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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 27, 2006
Kent, United Kingdom
I currently have an application which generates files with a .amd file extension. I would like when these files are double clicked to launch the application and have the path of the file passed to the app. Currently when a file is clicked the application launches, but just the main screen appears.
At the beginning of the main class is t his code:
fApplication.addApplicationListener(new {
			public void handleAbout(ApplicationEvent e) {
                                if (aboutBox == null) {
                                    aboutBox = new AboutBox();
			public void handleOpenApplication(ApplicationEvent e) {
			public void handleOpenFile(ApplicationEvent e) {
			public void handleQuit(ApplicationEvent e) {

I know I need something in the handleOpenFile listener, but don't know what code to use.

If anyone has any suggestions I would be very grateful to hear them.
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