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macrumors 68020
Dec 18, 2009
The iPad 3 is shaping up to be a repeat of the iPhone 3G (read: only survives one iOS update before becoming slow enough to impair its usefulness).

I think that comparison is invalid. The biggest problem with iPhone 3G was its lack of RAM when iOS was upgraded, which isn't a problem with the new iPad as it now has 1G of RAM.

I predict next year the new iPad will be released with 1G of RAM and the same Retina display, and people will complain how that isn't a "true" upgrade because the display, LTE and the RAM have not changed, telling everyone how they'll wait for "iPad 5" which will be the "true hardware upgrade". Then the next year people will complain how the new iPad isn't a true upgrade and...well you get the point ;)


macrumors 6502
Jun 17, 2011
Cool! So apple used a 1080p capable sensor in the iPhone 4, but locked it at 720p? Typical... Why do they always screw with the products like this??? Wireless N in the 3rd gen iPod touch and iPhone, FM transceiver in iPad 3 and various other iOS devices, Bluetooth in early iPod touches...


macrumors regular
Apr 28, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B176 Safari/7534.48.3)

"The new iPad" is what the iPad 2 should've been.


macrumors 68030
Jun 18, 2009
I felt the ground move beneath my feet when I read this news. A stunning development whose ramifications will ripple through the tech industry for decades, if not millennia, to come.


Apr 1, 2005
Space The Only Frontier
iFixit had it wrong when they identified Elpida memory. It was samsung memory just like in this analysis. All Elpida memory chips have part numbers that begin with "E".


macrumors 604
Apr 1, 2009
15 minutes in the future
Does it really shoot at 60fps? Isn't that better than the iPhone 4S? You'd figure that Apple would advertise that more!


I think that comparison is invalid. The biggest problem with iPhone 3G was its lack of RAM when iOS was upgraded, which isn't a problem with the new iPad as it now has 1G of RAM.

I predict next year the new iPad will be released with 1G of RAM and the same Retina display, and people will complain how that isn't a "true" upgrade because the display, LTE and the RAM have not changed, telling everyone how they'll wait for "iPad 5" which will be the "true hardware upgrade". Then the next year people will complain how the new iPad isn't a true upgrade and...well you get the point ;)

People on this site would be happier if they only upgraded their iPads and iPhones every 2 years.


macrumors regular
Jan 31, 2008
I think that comparison is invalid. The biggest problem with iPhone 3G was its lack of RAM when iOS was upgraded, which isn't a problem with the new iPad as it now has 1G of RAM.

I predict next year the new iPad will be released with 1G of RAM and the same Retina display, and people will complain how that isn't a "true" upgrade because the display, LTE and the RAM have not changed, telling everyone how they'll wait for "iPad 5" which will be the "true hardware upgrade". Then the next year people will complain how the new iPad isn't a true upgrade and...well you get the point ;)

Not really.
Apple is repeating the iPhone release cycle with the iPad.

They launched an amazing product (iPhone / iPad), followed up with a new model whose features should've been present in the first one (iPhone 3G / iPad 2) and then they move on to a constant cycle between "improved model" and "major release": the iPhone 3GS was an improved iPhone 3G; the iPhone 4S was an improved iPhone 4; the iPad 3 is an improved iPad 2.
You get the picture.

The next big revisions will be the iPhone 5 and the iPad 4, both of which I will be purchasing.

Still, for someone who doesn't have an iPad, or for someone who has the first one, this is an amazing product. It's just not a huge upgrade for someone who already has the iPad 2.


macrumors newbie
Feb 19, 2012
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B179 Safari/7534.48.3)

The screen side camera is probably the only disappointment... Oh well, not really planning on doing a lot of FaceTime - it would only be a nice to have maybe a few times a year (and still probably wouldn't get used anyways).
Front camera certainly meets all needs for a emergency camera


macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2011
As I've alluded to in other threads, a 45nm A5X is a deal-killer for me :(. The "iPad 3" is essentially an underpowered version of the iPad 2 considering the display's high resolution and lack of CPU/GPU clock increases. The next iPad will benefit from a full node shrink to (presumably) 28nm on BOTH the CPU and the 4G baseband; likely in addition to new CPU (Cortex A15) and GPU architectures. The iPad 3 is shaping up to be a repeat of the iPhone 3G (read: only survives one iOS update before becoming slow enough to impair its usefulness).

The A5 has one graphics core. the A5X has four.


macrumors 6502
Jun 11, 2009
Derry, NH
As I've alluded to in other threads, a 45nm A5X is a deal-killer for me :(. The "iPad 3" is essentially an underpowered version of the iPad 2 considering the display's high resolution and lack of CPU/GPU clock increases. The next iPad will benefit from a full node shrink to (presumably) 28nm on BOTH the CPU and the 4G baseband; likely in addition to new CPU (Cortex A15) and GPU architectures. The iPad 3 is shaping up to be a repeat of the iPhone 3G (read: only survives one iOS update before becoming slow enough to impair its usefulness).

