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macrumors 603
Jul 5, 2004
powermac666 said:
Tons of these flash players have sold because people like the idea of a small, inexpensive portable music player. The reason they don't get used is because they are pieces of crap, and that is where Apple steps in. Apple doesn't invent so much as it innovates and improves upon what is out there already. The original iPod improved upon the HD-based player, and Apple can and should do the same thing with the lower end, IMHO.

Indeed, the capacity is not the only thing going for a portable music player. Do those flash players have an iPod interface? Do they integrate with iTunes? And lastly (but not that important when compared to the other two factors) do they play ITMS-purchased music?

Give me the choice between a "60GB Dell jukebox" (whatever the real name is) and a 20GB iPod (any generation), and I'll take the iPod any day (because of the interface and iTunes integration).

iPod Flash mini, 1GB, 149$US, December 6th (are we taking bets on the capacity/price/release date?) :D

Why 1GB?
1. Steve Jobs never ridiculed 1GB Flash players (he said 512MB, if I recall).
2. It makes for "250 songs in your pocket", which is a nice number.
3. The cost difference between 512MB and 1GB is very small.

Why 149$US?
1. The iPod mini 4GB costs 249$. "There's no way a Flash iPod would only cost 50$ less than the iPod mini" (insert reference between iPod and iPod mini here). If it's 199$, it'll be 2GB (The cost difference between 1GB and 2GB is not that big).
2. It makes the iPod Flash mini a step-up choice for those looking for a 99$ Flash player.
3. It quickly grows the userbase of people using AAC/iTMS.

Why December 6th?
1. It's a tuesday.
2. It's just in time for the last-minute buyers.
3. No release is planned for december (except maybe a new eMac?)

And please people, stop saying Apple can't sell a 1GB Flash iPod mini for 149$ if the other companies sell their 512MB ones for 199$! We proved again and again that flash is NOT that expensive, and it does NOT make up most of the cost of the units (unless the rest of the part really are dirt-cheap, sub-50$ total).

So I'll say it again:
- iPod Flash mini, 1GB, 149$US, December 6th.


macrumors 603
Oct 8, 2003
Canberra OZ
Yvan256 said:
iPod Flash mini, 1GB, 149$US, December 6th (are we taking bets on the capacity/price/release date?) :D

So I'll say it again:
- iPod Flash mini, 1GB, 149$US, December 6th.

I think that too late...if its going to happen then anytime now is best, not a few weeks before Christmas.


Moderator emeritus
Sep 2, 2004
The Centennial State
Yvan256 said:
And please people, stop saying Apple can't sell a 1GB Flash iPod mini for 149$ if the other companies sell their 512MB ones for 199$!

Maybe they CAN, but WOULD they? If other 512MB players are selling for $199 (and the iPod brand is still the one consumers "desire"), what would possess Apple to sell an iPod with more capacity at a cheaper price than the competition? That is not something Apple is known for.


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2004
Mac since 7.5
dejo said:
Maybe they CAN, but WOULD they? If other 512MB players are selling for $199 (and the iPod brand is still the one consumers "desire"), what would possess Apple to sell an iPod with more capacity at a cheaper price than the competition? That is not something Apple is known for.

True, Apple always charges a premium for their brand, and it's one I gladly pay.
Best Buy is advertising a 512MB mp3 player for $99 in next week's circular, along with a 1GB mp3 w/FM tuner for $179. Apple can play in this park if they want to, with a 1GB iPod micro (or whatever) at $179-199. I think they ought to do it, and it ought to be announced no later than the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, to get it out there before Black Friday and beat the competition on the single biggest shopping day of the year.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2004
CompactFlash would be awesome

I'll just throw in my agreement that a REMOVABLE flash card format, coming with maybe 512MB or 1GB card standard, for $149 would be awesome. That way a user could increase the capacity if they wish (2GB, 4GB, heck I've even seen 12GB CompactFlash cards on the market -- expensive, but they do exist). I'd be much more likely to buy a (Compact)Flash based iPod at under $200. I worry too much about damage to the hard drive in an iPod or iPod Mini -- Flash based would eliminate those concerns. Expandability is always a good selling point, too.


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2004
Mac since 7.5
freiheit said:
I'll just throw in my agreement that a REMOVABLE flash card format, coming with maybe 512MB or 1GB card standard, for $149 would be awesome. That way a user could increase the capacity if they wish (2GB, 4GB, heck I've even seen 12GB CompactFlash cards on the market -- expensive, but they do exist). I'd be much more likely to buy a (Compact)Flash based iPod at under $200. I worry too much about damage to the hard drive in an iPod or iPod Mini -- Flash based would eliminate those concerns. Expandability is always a good selling point, too.

I think the only way Apple delivers a flash iPod is if it does NOT have a card slot. Apple would be better served if they put out something in this market to get people hooked on iPod, then have them move up to a mini or regular iPod if they want/need more storage down the road. A player that had an upgradeable card slot would undercut the rest of the iPod line-up, and Apple will not do that.


macrumors newbie
Oct 31, 2004
powermac666 said:
A player that had an upgradeable card slot would undercut the rest of the iPod line-up, and Apple will not do that.

I think not. The two styles of MP3 players are not directly competitive. Flash and HD each have virtues and flaws that will find different users, some may even have one of each. In fact give the public a taste of Appl's better UI and they will want more.

A cheaper flash drive with an iPod interface would be one killer product!

I want one NOW !!!


macrumors 603
Oct 8, 2003
Canberra OZ
powermac666 said:

Thanks. Yeah, Flash memory is steadily getting cheaper AND bigger. Just today new Flash type 1 and type 2 memory limits were annouced...16GB for Type 2 now! Its going to happen. I suggest that the Mini might be phased out or updated with flash not expensive microdrives...
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