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macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 4, 2005
.. London ..

I'm looking for a Bluetooth mini keyboard.

Googling is completely fruitless. Apparently nobody makes Bluetooth mini-keyboards.

Can anyone help me out with any info about where to buy one?

I move round my PowerBook 2 or 3 times a day in my house - bed, sofa, desk, kitchen table, desk again.

I tend to do my main work on the desk tho, and hunching over the PB keyboard is back for my back, so I'm looking for an extension keyboard.

I don't want to be plugging and unplugging it 5 times a day, so I want a Bluetooth keyboard.

I brought the Apple BT keyboard, and while I loved the freedom that the BT gave me (my back did too!) it is far too big for my desk - I value smallness - and I didnt like the design or the key action either.

I currently have the Zippy USB all-aluminium mini-keyboard - £35 from Maplins on 2 week trial.

The size is right and it sort of matches my Powerbook (the aluminium is not too bad, a bit more shiny than my PB) - but there's still that damn USB to plug and unplug.

I'm still looking for a Bluetooth mini keyboard. Such a thing must exist, they're so perfect for mobile laptops. Apple, make one!

Any help appreciated thanks.

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