This is in addition to the battery problems the iPad 3 is likely to experience: that 45nm A5X is BIG for a mobile SoC, and will be generating a lot of heat. Hot iPad innards = significantly diminished Li-Ion battery lifetime.

Looking forward to the "iPad 4"... Android's non-GPU accelerated UI just won't do it for me.

I fail to see how the GPU being doubled in its architecture is underpowered? The CPU means squat in this case. It is all based upon the GPU in this case. With 4 cores being able to process the display, then I don't get what the problem is. Yes the SoC uses a bigger form factor, but it doesn't seem to be generating outrageous amounts of heat. Definitely not enough to significantly diminish the battery.


macrumors 68020
Dec 18, 2009
They launched an amazing product (iPhone / iPad), followed up with a new model whose features should've been present in the first one (iPhone 3G / iPad 2) ... the iPad 3 is an improved iPad 2.
You get the picture.

Not really. Every single Apple update enraged many to claim it's not a "true" upgrade, including iPad 2 - actually many were very mad and said that iPad 2 was such a modest update that smart cover was its biggest new feature and Apple was trying to hide the lack of improvements. It's pretty interesting how suddenly iPad 2 is considered a big leap from the first one. ;)

The same thing will happen with next year's iPad, it's an endless cycle. In fact the first iPad was criticized for just being "same old" as the iPhone.


macrumors 68030
Apr 21, 2010
I don't know why people blame Apple for launching new products with just small hardware enhancements. You can just jump a generation or two so you'll have a real new piece of technology.

BTW, I don't see enough motivation for an iPad 1 owner upgrading to the new one. In reality, I don't have a tablet and I'm expecting for something really innovative next years rather than creating a stripped off smartphone (tablets usually don't make/receive calls) with a bigger screen.

Things that will make I change my mind about buying a tablet:

- Support for productivity apps;
- Convert it in a laptop through accessories (case/keyboard/touchpad);
- Enthusiast-class camera (Currently, Nokia is the only manufacturer providing something better than commodity cameras and sensors);
- Senseg-like texture technology: touch mechanism will become input and output device instead of just input as it is today;

That said, I'm planning to buy a tablet around 2016.
Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Jun 1, 2011
Planet earth.
Okay, please explain your position.

Is it bad that HP uses the same keys on their keyboard from one laptop to the next? Is it bad that Canon uses the same push-buttons from model to model? Is it bad that Samsung uses the same bezel from last year's TV model to this year's?

No. If its a good component, I don't care.

Thats not my argument though, you dont get what I'm saying. My point is that Apple fanboys aggressively expect better/newer even if for the sake of it, like this;

way to cheap out :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
Apr 26, 2011
As I've alluded to in other threads, a 45nm A5X is a deal-killer for me :(. The "iPad 3" is essentially an underpowered version of the iPad 2 considering the display's high resolution and lack of CPU/GPU clock increases. The next iPad will benefit from a full node shrink to (presumably) 28nm on BOTH the CPU and the 4G baseband; likely in addition to new CPU (Cortex A15) and GPU architectures. The iPad 3 is shaping up to be a repeat of the iPhone 3G (read: only survives one iOS update before becoming slow enough to impair its usefulness).

This is in addition to the battery problems the iPad 3 is likely to experience: that 45nm A5X is BIG for a mobile SoC, and will be generating a lot of heat. Hot iPad innards = significantly diminished Li-Ion battery lifetime.

Looking forward to the "iPad 4"... Android's non-GPU accelerated UI just won't do it for me.

thank you for sharing your thoughts about the new ipad using the same camera in older products. oh wait...


macrumors 6502a
Jun 1, 2010
The 'ham. Alabama.
I don't understand the use of words like "recycled" or "reused" in this context.

Did Apple literally take the components out of pre-existing iProducts and use them in the new iPad?


100 Billion in the bank could have helped Apple make 'the best product possible'. Apple are weird, that's all I'm implying.

Instead, they just made 'the best product available'.


macrumors 6502a
May 12, 2009
iDeaded myself
New iPad has the best camera sensor you'll find in any tablet today. It's incredible what Apple has done with the gorgeous retina display, quad core graphics, double RAM and no price increase. iPad 3 is the best tablet money can buy. The only thing that comes close to it is iPad 2 followed by iPad 1.


macrumors 68040
Apr 14, 2010
Washington State
Not really. Every single Apple update enraged many to claim it's not a "true" upgrade, including iPad 2 - actually many were very mad and said that iPad 2 was such a modest update that smart cover was its biggest new feature and Apple was trying to hide the lack of improvements. It's pretty interesting how suddenly iPad 2 is considered a big leap from the first one. ;)

The same thing will happen with next year's iPad, it's an endless cycle. In fact the first iPad was criticized for just being "same old" as the iPhone.

Yeah seriously. This forum is pretty predictable. You even saw people claiming that about the iphone 4 (new screen, big whoop, oh and it looks different *roll eyes*). All the sudden with the 4s it was, it doesn't even have something like a new screen and it looks the same!!! It's just an incremental upgrade!
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