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macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2008
I just read that oil companies make 5 cents a gallon of gas in profits. The US government takes about 70 cents a gallon (in California. Varies by location depending on local taxes). So two questions : between those two... Who is taking an excessive amount? And do you think 5 cents a gallon is excessive? Do you think that the percentage of profit is more or less than the majority of businesses? People that make such "excessive profit" claims have never even compared profit margins as compared to other industries.

So what you are saying, is that Exxon could give the oil away for free and still make bank? Or they could make a penny per gallon and still make billions?


macrumors 601
Mar 7, 2008
Atlanta, USA
Chinese (humans) are cheaper than robots — fact.

I agree with that partly:
  • For assembly, a human is the cheapest and most flexible/intelligent robot there is.
  • For calibration/test/setup, robotic stations are quicker and more consistent than humans.

Western industry discovered all this in the 80's when many "experimental" robotic production lines failed to deliver labor savings. It was an expensive experiment. That failure drove companies offshore as they continued to look for cost savings. Offshoring was "Plan B", in effect.

Probably not since if that is true then they wouldn't be repurposing these robots in the first place.

Nah, the Chinese are finding out the hard way what the west found out in the 80's.


macrumors 68040
May 29, 2003
Unfortunately you are woefully mis informed. China is already loosing jobs to lower cost countries.

Beyond that robots are used for a number of reasons including cost reductions. A robot can be exceedingly cheap especially if it is part of an automated assembly line.

I said this a while ago. Sadly, a life in China isn't the same the world over. A 16 year old girl is always going to do this job cheaper in China.

If I were Emperor of the USA, I would say that if a company sells 50% of their goods in the USA, at least 50% of the goods must be manufactured in the USA. If not, 75% tariff on 100% of goods sold in the USA. Take America back!!!!!!!

We don't need an Emperor, we already have a jackass trying to become one, what we need is to revive a willingness to actually manufacture in the USA. Far to many go off shore as it is the low resistance path to manufacturing.


macrumors 6502
Jul 25, 2010
The 1M+ Foxconn assembly army will be mostly gone in the future. Not only manufacturing jobs are not coming back to the U.S., they will be mostly gone even in China. So more people will get their paychecks from the governments.


macrumors 68040
May 29, 2003
Hard to believe robotics are cheaper than China's slave wages. Maybe the execs just now figured that out when they heard that China just bested the U.S. and is now the #1 economy on the planet.
What is hard to believe is that people still think Foxcon workers are getting slave wages. Repeating non sense like a scratched record doesn't make it true. People need to realize there are significant differences in the cost of living between China and the USA.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

As long as they keep their minions from jumping out windows...

More ignorance doesn't support your arguments. Show any sound statistics that indicate a suicide rate higher in Foxcons plants vs all of China.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2007
I said this a while ago. Sadly, a life in China isn't the same the world over. A 16 year old girl is always going to do this job cheaper in China.

If I were Emperor of the USA, I would say that if a company sells 50% of their goods in the USA, at least 50% of the goods must be manufactured in the USA. If not, 75% tariff on 100% of goods sold in the USA. Take America back!!!!!!!

The day USA has an emperor, you could not make such a _______ comment...

Filling the blanks.


macrumors 65816
Mar 31, 2012
STop getting your information from your FB friends! American jobs left because Americans got greedy, not companies. Ask your local teamster what their wage per hour is for driving that truck, or bolting on that door. It's more than the guys developing the robots (who are also Americans).... dude wake up.

When did it become greedy to want to earn an honest living wage?

I'm sure some pushed things too far yet not most.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2007
Unfortunately you are woefully mis informed. China is already loosing jobs to lower cost countries.

Beyond that robots are used for a number of reasons including cost reductions. A robot can be exceedingly cheap especially if it is part of an automated assembly line.

We don't need an Emperor, we already have a jackass trying to become one, what we need is to revive a willingness to actually manufacture in the USA. Far to many go off shore as it is the low resistance path to manufacturing.

Question, since you freely insult people, can people freely insult you back? Or an insult thrown at you would bruise your sensibilities?


macrumors 601
Mar 7, 2008
Atlanta, USA
...Far to many go off shore as it is the low resistance path to manufacturing.

