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macrumors newbie
Jul 1, 2002

The TiBook battery does not last for 6 hours, no way. If you want speed go for the 800 Ti, that's a nice performing machine, the 667 too. What else do we need. I don't care about mhz, it's the mac that makes me smile.


macrumors 68020
PowerMacs and PowerBooks are not x-mas presents

Apple does not have to release a new PowerBook before x-mas. Not many people are in the financial position to buy a $3000+ laptop for a x-mas present. Most people are buying these machines for work, not play. They are tools, not toys. CEO's, Rich Businessmen, and of coarse the creative peoples but these to use at their job and make a living.

The iBook is a christmas present, so i could see that being updated, but there is no reason for Apple to update a computer which is not sold in the Holiday rush.


macrumors 68020
Re: Battery

Originally posted by heinzruediger
If you want speed go for the 800 Ti, that's a nice performing machine, the 667 too. What else do we need. I don't care about mhz, it's the mac that makes me smile.

I have a Rev B. 667, with absolutely every upgrade physically internally possible. Maybe i am just crazy, but it is not that fast. Sure, it beats my sister's 500mhz iBook, but when i run InDesign (IH8Quark too), Photoshop, Illustrator... it is not that fast at all. You would think with 1GB of ram and the fastest laptop hard drive it would be, but no, it is not. I already want an upgrade, but i will wait for the G5, bluetooth, FW2, USB2, 128MB+ VRAM...:rolleyes:


macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
I think that at Paris apple will release the new powermac server, and some iApp updates. Maybe even announce the 1st Jaguar update (to be d/l ed off software update) , but it seems kind of soon. I dont think laptops will be updated but I could be wrong.


macrumors newbie
Jul 12, 2001

to bring up the superdrive in a ti book. i don't believe for a second that we won't see a super-ti.
the drives are out there and clearly relatively cheap (they're shipping in the emac now).
seems like the only problem is the same one we had with the combo-drive.
the friggin' slot load.
i say...ditch the slot load.
i'd rather have the drive.
slot loads have oh&ah factor, but thats it.
they're not worth the wait.


macrumors 68000
May 6, 2002
Brooklyn, NYC
my feelings are that (IF Apple stick with Motorola) that the iBook would best stay at a G3. don't forget, the G3 is capable of fairly high clock speeds and looks like it has room to grow. it is the ideal chip for such a portable and road-worthy machine and it runs very cool. what makes the PowerBook a
"pro" machine is the G4. in Apple's plan, the iBook is not meant to run things like Final Cut Pro. it's meant for consumer needs, which a high speed G3 could handle quite well. if you want to run Final Cut and DVSPro you should be using a PowerBook, or a PowerMac. if you want to use iMovie and iDVD, you should have an iBook or iMac. i'm not trying to sound like a snob. this is just the way their products are intended to be used.


macrumors regular
Jul 24, 2002
Re: superdrive-ti

Originally posted by videoartguy
to bring up the superdrive in a ti book. i don't believe for a second that we won't see a super-ti.
the drives are out there and clearly relatively cheap (they're shipping in the emac now).
seems like the only problem is the same one we had with the combo-drive.
the friggin' slot load.
i say...ditch the slot load.
i'd rather have the drive.
slot loads have oh&ah factor, but thats it.
they're not worth the wait.

Superdrive in the Ti is just not possible. Physically. The diode for writing DVD-R is too large to fit in the form factor (vertical), can't do it. The laser diode for DVD-R is magnitudes larger than the same diode for CD-R/RW. Pioneer is only now at the point where they can fit the thing a slim laptop form factor (think iBook). And we know Apple is definetly not going to put a Superdrive in the iBook before the Ti has the same capability. Expect superdrive when they redesign the Powerbook, not before then.

Not to mention, I can't believe anyone really needs to be able to write DVDs while on the go. Anywhere that has AC you can just plug-in an external burner.


macrumors member
Jul 13, 2002
Originally posted by hippy
I thought it was only the new powerMacs shipping with 10.2 at the moment.

just rang my nearest reseller who said ibooks won't come with 10.2 until the next revision -- but when... WHEN???

nervouk's fingernails are gnawed down to the first knuckle with anticipation but the fear is it will be another 3 months at least.

must.... buy... new mac.... soon.... urngrgh

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
Originally posted by nervouk

just rang my nearest reseller who said ibooks won't come with 10.2 until the next revision -- but when... WHEN???

nervouk's fingernails are gnawed down to the first knuckle with anticipation but the fear is it will be another 3 months at least.

must.... buy... new mac.... soon.... urngrgh

That's really funny. 10.2 has already shipped with some iBooks, and even some Tibooks. I've personally have had a friend buy an iBook with 10.2, so I have no idea what your reseller is talking about. Having 10.2 included does not require a just needs a Cd!;)

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
Originally posted by xelterran
is there a possability there will be dual processors in the powerbooks?

