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Feb 19, 2008
The Finger Lakes Region
Hey everybody.

I have a pretty low level of knowledge about this stuff, so hopefully this question hasn't already been answered.

I am about to install windows 7. I want to partition the new 1 TB drive I got so that I have 250 GB for extra space for my mac stuff, and partition 750 gb to use with all my windows stuff. I was warned that if I do this, and windows crashes, ALL files on the new HD that has windows installed will be lost. Will time machine backup whatever files I had saved while in OSX onto that hard drive?

thank you in advance

For OS X Time machine will back up. For Boot Camp Windows partitions use WinClone and back it up to a separate external.


Nov 25, 2005
I thought it was a bad idea to let it do that as the VM disk file is pretty huge (a few Gb at least) and any time anything changes in that file TimeMachine has to copy the whole thing as it's one big file (not only taking quite a while to copy, but filling up your backup disk very quickly)?

It's also not very useful, because Windows will most of the time have some cached data somewhere that hasn't been written to the hard drive (MacOS X does the exact same thing), so if TimeMachine were to backup your VM disk, you would never know if everything has been written completely. When you restore the VM disk from Time Machine, you have no idea exactly what state you would get.
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