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macrumors 601
Jul 1, 2004
Oooh. I just thought of another one. You could call for an exterminator. :) I hope for your sake you have Apple Care. :p


macrumors Core
Jul 17, 2005
5045 feet above sea level
Can I say that honestly - i'd be FREAKING OUT, the darn thing would either be on its way to Apple to get rid of them, or i'd be at the Genius Bar for them to do it.

I DON'T DO BUGS (and yes, i know i live in FL king big bug state - they stay outside where they belong :p)


haha jw how would that be apple's fault that bugs are in the computer? sure would be annoying but if I was apple, id be like well that sucks and leave it at that

buuuut go with the movie idea and roast it!


macrumors regular
Apr 12, 2007
I have a friend with a windows laptop and sometimes when he brings it to the school library, some small roaches crawl out of it and our female friends run around yelling like some headless chickens!:D

He has Some roach problems at his apartment!


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 30, 2004
Sorry I wasn't able to join in the conversation. Had to go out then even I have to sleep sometime! Thanks for all the replies. Glad you caught the tongue-in-cheek mood of the thread! :)

I'm not really going to put it in the freezer, that was in response to the suggestion about dunking it in water to drown the bug...s!

I had a tiny crawling thing once in my screen. It died in the left part of the frame out of sight. Those red spider things...are you talking about those really really small ones like a little bit bigger than a period?

Yes, they're the ones. It's not riddled with them but one pops out from time to time. It was the thrip that amazed me though. You know the thick strip of metal that wraps around the hinge and connects to the lid - it's a really tight fit except in one place where the gap's so small you couldn't even poke a hair through, and this thrip just walked out and then went back in again before I could catch it.

Mmm, good suggestion about rendering the videos. I've got to put together an AV presentation. It'll encourage me to get on with it!

Now, about that stupid CAT HAIR that's just behind my screen on the left (but not quite as left as it was :( ). And no, I'm not going to take it apart!


macrumors 6502
Jun 23, 2005
I left my macbook on the kitchen counter at the beach ,came back 2 hours later and it was satured with baby ants.

I just shook them out and killed them one by one as they came out.

the heat will drive them out eventually.

those tiny redbugs or spiders as you call them are harmless. have no clue how they got into your laptop

no worries......


macrumors regular
Apr 3, 2007
Tulsa, Oklahoma
HEY!! I had a bug inside my Apple Cinema Display.

It crawled half way through my screen and I pressed on the screen. BAD MOVE on my part as it squished the bug and now it looks like a big clutch of dead pixels on my screen. Completley ruining the display, and apple wont repair it ? :(


I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh, but rofl! That's hysterically funny.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 30, 2006
I would freezer it. But not for too long. You dont want any concendensation building up behind the screen or anything crazy like that

if you put it in the freezer in a hermetic box, and then take it out and leave it til its back to room temparature before opening the box, you'll have no condensation :D


macrumors 65816
May 16, 2007
Back from the dead...

I remember reading this way back when it was started, and I've killed two little spiders today that were crawling across the keyboard area. I am wondering if I have a slight infestation going on. Guess it's time to fire up FCP and see if I can chase any remain "bugs" out.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2006
Chesapeake, VA
Back from the dead...

I remember reading this way back when it was started, and I've killed two little spiders today that were crawling across the keyboard area. I am wondering if I have a slight infestation going on. Guess it's time to fire up FCP and see if I can chase any remain "bugs" out.
just keep a can of compressed air handy, and when they make their presence known, give 'em a blast of cold air to send them into an oblivion. :D

this thread makes for a good laugh


macrumors regular
Jul 7, 2007
I was sitting outside in the dark... and a spider walked across my screen! I dont like spiders so i smashed him, but not too hard because it was on the screen, then he fell off, and I couldnt see to find out if he was dead or running away. I know they will scurry into hiding when in danger, so I got all concerned that he was going into my MBP or worse, into my pants leg.

It's very unnerving never to find the body.

Royale w/cheese

macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2007
I cannot believe in all my years, I have never had this problem, not that I live in infested conditions, but never experienced this. I do have to say I am thankful for that. I think if a bug creeped out of my macbook, I would start shivering, not from fear, but from anger.


macrumors member
Jun 4, 2007
I've had my macbook for nearly a year.

Last month I opened the battery casing for the first time to reseat the sucker.. and when I lifted out the battery.. there was a flattened maggot looking thing. Was kinda crispy when I peeled it off. :eek::confused:


macrumors 6502
Jun 20, 2006
I wonder if you people hide donuts from your wife inside your Mac. Otherwise, I am perplexed by the though how you manage to allow critters to enter your Mac's. I don't even allow my little sister to touch it! :p


macrumors regular
Feb 28, 2007
Kent, England
its his home...leave it

Hahahaha! Best response ever! Like it has a right to set up camp in your Macbook and start a new life there, like the very first settlers of the new world or something!

I really don't know what to do about this! I once put my mac on the grass outside and then got worried about ants and swiftly placed my case underneath it!

Those little red spidery things are really fun to squish though! Reeeeeaaaaally satisfying!

Good luck with the angry little red critter!

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