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macrumors G3
Original poster
Nov 26, 2007
I want to add a photo gallery to my personal website. I have plenty of web programming experience to make it myself, but I feel like it would take me a few hours and that it's such a common thing that surely there's an existing solution that I can just drop in and customize a bit in a few minutes, instead of taking a few hours.

Since I'm asking for a free and easy solution, I'm not going to be very picky (beggars can't be choosers and all that) but this is what I had in mind:

- Near the bottom of my website, there's a section labeled "Photos" with a grid (table) of tumbnails of my photos laid out.
- When one of those thumbnails is clicked, an overlay appears with that photo filling up most of the screen.
- The overlay should have a way of closing it.
- The overlay should have arrows to move to the next / previous picture.

I'd prefer to have the photos hosted off my own machine but I'll accept it if as part of keeping this simple, I need someone else to host it.


macrumors G3
Original poster
Nov 26, 2007
Check out fancyBox. Should be easy enough for you since you're a coder. This is actually the second version of it and it's on Github too.

This looks great, thanks! Unfortunately, I decided to go with before I saw your response. Out of time to work on my website for now... it's okay, but not exactly what I wanted. I was hoping for some kind of grid of thumbnails, but cincopa didn't give me that option. Next time I need to do something like this I'll probably go with that option instead.
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