Did someone :mad: just :mad: mention :mad: dual :mad: processors *gasp*? lol...i'm not that mad, just a tad annoyed. I only see a possiblity for processors if, and I mean if the processors become efficient and low heat enough so that the computer won't burn through your clothes. Just look at the heat sinks they have in the powermacs...imagine getting rid of the heat sink...imagine the heat...

But is there a possiblity? Yes...there's also a possibility I'll become filthy rich and take over the world...*evil laugh*...:D

That said, knowing apple they might find a way in a few years to do so (when they have quad processors or maybe even octoprocessors)...but it definately won't be in the same form factor. That'll be certain.

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
Re: superdrive-ti

Originally posted by videoartguy
to bring up the superdrive in a ti book. i don't believe for a second that we won't see a super-ti.
the drives are out there and clearly relatively cheap (they're shipping in the emac now).
seems like the only problem is the same one we had with the combo-drive.
the friggin' slot load.
i say...ditch the slot load.
i'd rather have the drive.
slot loads have oh&ah factor, but thats it.
they're not worth the wait.

Wow...this is your first post in quite some time.:)

Yes the drives are cheap...just go and buy an external if you really need the superdrive. One, you'll drain the batteries worse than watching a DVD, hence the need for an ac outlet. Two, it'll take forever to burn that DVD. Three, apple need to keep this form factor...even though its getting old, I can't see them going back to a Pismo-type notebook line unless they create a new one to keep ya'll happy. (You know, it'll have dual-processors, superdrive, massive battery, be over 2" thick and over 10 pounds:eek:)

Ahh...that said, i still see superdrives in keltorsori said, it'll come at the cost of the form factor...i'll be disappointed. I still don't see why you have to burn DVDs on the go w/o need for an ac lugging one more periferial and two more cords that bad?:confused:

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
Originally posted by scem0
I think that at Paris apple will release the new powermac server, and some iApp updates. Maybe even announce the 1st Jaguar update (to be d/l ed off software update) , but it seems kind of soon. I dont think laptops will be updated but I could be wrong.

No laptops. Maybe iApps updates...iPhoto perhaps? Also good time to announce the availability of iCal and iSync...which are due in September due to Jobs.;)


macrumors newbie
Aug 18, 2002
a new power book


I am itching to buy a new 800mhz powerbook, my current workhorse a 500mhz G3 pismo powerbook and has served me well, but is in desperate need of retirement. The question I ask is ...
a) Will I notice a significant perfomance increase, I am a professional flash developer and flash is pretty painful on the pismo!
b) What are the chances of apple coming up with the goods and delivering a 1ghz model in the next couple of months ?



Jul 9, 2000
Re: Re: superdrive-ti

Originally posted by keltorsori

Superdrive in the Ti is just not possible. Physically. The diode for writing DVD-R is too large to fit in the form factor (vertical), can't do it. The laser diode for DVD-R is magnitudes larger than the same diode for CD-R/RW. Pioneer is only now at the point where they can fit the thing a slim laptop form factor (think iBook). And we know Apple is definetly not going to put a Superdrive in the iBook before the Ti has the same capability. Expect superdrive when they redesign the Powerbook, not before then.

Not to mention, I can't believe anyone really needs to be able to write DVDs while on the go. Anywhere that has AC you can just plug-in an external burner.

that may be the case now in summer of 2002, but what about in 2003 or 2004?

at one time, some probably believed dvd, cd-rw, and combo drives were a bit excessive for a laptop...that is until the laptop became a desktop replacement in the last two years for some

i personally have no desktops at home, just two laptops so if i wanted a superdrive, which i don't need, i would want to fit it into a laptop...and preferably an apple;)


macrumors 603
Jan 23, 2002
East Coast
Re: Re: superdrive-ti

Originally posted by keltorsori
Superdrive in the Ti is just not possible. Physically. The diode for writing DVD-R is too large to fit in the form factor (vertical), can't do it. The laser diode for DVD-R is magnitudes larger than the same diode for CD-R/RW. Pioneer is only now at the point where they can fit the thing a slim laptop form factor (think iBook). And we know Apple is definetly not going to put a Superdrive in the iBook before the Ti has the same capability. Expect superdrive when they redesign the Powerbook, not before then.
Like jef said, that's the case now. In a few months (maybe sooner, maybe later), they'll get the SuperDrive mechanism down to a small enough size to fit in a TiBook.

