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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Hi everybody,

I have the attached wallpaper in 1440 x 864 resolution. As I really love it, I just wanna ask if anybody mabye has an even higher resolution version of it. I searched the whole net but even didn't find the original again as I don't have the name ... I know the chances are small and the resolution is okay, but if somebody really has an "upgrade", just let me know. Thanks!


  • Wallpaper.jpg
    188.3 KB · Views: 181


macrumors member
Feb 28, 2009
1900px × 1140px ... is the best I could find


  • c8c7646a.jpg
    300.3 KB · Views: 261


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
1900px × 1140px ... is the best I could find

Wow, THANKS - you're my hero!!!! Really didn't expected that somebody could help me out, so thanks a million!! (I have the 24" ACD, so 1900 x 1140 is perfect ...)

EDIT: Strange, my original is almost 1 MB big and your higher resolution image only 304 KB. Now that I've tested both, I don't really see a difference in "sharpness", only that my version is a little bit darker. Thanks nevertheless!!

This is super neat, except the apple looks... weird :/

It looked so pretty!! :(

See the apple as "cut" out from the wallpaper, "deeper" in the image, I think that's the look it intends ... (although mabye you already realized that and still find the apple looking weird or mabye I just understood you wrong and you just "pity" cutting out such a nice wallpaper.)
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