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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 9, 2010
I would like to setup mobile audio podcasting for a live setting for up to 4 people - using a late model macbook...

I imagine that I could use garage band with separate tracks for better post editing

I'll guess I need some kind of usb audio interface that can manage either :

1 - lapel type mikes
2 - computer headsets w mikes ala SKYPE - Plantronics etc.
3 - high quality audio mikes

For now I'd prefer either lapel or computer headsets. (I know that cheap stuff doesn't sound as good - so I'll judge based on cost needs)

Q : What audio interface should I use? Is there one that can take 4 lapel format mikes? Is there 1 that can take 4 - 1.8" computer headsets w mikes?

Thanks in advance for your help.


macrumors member
Dec 20, 2006

I was wondering if you could pass some info along if you have any success in finding some. I want to get a show rolling, mainly 2 ppl and skype, have some noise canceling USB mics on stands (would prefer headset or something other) and software with sound board built in. Any ideas?

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