorePlayer for OS X - as many of you know an absolutely essential purchase if you're viewing video on your PPC (especially G4) architecture - has been euthanised.

It's still up on Mobihand's site and you can even order and pay for it. But you'll get a refund along with the following message...

"I rejected the order because we no longer offer that product. I am sorry for the confusion."

So, if anyone has a copy *ahem* or maybe it will appear on OldApps at some point?

I don't know if CorePlayer is really dead or if the guys are too busy... I'm trying to contact them for an authorisation code. If the product is gone, I hope someone can crack the code...


Dec 18, 2010
A better tactic

...might be to port CoreAVC codec over to Mac OS X. It and a specific mplayer build can be used on Linux to get some of that Core goodness. Would take someone with significantly better programming skills than I.

Here is how to download and install it on Ubuntu (x386):


macrumors 68020
Feb 19, 2011
...might be to port CoreAVC codec over to Mac OS X. It and a specific mplayer build can be used on Linux to get some of that Core goodness. Would take someone with significantly better programming skills than I.

Here is how to download and install it on Ubuntu (x386):

EDIT: Ignore me, it appears that WINE is just for installing and configuring the serial key for CoreAVC.
Last edited:


macrumors member
Sep 27, 2011
CoreAVC is proprietary software, so how should porting work? Anyway, the VLC 2.x is good enough for most G5 computers to play 1080p material


macrumors P6
Jan 24, 2010
One thing that makes CorePlayer So much better than other players is that it heavily uses AltiVec. VLC is starting to use this, QuickTime doesn't, and I don't know of any other media player that does.
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Jan 1, 2009
Well it is a very powerful mediaplayer but don't having support for subtitles was a shame.
I kinda regret having bought a license,I almost have no use for it.


macrumors 68020
Feb 19, 2011
One thing that makes CorePlayer So much better than other players is that it heavily uses AltiVec. VLC is starting to use this, QuickTime doesn't, and I don't know of any other media player that does.

Thanks for saying "one thing". Everyone seems to be mad about AltiVec but the fact is that CoreCodec's AVC decoder is just really damn efficient before optimisation. It 20%-30% more efficient than libavccodec which handles AVC decoding in FFMPEG and VLC.


macrumors 68020
Mar 13, 2005
One thing that makes CorePlayer So much better than other players is that it heavily uses AltiVec. VLC is starting to use this, QuickTime doesn't, and I don't know of any other media player that does.

Try this version of Mplayer. It's a PowerPC/Altivec optimized version from 2006 that runs great on OS 10.4 and 10.5.


macrumors 68020
Mar 13, 2005
I've used that version in the past. I've often found its performance is sub-par to VLC 1.X.

I prefer VLC also but was just giving you options. Mplayer is better at playing over a network or any type of slower media. The frame dropping feature it has is a bit better than VLC at dropping.

I use a combo of CorePlayer, VLC (1.1.12) and that Mplayer for all my playback needs. I use VLC for all my XviD or any type of avi and CorePlayer for all my x.264. Mplayer is really only used anymore when I need to scrub a lot to find something since it scrubs like a beast with the arrow keys.

The main Mplayer downfall is that it's next to useless with x.264.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 26, 2011
I cannot find a download for CorePlayer ANYWHERE online. Could this be due to the recent end of it's production?

Wanted to try it out and see what all the hubub is about. Lol. Would buy it if I liked it, but apparently that's not an option now.

If it's out of production, would that mean that it'll be available as abandonware in the near future?


Jan 1, 2009
I cannot find a download for CorePlayer ANYWHERE online. Could this be due to the recent end of it's production?

Wanted to try it out and see what all the hubub is about. Lol. Would buy it if I liked it, but apparently that's not an option now.

If it's out of production, would that mean that it'll be available as abandonware in the near future?

You don't have that option.To use it you need a valid serial,So even if one of us gave you the dmg it wouldn't help.
I really doubt.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 26, 2011
You don't have that option.To use it you need a valid serial,So even if one of us gave you the dmg it wouldn't help.
I really doubt.

