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macrumors regular
Dec 30, 2001
Berkeley, California
When I saw we were 37th at first... I thought somebody must have hijacked a university for the computers :eek: ... I was wrong... it was just a rearrangment of team catagories into 2 kinds.

I think what Falleron saw was the list of the top 100 teams. And yes, we ARE at 37th... sort of. They have assigned Google and anynomous, i beleive, to a seperate catagory of teams. I think that technically we are still at 39th even after the modifications to team placements.... :(

Or then again, I could be wrong... (little sleep, and much work don't mix properly....)



macrumors regular
Dec 30, 2001
Berkeley, California
That's putting them to use!

Better than having them sit with nobody on them for hours upon hours (like tons of the ones at my school....). Every library I go to on campus has tons of free computers, except when midterms/finals are near.... just waiting for folding to be installed (i think i'm going to try to find out if they will allow it).

But do you really do it without permission? Or does anybody care at your school?

By the way, what's your school?



macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Originally posted by Tomasz
But do you really do it without permission? Or does anybody care at your school?

By the way, what's your school?
I go to SDSU.

Absolutely. I work at a lab, where it is okay because I'm one of the techs. The other two labs in the library people mostly use m$ word and check their hotmail. The staff over there is really inept. No security on the computers. All they have are cameras, but I think that's to make it look like they're watching (we have some in our labs too :)).

Seriously, I don't even think they know (I only put it on a fraction of the computers). If they did, there's so much traffic in and out of those labs that they would have slim chances of having a clue who it is. The best plan is a good security system on the computers. If it's not on there, then they're inviting trouble. Asking for permission is a waste of time and it gives away inent too.

I wouldn't encourage the practice (not publicly) but I wouldn't discourage it either. IMO folding is positive in every aspect.


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
the outlook here:

eMac lab of 30+ comes up during winter break

Modeemi we pass next week

immediate threats:
Tweakers australia
Sudhian Media
OCF Folding@Home team

so we should stay in top 40 indefinitely :)
with more help we can rule the world…oh wait


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2002
whats my problem?

I would love to join the team. In fact, I've tried to do so on two seperate occaisions. But both times I've downloaded and tried to get the program running it seems to just stall out.

Let me clear a few things up before you reply:

1. Yes, I'm using OS X.2.2

2. I'm running a dual 533 so it should be plenty fast.

3. I'm running on a cable modem.

4. I've been using Apple computers since the beginning and I've been using OS X since it was in beta. So to say that I know what I'm doing would be selling me short (Definitely not a beginner so spare me the "is the cable modem on" type questions ;) ).

Here's the deal. I run the thing per the instructions (in the terminal) provided and it seems to sit their download the original material required to begin work forever. In fact I left it running overnight and it still was downloading in the morning. The cable modem is pretty snappy here so it's definitely not that. Actually I don't remember exactly how the install process worked, but trust me, it was in a perpetual state of downloading.

Help me out here.

BTW, I'll be awake all night studying for a philosophy exam at 7 AM. I'll try to answer your replies, but I might be busy.



macrumors 68030
Jan 18, 2002
behind you
try the gui version. Thats what I have to do because via terminal kinda doesnt work properly for me....if that doesnt work, maybe theres an issue..


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2002
i think i've tried it

If you're referring to the screen saver version I've tried it as well. Same thing. Perpetual download.

Any other ideas?

BTW, I've never had any problems running other software. I've never had a problem with the OS either (and I mean never, except for maybe the beta, but that doesn't count). That's what's so frustrating about it. It just seems to be random and without reason.



macrumors 68030
Jan 18, 2002
behind you
Re: i think i've tried it

Originally posted by mkubal
If you're referring to the screen saver version I've tried it as well. Same thing. Perpetual download.

Any other ideas?


its not the screen saver either. Its a graphical client....

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
Welcome, and thanks for trying to join the team.

It shouldn't download forever...theres only about 3-5 MB to download initially. I had dial-up and it took say...5-10 minutes at most.

All I can say is delete every trace of the program, redownload, and install...but I'm sure you've already tried that :(

I dunno what to say...I hope it works somehow ;)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2002
Alright, now I feel stupid

For whatever reason I downloaded the graphical client and it started working as soon as I ran it.

For right now I'll think of it as divine intervention, but I swear I had tried all the versions before and none of them worked. I guess you'll just have to trust me on that one.

Hmmm. I've been hanging at 7% progress for a few minutes now. It'll get to work if it knows what's good for it. But if it doesn't I'll surely come back in here and cry about it.

Regardless, I'm up and running for team macrumors (I Think). And it's about freakin time.

Thanks teabgs.



Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002

When you were trying to run the command line version, were you trying to run two copies at once? Did it complain about a bad core and try to download a new one, followed by a message about a bad work infinitum?

I found that when i started them both at the same time, configured them within minutes of each other, they conflicted for some reason. I found that staggering the two by 15 minutes and making sure that the machine i.d. was different for each did the trick.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2002


It moved! I saw it!

It went from 7 to 8 and it only took about 10 minutes!




macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2002
Just one


I was only running one and it never gave me any errors, it just sat there.

But the graphical one is working now and I'll take what I can get.



macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Re: Alright, now I feel stupid

Originally posted by mkubal
Hmmm. I've been hanging at 7% progress for a few minutes now. It'll get to work if it knows what's good for it. But if it doesn't I'll surely come back in here and cry about it.
The speed of completing your work unit depends on the protein you receive.

But all of them take a while, so ticks on the percent bar usually take a decent amount of time. Folding doesn't take advantage of multiple processors, so you'll probably see it switching from one processor to the next in CPU Monitor.

Be patient, and thanks for helping our team. We do appreciate it. :)


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Originally posted by pimentoLoaf
Interesting question, though: Which graphic image runs the fastest -- Alpha Trace, Wireframe, Ball & Stick, or Spacefilled?

Hmmm? Hmmm?


I always choose Ball&Stick, but if the app is hidden/minimized it's all the same. :)


macrumors 68030
Jan 18, 2002
behind you
Re: Alright, now I feel stupid

Originally posted by mkubal

Thanks teabgs.


hey no prob bro. glad I could help out. and glad you got it working.

we just need more and more computers....then we're all good....

if the rumors are true, we'll be getting all our G4's replaced come summer and FINALLY moving to OSX at work. I'm 99% sure my boss will let me run F@h on them, I know its a ways off but if so hopefully around may/June I can have about 30 dual 1.4 G4's (or whatever we get)...lets hope folding will start to take advantage of the mutliple CPU's....

I like wireframe the best of all the images but I never have the app show, it just takes up space.

....almost out of the 30's for me....Im at about 95% now of a 9 Pointer I believe....


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
some teams are out of our league.

our outlook (based on current standings and some future information) is #3 for mac teams.

we'll need some serious ouput to start making dents in other teams.


macrumors 68020
Nov 18, 2002
i just joined last night...i've had folding on for almost a day and its just about takes so long on my 700mhz ibook!! i heard someone say they're on a 9 pointer?...i'm new here...does that mean that each protein has a different number of points?? so you can complete 1 protein and get more than one point from it?? long will it take for me to show up on the macrumors team??


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2002
The points are awarded based on how long the protien takes to fold. I've had a 5-day protien before (worth 9 or more, I think) and some 3-4 protein days (where everything is around 1 point), all depends on what is going on. The stats page is updated daily and perhaps more often? (I can't remember)

Welcome to the team, btw.
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