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macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2010

why would you cite pubmed? You know that it contains millions of peer-reviewed articles that these mactards have no chance in refuting, unless they're already drunk on the kool-aid...


booya to pubmed (bitter biochemistry grad student)


macrumors regular
Aug 5, 2011
In the UK we have a paper called the Daily Mail. They like to think they're a serious paper, but its full of scaremongering rubbish. Anyway, here is a list of things they have claimed to cause cancer over the years. Some real gems in there such as:

  • Being a man
  • Being a woman
  • Oral sex
  • Childlessness
  • Dogs (apparently they can cause breast cancer!!!)
  • Being tall
  • Radioactivity (really, I would never have guessed!!)
  • Water
  • Working

If you were to listen to the things the Mail says, you'd never get out of bed in the morning due to the risk of dying before the day's out.


macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)



macrumors newbie
Sep 26, 2012
Day-by-day, Many mobile users are increased frequently, Many surveys are also conducted about the cell phone radiation. The effect of mobile phone radiation on human health is the subject of recent interest and study. Sometimes, It will be leads a severe health problem for many of them. Proper care and precautions will be taken while speaking in mobiles.


macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2011
Have you ever gotten a headache or have your ears start hurting after using headphones? That's cancer.


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2013
Everything that everyone is irritating me on an extreme level due to their ignorance. Phones and especially iPhones and Droids emit radiation and those phones..high amounts. GSM networks like AT&T, T-Mobile, Straight Talk, Net10, and those others emit 28 times more radiation than CDMA such as Sprint, Verizon, and Virgin Mobile. That saying, keep your phone on airplane mode when on your body or in your pant pocket and NEVER put it in your shirt! Getting your question..Phones emit radiation that can kill you, give you tumors, and so on so, of course you expose yourself to radiation when you put headphones in your ears. There are metail wires in those things, and metail conducts any kind of heat, electricity, and radiation! Air doesn't create that sound..It creates bass in the EarPods-I covered the openings in them and the quality reduce a lot-. If you truely care about radiation and protecting yourself than message me on here If you are able to and even If you can't than, just give me some kind of contact. I know a lot, and more than most. Yes! You better not argue with me forumers, don't underestimate my intelligence, you are not educated at all, and are going completely off google searches and assumptions! What I just staed I already knew, and then found out was true.


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2013
Instead of rambling, I'm going to give you this resource, go to This website is a well respected company that informs about the effects of radiation and also has low cost products that can help/reduce your exposure. Another website you should check out is which sells cases for cell phones that redirect It away from your body, and decreases your exposure by 89%-92% depending on which case you buy. I'm new to this forum site so I don't know If you can private message but If you can than message me, and I can inform you a little more on dangers in radiation, and dangers that have absolutely nothing to do with radiation which will still kill you, and weakens you/kills you more everytime you go near It or enters your body.


Dec 8, 2009
Even then.

I don't need a "scientific source". All earbuds are are little magnets with some copper wire and plastic. The only thing they can do is receive radio waves and generate sound waves. Remember, sound waves are not the same as radio waves.

There are electromagnetic fields also around earbuds, to be honest, but their strength is negligible ....


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
@VideoNewbie: Do some reading on the difference between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. Don't let media hype about "radiation" and its association with nuclear power (which would be ionizing radiation) leave you in fear of the broad category of commonplace non-ionizing radiation.

If you look around the room you're in right now, everything you see is emitting or reflecting radiation (light is radiation). In fact you're explicitly exposing yourself to radiation in order to read this sentence.
And this is really all it comes down to.


macrumors member
Aug 11, 2010
Lol! This whole thread is funny. Any of you that are worried about radiation from your phone or earbuds should...

Not go outside during the day
Not travel in an airplane or live at high altitudes
Not eat bananas
Not watch tv or work at a computer

Just live inside and never come out of you're house. Oh wait ever heard about radon!:rolleyes:


macrumors regular
Nov 17, 2010
I think it's funny how you wasted your time to go on Mac rumors click on new thread, type up the question, post it and then waited for the response.... When you could have googled it and saved the embarrassment.

Radiation is a very broad spectrum of atomic actions.

