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Original poster
Feb 17, 2012
I was wondering what kind of rumors are floating regarding the iPad Air-3 will it have the 3D Touch or not ? And when will it be released I read a March-2016 likely announcement. But most important is will it have the 3D Touch feature or not ? Any info that any of you guys can add to this ?


macrumors 68020
Aug 6, 2008
San Antonio, TX
If you ever want to know what the latest rumors are on an Apple product, I suggest starting here. No one here will ever really know more than what's being reported by the blogosphere.

As for 3D Touch, indications are that it will not incorporate that feature as scaling it to the iPad's larger screen has proven problematic.

EDIT: When you click that second link, don't dismiss it because it's the iPad Air 2 rumor page. Scroll down a little and read the "What's Next?" section for the latest on the iPA3.


Original poster
Feb 17, 2012
Makes sense if the 3D Touch feature does not appear on the iPad Air-3 Apple did not include it in the iPad Pro aswell !!
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