As for not putting the SuperDrive in the iBook before the TiBook, just look at which one got the combo drive first. With that said, I don't think the i will get the SD before the Ti.

Not to mention, I can't believe anyone really needs to be able to write DVDs while on the go. Anywhere that has AC you can just plug-in an external burner.
There are things that you just can't do with an external burner that you could with an internal one. Like using iDVD, for example. Besides, why would you want to carry around extra weight? NOTE - I am fully aware that iDVD can work with an external SD, but it's Apple that's preventing this from happening. Hey, it's their software, they can do with it as they please.


Jul 9, 2000
Re: Re: Re: superdrive-ti

Originally posted by ftaok
Besides, why would you want to carry around extra weight?

that's why i went on a diet

hey, rower_cpu, how are you doing, weight wise?

see, when losing weight, it's hard to think of little else:p

...and i think i will need "superdrive" to keep me away from the donuts at the gas station


macrumors regular
Aug 12, 2002
ih8quark - it has been like that since last week sometime (probably around the time the PM's were updated, I'm guessing). I really hope there's an update coming soon... at the end of the educational promotion perhaps??? I can hold out to the middle of september, then if there is no sign I think we're out of luck. Can't wait till i can get my hands on one of those Ti baby's.


macrumors regular
Jul 24, 2002
Re: Re: Re: superdrive-ti

Originally posted by ftaok
Like jef said, that's the case now. In a few months (maybe sooner, maybe later), they'll get the SuperDrive mechanism down to a small enough size to fit in a TiBook.

As for not putting the SuperDrive in the iBook before the TiBook, just look at which one got the combo drive first. With that said, I don't think the i will get the SD before the Ti.

There are things that you just can't do with an external burner that you could with an internal one. Like using iDVD, for example. Besides, why would you want to carry around extra weight? NOTE - I am fully aware that iDVD can work with an external SD, but it's Apple that's preventing this from happening. Hey, it's their software, they can do with it as they please.

It's HIGHLY unlikely that any company will be able to create a DVD-R laser diode small enought to fit in a slim form-factor slot-loading drive. Not in the next year anyway. Pioneer, Sanyo, and other companies manufacturing the actual laser diodes are working on increasing their strength and power req's so as to move forward w/ 4x burning (and keep up with the DVD+R people). Super tiny diode is not on the priority list.

Think about it this way, it took over a year to get just a CD-RW in the slim form factor, then another six-months for the dual lense DVD/CD-RW diode. Remember, all of these mechanisms are practically identical, the problem is the laser diode size (and power consumption). If anyone on this forum is waiting for a Superdrive Ti in its present form factor (hey, Apple can always redesign), you'll be waiting for a long time.

Kind of off topic, but I expect that anyone who is purchasing a $3000 Ti to do video on the go (or for that matter, anyone who really NEEDS a superdrive built-in) will be using Final Cut and DVDSP, not iMovie and iDVD.

Maybe Apple will release or bundle an external Apple branded Superdrive w/ the Ti (like they did with CD-RW as a stop-gap before they had a DVD/CD-RW combo).


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Re: Re: Re: Re: superdrive-ti

Originally posted by jefhatfield
that's why i went on a diet

hey, rower_cpu, how are you doing, weight wise?

see, when losing weight, it's hard to think of little else:p

...and i think i will need "superdrive" to keep me away from the donuts at the gas station


I'm getting back to a regular workout routine, so that should help.:)


Jul 9, 2000
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: superdrive-ti

Originally posted by Rower_CPU


I'm getting back to a regular workout routine, so that should help.:)

i lost as much as i could in my nearly forty year old frame...ten pounds from 179 to 169 thru diet

to reach 165, and especially my ultimate goal of 160, i must get some scheduled regular exercise in

i can't remember who, but one of the regular posters my age, or near my age, is going for a five minute mile...most high school students struggle with that

but there was this teen that did 3:53 or 3:54...something that amounts to a state or us record...i would need a motorcycle or horse to make it around the track that fast...for some decades now, they have been running the mile in a sort of a sprint...i take it like a jog:p
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