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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 12, 2005
Have no idea if this is possible or if someone has already suggested it, but how about a section where we predict the outcome of various Rumors?
I.e. whether the next iPhone will have a bigger screen or not? We all get the chance to vote and a note taken on wether we were right or not. Our scores could get added up and maybe made part of our profiles?


macrumors 6502
Jan 9, 2012
That would be interesting...

Doubt it would be much fun for the Apple engineers that secretly visit MR. They'd be so accurate all the time. *chuckles*


macrumors 6502a
Feb 24, 2011
I like this idea a lot, and it would be great to display it next to posts in the forums. It would be a great way to work out who's ideas often reflect what will happen.

Sounds like fun! I think that if it is a score though, it would have to erode over time. This would be so that you could just get 3 out of 3 and have a perfect score, and then just never make an official prediction again.
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