Like the word explosion some can kill but an exploding pimple obviously wont.


Jun 29, 2012
Colorado Springs USA for now
even if the earbud was used during a phone call?

do you have a scientific source that says earphones dont transmit radiation?

First off LOL at you.... second how did this post get a negative rating?

A simple wiki or google search could have answered it for you if you want scientific answers better to do the research yourself than relying on random people on an apple forum.
Are you kidding? This is MR... the place where people ask which color, size ect ect. If some couldn't come here on MR and ask for direction in their daily lives I believe the membership would shrink due to people dropping like flies. No way to survive without random input from the web.


macrumors newbie
Jul 17, 2014
Extensive medical studies have shown that cell phones do not emit enough radiation to have any medical impact.

That's interesting cos' people started getting brain damage & large tumours growing behind there ears right after they were publicly released.

There a extensive studies showing how cell phone radiation not only causes the same damage as ionizing radioactive isotopes such as cell mutation & DNA damage but also how it disrupts cell communication which is essential for health.


macrumors 68000
Feb 9, 2014
i know all electronic devices emit some kind of radiation but with the earbuds on the iphone being connected to a cellular device would this mean you are assisting to transmit the radiation directly into your head? earbuds reach closer to your brain than say casual use of a cellphone right?

if this is the case would setting the phone on airplane mode while listening to music on your iphone help?

does airplane mode greatly reduce amount of radiation?

Yes and you have brain cancer. I suggest you make an appointment to torture your PCP... oh you don't believe in modern medicine. Well go make an appointment with your herbalist she can homeopathize you and your cancer will MAGICALLY DIAPER!!!


macrumors newbie
Feb 8, 2015
Perhaps a house built inside a faraday cage too?
I get annoyed with people who freak out about cell phone radiation and they get drunk and then drive, or drive while texting, smoke, take illegal drugs, or abuse prescription drugs, ride motorcycles, don't exercise, etc. These all have much higher proven risk of injury and death than any cell phone (unless you are talking on the cell phone while weaving down the interstate at 80).
If you are seriously worried about the possible radiation from cell phone earbuds just get rid of cell phone and go back to a landline phone, but get a wired phone, not a cordless phone.

I am a doctor radiologist and it annoys me that people say that cell phone radiation does no harm at all. I probably know more about radiation and the human body than any of you. Did you know that x-rays were taught to be completely harmless just as microwave emitted by phones and wifi; for 20 or 30 years they thought x-rays were completely harmless?
There's a lot of scientific data showing that microwaves emitted by cell phone type radiation affects biological tissues. For example that they cause mutation in sperm? Sperm are probably some of the most sensitive cells in the human body for radiation and this may be why we first detected effects in sperm and not yet other tissues. Noone knows. It may take another 20 years before we really find out what cell phone microwace radiation does.


macrumors 65816
Oct 7, 2007
The Real Truth

The truth is that headphones and specially BT Wireless are used by Aliens to transmit subliminal messages. These messages control human behavior and decisions. The human becomes an unwilling drone for the Alien agenda. So the more you use the headphones the dumber you get and this is why reality TV and people like Kardashians are worshiped throughout the Universe.


macrumors 603
Aug 18, 2009
Upstate NY
I am a doctor radiologist and it annoys me that people say that cell phone radiation does no harm at all. I probably know more about radiation and the human body than any of you. Did you know that x-rays were taught to be completely harmless just as microwave emitted by phones and wifi; for 20 or 30 years they thought x-rays were completely harmless?
There's a lot of scientific data showing that microwaves emitted by cell phone type radiation affects biological tissues. For example that they cause mutation in sperm? Sperm are probably some of the most sensitive cells in the human body for radiation and this may be why we first detected effects in sperm and not yet other tissues. Noone knows. It may take another 20 years before we really find out what cell phone microwace radiation does.

It may take another 20 years? Isn't that what was said already? Either way, the OP asked about radiation through the earbuds. True enough, this thread has been sidetracked. Do you have any info about the original question?


macrumors newbie
Oct 21, 2014
according to this article they channel more of the radiation to your head. Search for cell-phone-radiation-exposure-increases-using-wired-hands-free-headsets.
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