Oh I did not know that. All the apps I've used in the past provided a trial before a purchase, so I just assumed that was the case.

I wonder what the future of this app is...


macrumors 68020
Mar 13, 2005
I bought my copy in Jan. this year and had to give my Macs serial number when I purchased. After payment they emailed me a temp link to a copy locked to my Macs serial number.

Only people that already have it will ever be able to use it now and only on the machines it's registered to. I tried installing mine on my other Sawtooth just to be sure and as expected it was a no go.

It's very locked down software (on the Mac at least) so those that think it will become abandonware or open source couldn't be more wrong.


Jan 1, 2009
I bought my copy in Jan. this year and had to give my Macs serial number when I purchased. After payment they emailed me a temp link to a copy locked to my Macs serial number.

Only people that already have it will ever be able to use it now and only on the machines it's registered to. I tried installing mine on my other Sawtooth just to be sure and as expected it was a no go.

It's very locked down software (on the Mac at least) so those that think it will become abandonware or open source couldn't be more wrong.

True story!
FOr windows you can find some old versions cracked, but nothing for mac.
Coreplayer was very famous for windows mobile and symbian smartphones


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2011
So that is why I never found it... I remember I tried to get a hold of it but found absolutely nothing. Well, then it truly is a RIP situation.


Dec 18, 2010
Isn't there....

a way to reset a mac's serial number in open firmware? I remember getting a G4 tower logic board replaced at a certified apple reseller in Utah (before any Apple stores around) and recall the tech said he had to reset the serial number in Open Firmware. Pity I didn't ask him to show me how he did it.

I did some googling and found a .dmg for doing so on an Intel Mac (left in a customers computer by a "genius" apparently) but nothing for PPC macs.

Steve Howard is the President of Mobihand, maker of Coreplayer. I intend to find his email and ask him to either a) make it available to purchase again or b) release it as open source. Yet another stellar example of why proprietary closed source software is BULLSH$T.

Mobihand also has a Facebook page. Maybe we could all jump on there and ask them: WTF? You won't sell Coreplayer for OS X, you won't release it as open source, it just gets to lie in a software tomb....forever?


macrumors P6
Jan 24, 2010
The serial number can only be set on logicboards that have a blank serial number. It cannot be changed.


macrumors 68020
Mar 13, 2005
Mobihand also has a Facebook page. Maybe we could all jump on there and ask them: WTF? You won't sell Coreplayer for OS X, you won't release it as open source, it just gets to lie in a software tomb....forever?

That would actually require effort and work. CorePlayer was suffering from 100% neglect for months leading up to it being dumped.

If they had no interest in it when still offering it and making money why would they now? People have been talking about it for years so those that cared enough got a copy and those who didn't... didn't. Sad but true.


Jan 1, 2009
Steve Howard is the President of Mobihand, maker of Coreplayer. I intend to find his email and ask him to either a) make it available to purchase again or b) release it as open source. Yet another stellar example of why proprietary closed source software is BULLSH$T.

Mobihand also has a Facebook page. Maybe we could all jump on there and ask them: WTF? You won't sell Coreplayer for OS X, you won't release it as open source, it just gets to lie in a software tomb....forever?

Go ahead...
I sent them mails (support ticket), commented on facebook page, on twitter ,Because of subtitle support and never got an answer.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2012
PowerPC land
So what to do?

Ok, since coreplayer has been discontinued, what other options are there to play 720p/1080p on a G4 or G5? Also, can someone at least try to find out if its possible to get this program once again?


macrumors 68020
Mar 13, 2005
Any1 good enough to make a keygen?? Since it is not sold anymore......

First off... thats totally illegal.

Secondly... even if it was legal you still have to get around the system serial number each copy is locked to.

You bought it yourself so you know there is the system serial lock then the secondary serial you enter at the install.
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