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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 12, 2006
Under the sun
I'd like to buy a new digital camera. Mine is just a very simple consumer camera that I outgrew long ago. I believe it's called a kodak c300. It's 3.2 mp. I'd like a camera that has a lot more options and is more geared towards someone who wants to learn more about the technical aspects of photography. I'm not in a spot to buy it now, but that's why I'm asking for suggestions now- so I have plenty of time to research it before I make the plunge. I'd like this to be a camera I can use for 3 or 4 years. But I'm not a complete beginner either to photography- I know how to use SLR cameras, though those are obviously more expensive than I'd pay for an advanced novice/intermediate user. My camera also doesn't have audio capabilities- I think most come with this now, but I'd like to be able to tape video w/ audio- I don't care how poor it is really in that area. Any more information you might need? Sorry for the long and rambling post

EDIT: I will spend up to $550


Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
I have very little experience with different cameras, but I've had a Canon S2 IS for a year, and can recommend it. It has both pre-programed scenes for when you just want to take snapshots, as well as creative programs where you have a lot of options and control. The screen can be moved around to different angles, a feature that's proved useful many times.

It also takes video, with very good sound and resolution. When I was buying it, the salesman kept talking about the video capabilites, and I kept saying I didn't care, that I already have a video camera, but that function really is nice now and then, when you just want a short clip.

I paid 500 USD last summer, and since then, a new model - S3 IS - has come out.


macrumors regular
Apr 14, 2006
I have had the Canon S2 IS for about a year and have loved it so far. I was in the same boat as you, looking to get into it but not ready for go full scale DSLR, which I'm about to look into now. I would look at the S3 IS, as mentioned above. I'm sure it's just like the S2. You will be happy...

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Based on the DPR review, and some in store tests, IMO the S2IS and S3IS are the best "crossover" cameras out there for those that want some video capability, and a great P&S.


macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
I second the recommendation for Nikon D50. One with a kit lens is right around your budget. That is, if it's not too big.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Yeah, there are plenty of dSLRs for around that $550 price range nowadays. The E300 is an older model Olympus (recently replaced with the E330), but I'm sure it's still good. Olympus and Pentax do offer a lot for the price. Nikon's D50 is also good.

But if you're serious about a point and shoot, the S3 IS is probably perfect (I've only used the S2 IS), although Olympus and Panasonic (FZ series) do offer great point and shoots as well in the $500 range.
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