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macrumors 68040
Jan 31, 2005
La Jolla, CA
My account got locked when I logged out of Family Share on my phone and tried to set it up on her phone so she would be the Organizer. When I tried to start the setup process on her phone it said we needed to wait 364 days.

I called Apple and the representitive checked with a supervisor. They said they were aware of the issue and the engineers were working to fix it in a software update.

It seemed strange to me that this would need an iOS software update to fix. Seems like it should be fixed on their icloud account servers.

Either way, I'm hoping they'll straighten it out soon

Yeah, that's the response I've got as well after talking with a supervisor.


macrumors regular
Mar 1, 2010
Probably the wrong thread, but with all the new threads popping up I can't find the right one.

Is Family Sharing what I need to enable in order to use two iphones (wife and I), one icloud and one email and still be able to use facetime and imessages?

All this new icloud stuff is confusing the heck out of me.


macrumors 6502
Aug 24, 2013
Leeds, UK
Probably the wrong thread, but with all the new threads popping up I can't find the right one.

Is Family Sharing what I need to enable in order to use two iphones (wife and I), one icloud and one email and still be able to use facetime and imessages?

All this new icloud stuff is confusing the heck out of me.

Family sharing is only for you to share uour purchases and photos, don't drag the iCloud in to this
You two must be on separate iTunes and iCloud accounts.


I scheduled another call and I hope to get a more knowledgeble person.

The one I talked asked me to set up a new family share group but had no idea how to do it. Crazy.

In my case this happened on beta, that's might be the reason they reset it. But in all honesty people are new to this and they should have at least include this information on the family sharing page.

Keith Weisshar

macrumors newbie
Sep 20, 2014
Hazlet, NJ
Do I still risk getting locked out if I start and stop family sharing as an organizer multiple times? It happened the other day after turning off family sharing twice when iOS 8 was released and it was fixed even without me contacting Apple. I use a single Apple ID which is my Verizon FIOS primary email address for all purchases and iCloud.

Keith Weisshar

macrumors newbie
Sep 20, 2014
Hazlet, NJ
I don't want to mess with Family Sharing for now and risk getting locked out again. My iPad is out of warranty and there is a $19 charge for tech support from Apple.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 3, 2013
I agree, this is absolutely ridiculous. I get that I'm taking certain chances/risks by using the Yosemite Beta but nowhere did it say anything about this stupid limitation. Furthermore, the service itself was (I assume) in beta and it was because of it's bugginess that I inadvertently used my Apple ID twice.

Furthermore - and this is a sincere question - what exactly is the point of this limitation? You can only share with one group at a time, correct? So it's not like someone can abuse it by jumping on a bunch of groups at the same time. AND once you leave a group, you lose access to all of those shared apps/music/movies that you didn't buy so again, it's not like you can just hop from group to group and accumulate a bunch of "free" stuff. What am I missing here? Why such a long waiting period?

But you could jump around groups as you needed certain apps. Letting people switch groups often is very exploitable. Undoubtedly why it is limited.

You get a few people and one guy has games, one has a group of related productivity apps, one guy has camera apps. You just hop from group to group as you need to use certain apps
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