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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 16, 2006
So I moved into my dorm today to only find that my roommate is a complete slob. We went over the ground rules and what not and everything seems to be in order. Just one thing. The guy smells......bad. It's an indescribable mix of BO and urine. He has an air freshener but that only seems to be exacerbating the situation.

Can anyone give me a recommendation on what I should buy to neutralize or cover this smell? Thanks guys :(


macrumors 68000
Jul 20, 2006
Is he from the UK? j/k

Does he smell like this after taking a shower? Maybe it's a health problem, otherwise, I would ask him to launder his clothes at least once a week, and use a good strong bleach. (and ask him to wear deodorant)

Sanitize the dorm with bleach or antibacterial cleaners to get rid of any lingering smells. And check his mattress. It might be soaked in urine.

That's gross....


Macoltrane said:
Can anyone give me a recommendation on what I should buy to neutralize or cover this smell?

A flame thrower? ;)

Does he know he smells, hence the air freshener?


macrumors 65816
Dec 1, 2005
How bout this.....:D :D


Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
Don't worry, it is probably the heavy use of drugs and alcohol making him smell bad. :p

Or he is spending way too much time at his meth lab.


macrumors G4
Aug 24, 2003
make him eat better, people who eat badly smell badly.

i'm a way way picky person for accomondation, i'm set to move in on the 23rd to my own room with un suite shower/toilet/basin self catered next to a nice view of a loch, I could never share a room with someone i'm not in a relationship with, it just would not work.

that too igary, that too.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 16, 2006
The thing is I don't know what's causing the smell. I just moved in an hour ago and it's hard to pinpoint what exactly is causing it. In fact, I think it's probably the way he smells.

What I'm looking for here is something I can buy to try and mask the smell. It's so strong.

EDIT- I've already asked for a different room but the dorms are already filled and they made it clear that I won't be getting another one any time soon. Please guys, I know this is may be funny to you but please give me some serious suggestions apart from telling him he smells of ass.


macrumors 68020
Jun 13, 2005
No doubt he smells some if you notice it this much.

But might your reaction be exacerbated by the very difficult situation of being in an all new place with all new people? How much does he smell and how much is everything weird? Especially if you've only been there for one hour?

If the smell is truly unbearable after a week you might want to talk to your RA about it. S/he should be able to tell you whether this is a situation you can work to get under control for everyone's good.


macrumors G4
Aug 24, 2003
No idea, but it's a general fact. Ironically I'm currently on a medication derived from urine, and even I don't smell like piss.....


macrumors 604
Sep 11, 2004
Canberra, Australia
I couldn't think of anything worse!

And it's quite a difficult issue to address, seeing as you've know the guy for all of an hour.

"Hi, I'm your roommate, you smell."

Is there anyone like a dorm coordinator you can speak to about it?


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2005
Macoltrane said:
So I moved into my dorm today to only find that my roommate is a complete slob. We went over the ground rules and what not and everything seems to be in order. Just one thing. The guy smells......bad. It's an indescribable mix of BO and urine. He has an air freshener but that only seems to be exacerbating the situation.

Can anyone give me a recommendation on what I should buy to neutralize or cover this smell? Thanks guys :(

well, I think you'd prolly be better off just coming right to the point and saying "dude, you reek. How 'bout taking a shower." I've had a roommate like this, and believe me when I tell you, you'll get tired of putting up with it sooner than you think.

though it could be the kid has a kidney condition and doesn't know it...


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 16, 2006
thedude110 said:
No doubt he smells some if you notice it this much.

But might your reaction be exacerbated by the very difficult situation of being in an all new place with all new people? How much does he smell and how much is everything weird? Especially if you've only been there for one hour?

If the smell is truly unbearable after a week you might want to talk to your RA about it. S/he should be able to tell you whether this is a situation you can work to get under control for everyone's good.

I am absolutely 100% sure that it's this guy. This isn't the first time I've had to live with a stranger. When you go outside the corridor there isn't any smelll. Once you open the door to my room it's like you slam into this wall of stank.

I've basically spoken to anyone in charge of the dorm situation here and it doesn't seem like I can get a change. I just need to know what I can do to get rid of this smell.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 5, 2006
You can get room de-odourisers, which do not scent the room but remove bad smells. Maybe try a few of those around?

Maybe discuss your issue with the guy himself - especially since it does not look like you will be able to move rooms any time soon. See how he can help the situation.

Sadly, some people just smell.


macrumors newbie
Aug 29, 2006
Umm well i kinda know how you feeel except sadly im the dorm on both things i used to urinate the bed for a medical problem and i occasionly still do some times and i take a shower in morning but then i sweat and i smell lik eB.O. and that sucks then that + urine = BLAH even for me i cant stand it but its hard i wish i could get help wat to do i use axe spray deoderant but i sweat so so so much i mean its crazy


macrumors G4
Aug 24, 2003
Wait till it decomposes into amonia, then release some chlorine gas and if you seal the room up the halogen will react explosively burning out all the nasty urine smell.

if you do this, your silly


macrumors 68040
Nov 5, 2002
Is this your first day, I mean maybe he's sweaty from moving in and once he takes a shower It'll get a little bit better?

You could axe bomb your own room .... or ask him to wear a car air freshener around his neck

now's the time to go make some new friends in your dorm so you have a sanctuary.

Also I had a similar problem when I found some rotting garbage below the trash bag in my roommates can and it made my room smell like a dump.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
pianoman said:
febreze works wonders.

But it doesnt stop you pissing yourself :eek:

Seriously if you have these conditions you should really not share a room, inflicting your medical condition on others is simply unfair on the other party.

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
Kwyjibo said:
You could axe bomb your own room .... or ask him to wear a car air freshener around his neck
A string of garlic, along with forcing it down his mouth will probably alter his pong.

However, air freshener around his neck would probably smell like pine scented locker room urinal.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 16, 2006
I don't think this guy has any medical conditions or not that I know of. I'd like something that neutralizes the smell rather than masking it with something else like Febreeze. I've already opened up the windows and the AC is on full blast. I've spoken to him about it and it seems like it's something out of his reach. God this is killing me.
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