No, they go offshore because their competitors have. CEOs have stated they'd prefer not to - but they have no choice because their cheaper competitors will kill them otherwise.

All it takes is one antisocial jerk of a CEO to make a s****y move that saves him money and all the others have no choice but to fall in line. They don't like it, but have no choice.

This is an area where government should be involved: Setting and enforcing acceptable ground rules to keep the game clean and working to the benefit of society as a whole.


macrumors 68020
May 23, 2011
I said this a while ago. Sadly, a life in China isn't the same the world over. A 16 year old girl is always going to do this job cheaper in China.

If I were Emperor of the USA, I would say that if a company sells 50% of their goods in the USA, at least 50% of the goods must be manufactured in the USA. If not, 75% tariff on 100% of goods sold in the USA. Take America back!!!!!!!

It's a global economy. Such idea would kill apple and give global competitors clear advantage over American companies in the us market


macrumors member
Jul 23, 2010
"Unfortunately, the bots are proving to have an accuracy to 0.05 mm, which is above the 0.02 mm tolerance required to assemble Apple's products."
Samsung is reported to be buying all the first generation robots !

You beat me to the punch! (although I do have a note 4)


macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2011
Missing the point

Its not about creating robots to manufacture iPhones, its about making the iPhone manufacturable by robots.

Apple needs to do this to eliminate the human rights issues that surround the manufacture of their devices. Having tens of thousands of humans toil for 12 hours or more a day under constant stress to have enough product ready for an arbitrary shipping date is an inhuman way to manufacture a product, period. Regardless of how Foxconn operates, Apple requires ridiculous manufacturing timelines and quantities of their products and turns a blind eye at how it gets accomplished.

Jony Ives needs to step up and take iPhone design to the next level by crafting it in a way that avoids requiring human touch. Components should be able to sandwich together without the need for connecting ribbon cables or wires for instance.

I think Jony can even make a thinner iPhone if it didn't require human manufacturing because at some point the parts will be too small for human fingers to assemble, so he should really be focusing on design to encourage automated production and future designs of the iPhone.

Also automated assembly could move production back to North America, or create a factory in every market region the iPhone or iPad is sold in. There is no reason for robots in China to make a product for a global market because I can't see it being significantly more costly to have a robot build the product in the same market its sold in. Also rather than Apple keep China flush with jobs why not bring some manufacturing back to America. Even an automated factory needs hundreds of people to keep the process running and coordinate stock, supplies and shipping, so bring those jobs back to countries that need it.


macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2008
It's a global economy. Such idea would kill apple and give global competitors clear advantage over American companies in the us market

Wouldn't kill them globally. They could still sell as much as they want outside of USA without any worries. Wouldn't kill them in USA either. They just wouldn't make as much profit here. They would still make plenty. And would apply to all companies selling here. Sell 50% of your goods here, make 50% here, or pay tariff. No company has an advantage. I'd even give tax breaks for > 50% made here. So if a company wants to be "loyal" and not greedy, they would make out just fine.


Nov 25, 2005
I said this a while ago. Sadly, a life in China isn't the same the world over. A 16 year old girl is always going to do this job cheaper in China.

If I were Emperor of the USA, I would say that if a company sells 50% of their goods in the USA, at least 50% of the goods must be manufactured in the USA. If not, 75% tariff on 100% of goods sold in the USA. Take America back!!!!!!!

In that case, good luck selling anything to Europe or anywhere else in the world.


macrumors 601
Mar 7, 2008
Atlanta, USA
Its not about creating robots to manufacture iPhones, its about making the iPhone manufacturable by robots.

Absolutely right, but western industry learned back in the 80's that if you do that, the assembly job becomes so simple that humans can do it even faster than robots!


macrumors 68020
Sep 16, 2006
Robots can work 24/7 with minimal downtime providing the same result consistently. Humans cannot function like this. You can typically fit more robots in a facility. Humans need more space.

It's not always about cost, but about volume production.

This. And robots have a high repeatability and a high reproductibility. Much higher than humans. So it's better for the Quality Control of your inventory.


