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macrumors 6502a
Dec 30, 2011
should just get Daniel Day Lewis, he's practially already played the role of Jobs in past films (Daniel Plainview and Bill Cutting to some extent)


macrumors 6502a
Jun 13, 2007
If you watch The Butterfly affect, you can see a young crazy Steve Jobs running down a hospital's hallway in a medical gown.:p


macrumors 603
Dec 31, 2001
Mpls, MN
I agree. When Robert Downey Jr was cast to be Iron Man, I thought, "Oh no." But he has been pretty awesome in that role. We'll see how Ashton does.
Downey is one of the best actors we have. Why did you think that way?
How on earth are they going to transform him into the extremely thin, fragile looking almost bald man he was in his later years? Ought to be one HELL of a makeup job for that one!
Have you seen Captain America? Impressive in that movie how they "reduced" Chris Evans. They'd have to do less for Kutcher in jOBS.
Cruise makes Brad Pitt look like Laurence Olivier.
Ok, that got a laugh. LOL Pitt is surprisingly good, if anyone bothers to direct him to STOP with the pretty boy posing and actually play a character.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2011
He does look a lot like a young Steve Jobs. He is perfect in that regard.

Let's hope his acting is a little better than the other non-That 70's Show roles he's tried doing before.

What movie are you referring to? He was great in The Butterfly Effect. And he's able to pull some other serious roles as well.

Gasu E.

macrumors 603
Mar 20, 2004
Not far from Boston, MA.
He'll also be rolling over in his grave if consumers are given more than one option as well. Dude was a psychotic anti-choice freak.

It's a strange comment, and pretty much off-base. It would be much more accurate to say Jobs was obsessed with simplification in all manner of things. A by-product of more simplication is less variation, which ultimately means less choice in many cases. But to imply that Jobs was just "anti-choice" is, to be frank, simple-minded.

By way of illustrating this point: you have almost infinite choice in the songs you can download from iTunes; you are not restricted to Steve's playlist. On the other hand, Jobs fought to stick to a single price for all songs for a long time.


And Dinero really goes on on a limb to play differing roles.
Who is "Dinero"? Some dos pesos actor?


macrumors regular
Nov 18, 2011
Looks like Jobs.

Kutcher is a talented actor so expecting great stuff.

Some here are critical of Kutcher. I'm guessing with his success and wealth he probably doesn't care what an internet forum poster has to say about his ability to do a role when it hasn't even been seen yet.

I love the look and it appears it could be a great reflection of the times. IMHO the best series to reflect the 60's/70's has been "The Wonder Years".

What I'd really like is a really long movie. 2 hours 45 minutes.


macrumors 68030
Oct 9, 2007
Thank you. I despise Cruise with every fiber of my being.
Anytime he appears in a movie it automatically cheapens it.
Cruise makes Brad Pitt look like Laurence Olivier.

Hey, just because Cruise is aging better. ;)

Have you seen Captain America? Impressive in that movie how they "reduced" Chris Evans. They'd have to do less for Kutcher in jOBS.

Huge budget blockbuster vs. indie film. I don't think that technique would be feasible on this movie's budget.

Of course we're assuming a lot. The movie may not be focussing on his entire life. If it's about the early years of Apple, no need for aging.


macrumors regular
Sep 26, 2009
Hmm, somewhat similar.



macrumors regular
Sep 19, 2006
MacRumors said:
an eerie resemblance

Really? It's almost as if it was staged! Oh...

Honestly, they could have done a better job of re-doing the 70s photo. Too many details are different and even the pose is off. And, I don't think he looks that much like Jobs. That said, if he does a good job, he might do a great Jobs.


macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2012
Pacific Coast, USA
Well said. I admire what Steve Jobs did in his lifetime but don't worship the guy nor do I view him as a sacred cow. I think it behooves everyone to withhold judgment on this and form an opinion on more than a promotional photo.

What's ironic is that Jobs held to some ideals that would discourage exactly this kind of hero worship and defensive nostalgia. If someone really wanted to honor his legacy, they'd refuse to take any depiction of his life story that seriously.

And besides, Pirates of Silicon Valley was a spectacular bit of entertainment despite being historically inaccurate and cartoonishly exaggerated at points. I say, people should just relax and see what this film is all about before hauling out the harsh judgment.
Kudos for an excellent post... I concur!


macrumors newbie
Nov 28, 2011
I think Ashton has got it!

OK, who among all you ever met Steve, and actually went on a sales call with him to a major bank in San Francisco? Let's give Ashton the space to act and the director to give his version of that reality. I'm really looking forward to the movie. It already has brought back a flood of great memories of that time.
My 2c.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2004
Strictly speaking, it is a correct usage of sic to point out an odd spelling of any quoted word, but since the explanation following does that too, I would rate it as a redundancy.

Here, however, it was not used after a quoted word and was therefore technically incorrectly used. You have to love a site using [sic] to discuss a film when the site's primary focus is on products that are also oddly spelled/capitalized, though.


macrumors newbie
Oct 11, 2012
How does one post a new thread?

I am really really sorry to jump into your discussion but please somebody let me know how to post a new thread in here. I spent 1.5 hour and all i found is how people are frustrated about figuring out how to do that.
thank you in advance.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
Here, however, it was not used after a quoted word and was therefore technically incorrectly used. You have to love a site using [sic] to discuss a film when the site's primary focus is on products that are also oddly spelled/capitalized, though.

I suppose. The Chicago Manual rule (cited above) seems flexible enough to accommodate this usage, but I believe any editor worth their salt would take it out strictly on the basis of clarity and necessity. I notice a lot professionally-written publications capitalize the first letter of iPad, iPhone, etc. when used at the start of a headline (most of them wisely avoid beginning sentences with any of these names). It looks weird. The point being, it seems the conventions on technology terminology usage are not entirely settled, so though I am a bit of grammar pedant, I didn't get too excited by this. And, frankly, the site has so many editorial issues, this one seemed like relatively small potatoes.


macrumors newbie
Sep 19, 2012
Bagging A.K seems to be a sport around here.

He CAN act. Referencing roles where the character he played was an idiot is nonsensical.

Maybe he'll be good, maybe not, but I'm willing to watch the movie before I make a judgement. Tom Hanks played a cross dressing goofball in Bosom Buddies to start his career. He seemed to do well for himself in more serious roles.
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