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macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2011
While I am all for higher resolution, I'd actually be more interested in seeing the next generation iPad's display get an an in-cell touchscreen. This technology could reduce the weight of the device and increase touch sensitivity.


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3)

Slightly thicker - bigger battery, better speakers, room for retina backlights?

Rumours are that the display has been problematic and yields low.

Retina is possible. Better camera.

Will it all come in one iPad? Unlikely.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2007
secret mountain retreat
sure - interest in screen quality is understandable... but let's remember this is largely a media consumption device,

and a good part of good media is audio.

apple stinks at audio.

Actually I think Apple totally understands audio. Apart from some of the excellent speaker docking stations that you can buy now, AirPlay makes it possible to play your sounds over your stereo, and as long as you have a decent set-up then you should have hours of fun. Might not satisfy the most anal of audiophiles, but then I have always preferred sheer ear-bleed volume over perfect reproduction.

As for saying the iPad is a media consumption device. Is this 2010 again?

You seem to be unaware of the thousands (millions?) of musicians, djays, and producers that use the iPad as one of their primary music playing/making instruments.

With the arrival of some of the apps lately like Korg IMS and the Sunrizer, as well as midi sequencers, and mini-studios the iPad has become an instrument just as much as the guitar is.

If you were really into audio you'd probably know all that though.


macrumors 6502
Feb 26, 2006
Interesting how for all the Samsung hate in every other thread that bears their name, not one mention?

A silent acceptance that Apple products wouldn't exist without them perhaps?


macrumors 65816
Dec 26, 2009
Deep Space
I hope for a retina display.

And getting more storage even on the "low-end" model. The difference in price between low and higher storage iPads is pathetic in regard to what this storage actually costs.


macrumors member
Nov 11, 2011
they seemingly only have to throw a few more nickles (almost literally) at the speakers in order to improve quality ten fold. And if they located speakers where it made sense - front of device - quality would ramp up to 100 fold improvement.

please do apple.:rolleyes:
although less sexy, there's more to a device that the screen.

thumb up this post to let apple know this is important to you.

Speakers in front ?? As in visible to the naked eye.. Oh for heaven's sake. Thats way too obvious for Apple. Thats way too practical. Thats way too "what their users expect". No way in hell thats going to happen. If they did that they would be booted out of the "our-stuff-looks-great-but-is-totally-overpriced-and-impractical" club.


I heard Apple will likely swap out the Retina display for the much better EyeBall display.

Probability > 70%.
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