Nov 12, 2014
Here's a crazy idea: every human to lose their job to an automated Bot should be indemnified for life by the company.


macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2011
No, they go offshore because their competitors have. CEOs have stated they'd prefer not to - but they have no choice because their cheaper competitors will kill them otherwise.

OMG do you realize that Apple has never competed on price, ever? Apple sets the price that all other competitors adjust their products to match. You think we have $1000 cellphones because the technology is expensive to produce and design and Apple is trying to compete with a $1200 competitor's cellphones Apple has 3 - 5x and beyond margins on their retail price vs their component costs, and their resulting profit margin is high simply because their products are made in China.

I agree for stuff sold in Walmart or Target the the CEO of some household goods company has to move manufacturing to China to keep costs down to compete with a competitor that is trying to sell the same products for $0.03 cheaper. When profit margins are low then small changes in production costs can represent a huge competitive advantage or increase in profit.

However when it comes to Apple they set a price that is completely independent of what their competitors prices are set at, and largely Apple has dictated what the average cost of a phone, tablet, laptop or set-top media box costs because their competitors don't mind charging $950 for their flagship phone if Apple is going to charge $1000 for their flagship phone. Apple has turned the CEO of every competitor into greedy ********s because Apple has NEVER focused on value competitive pricing.

Apple can afford to bring manufacturing back to America they just have to suck up some of their obscene profit margin to do so. Tim Cook doesn't want to bring manufacturing back to America because it would cut into the billions in profits Apple makes every year.


macrumors 68000
Aug 1, 2000
Its not about creating robots to manufacture iPhones, its about making the iPhone manufacturable by robots.

Apple needs to do this to eliminate the human rights issues that surround the manufacture of their devices. Having tens of thousands of humans toil for 12 hours or more a day under constant stress to have enough product ready for an arbitrary shipping date is an inhuman way to manufacture a product, period. Regardless of how Foxconn operates, Apple requires ridiculous manufacturing timelines and quantities of their products and turns a blind eye at how it gets accomplished.

Jony Ives needs to step up and take iPhone design to the next level by crafting it in a way that avoids requiring human touch. Components should be able to sandwich together without the need for connecting ribbon cables or wires for instance.

I think Jony can even make a thinner iPhone if it didn't require human manufacturing because at some point the parts will be too small for human fingers to assemble, so he should really be focusing on design to encourage automated production and future designs of the iPhone.

Also automated assembly could move production back to North America, or create a factory in every market region the iPhone or iPad is sold in. There is no reason for robots in China to make a product for a global market because I can't see it being significantly more costly to have a robot build the product in the same market its sold in. Also rather than Apple keep China flush with jobs why not bring some manufacturing back to America. Even an automated factory needs hundreds of people to keep the process running and coordinate stock, supplies and shipping, so bring those jobs back to countries that need it.

Apple doesn't have china manufacturing to avoid labor costs alone. they do it to avoid taxes too.

31 Flavas

macrumors 6502a
Jun 4, 2011

Robots pissed off at making iPhones for little to no time off to play video games. Protest by ****ing up so humans get the job.
What I want to see is some exclaim how mean and terrible and aweful Apple is because of all the jobs these robots will eliminate -- while at the same time criticizing Apple for making people work these positions that the robots are replacing.


Apple doesn't have china manufacturing to avoid labor costs alone. they do it to avoid taxes too.
They also do it because no american company has the expertise to do such high volume precise manufacturing. Which you want to guess who is responsible for?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 16, 2014
STop getting your information from your FB friends! American jobs left because Americans got greedy, not companies. Ask your local teamster what their wage per hour is for driving that truck, or bolting on that door. It's more than the guys developing the robots (who are also Americans).... dude wake up.

American workers didn't get greedy, that's Fox News nonsense. It's just that the prevailing wages in China are SO low, that it makes more sense to manufacture there. American workers just plain could not afford to work for $1/hr or whatever it is they pay the Foxconn workers. We do live in a world economy now, much more so than even 50 years ago, and we'll have to cope with that. Eventually there will have to be a world government and world laws as well, but that's a whole other discussion.
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