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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 20, 2004
Liverpool - UK
Hey guys, Im probably missing something very obvious here, but I wanht to set the defaultvolume for all tracks at 100%, but I cant seem to find an option. Any ideas?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2003
i don't think they have an option to do that. The point of the track specific volume is to equalize tracks that originally had different volumes, which gets annoying when you work in a store and the cd playing gets louder all of a sudden to the point that you can't hear the customers.
I don't think it was intended to simply increase the max volume of your computer.
I don't like the volume control on my CRT iMac. For one thing, the max sometimes ain't all that loud, and most annoyingly, the difference between mute and the lowest volume is huge. Its either pretty loud or silent, nothing in between, unless i use application-specific volume controls.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2002
Austin, TX
Open "Script Editor" in Applications -> AppleScript folders.

Copy/paste this in and click on "Run"

tell application "iTunes"
	repeat with the_item from 1 to (count of track of playlist "Library")
		copy 100.0 to volume adjustment of track the_item of playlist "Library"
	end repeat
end tell

If you want to set a specific playlist (faster) then change "Library" to the name of the playlist in quotes.


Administrator emeritus
Feb 5, 2004
New Zealand
A simpler way is to just select all the tracks, get info (command-I), and change the volume adjustment. Click OK and it will change it for all selected tracks.
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