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Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
I'm not a photographer, but though the pictures seem - to my unprofessional eyes - to be good technically, I think that the clothes aren't enough in the picture. I'm assuming here that these shots are meant to be the kind of thing you'd see in a magazine that sells clothes, right? These seem to be more about the model than the clothes.

But this is just a random person's opinion, I don't know anything about how the pros do this. :eek:


Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
In that case I like them, especially the ones in the first outfit. :)

But I don't know enough about composition to be able to say anything intelligent about that.

Scarlet Fever

macrumors 68040
Jul 22, 2005
Most of these are really good. I like the relaxed, natural expressions on the model's faces.

Just a couple of points;
-I'm not digging the corridor style on the first few. It looks like the background is blown out, and the foreground is too dark.
-You need to check how level your tripod is. There are a few shots which are spoiled by a tilted horizon.
-Check exposure levels. I reckon shot is over-exposed, and one a little under.

What was your lighting setup like?


macrumors 68020
Nov 23, 2007
Well I agree that some shots is overexposed/underexposed. The model looks good though, lucky you able to practice with models :(

Im not sure if Im correct or anything, but try avoiding poses that will crumple the clothings, since your aim is to promote the clothing so try to think poses that will push the viewer attention to the clothing instead of the model cause right now my eye is fixed onto the model. Of course some of your shots, especially the few ones in the corridor make me to look at the clothings + model which is good :D


macrumors 65816
Nov 7, 2004
Houston, USA
Crops are too tight on a lot of the images in some way or another, just like the last set. You generally don't want to be cutting off body parts or parts there of unless it makes sense for something like a head & torso shot.

Some examples:

#2 - Too tight on the sides, her elbows are cut off
#3 - Her hand is cut off
#5 - Top of her head is cut off

You get the picture... I didn't open the full images to really critique them but I do think having the bright end of the corridor in the background is a little distracting, maybe try to frame the pics so the exit doesn't make it into the frame to avoid that excess light in the top left corner.


macrumors 68040
May 18, 2004
the hallway backgrounds are very distracting

the lighting is either over or underexposed in most of them

art gardiner

macrumors member
Jun 12, 2007
Cairo, Egypt


The following is not a rag, but CC as an aid to assist with your photography. Please do not take this as a slight on your photographic endeavors, it is not meant to be construed as such.

Are these for your "Fashion" portfolio, or "tear sheets" / "head shots" for prospective models? For fashion photography - it is about the clothes, and making someone interested in the design. Head shots - showing modeling agencies the prowess of that model. Both serve a completely different purpose, and need to be shot accordingly.

For fashion photography - as mentioned previously, they are all cropped too tightly, awkward limb loss, etc. Ex. - #1 knee cut off; #2 head, elbow and hand; #3 bottom of right hand... etc. Images are all shot at about the same distance to subject, level with subject's eyes, etc. (You need to vary it up a bit, and look at a lot of established fashion photographers work to see where they are going compositionally, lighting, etc.

For head shots - crop in closer, but vary it up as well. You can take a penny to your screen (but please don't) and cover every single models face with it. They are all the same size. Again, very your angles, pov, scale, lighting, lens choice, etc.

Over all, think about the rule of thirds. Ever play tic-tac-toe? Where the lines cross of the tic-tac-toe symbol is a good place to put the main focus of your subject - to start with. While rules are meant to be broken, they should only be broken once you understand them, and only when it adds to the photo. (Not just because you could.)

Finally, lighting... lighting... lighting. Oh, and white balance, too. (The last model was shot in indoor available light, which gives a nasty color throw to her hair, and skin. Proper lighting will assist with giving your images a dimensional look, specular highlights. (This will require off-axis lighting... do away with your on-camera flash, and invest is a couple of cheap radio poppers.) Depending on your budget, go Pocket Wizard. A good resource for off-camera lighting is David Hobby's Strobist blog.


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