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macrumors demi-god
Apr 14, 2015
Manchester, England.
A Paraglider soaring over Thorncombe Beacon, Dorset. England.

The contrasting colours against the chequered sky caught my eye.



macrumors G3
Jun 7, 2015
Seattle WA
Oh heh! Welcome to my town. 🙂
Hope you enjoyed your stay… even with the rainy weather.
Thanks! This was several years ago during a severe heatwave - London was in the high 90's F. We loved Bath - it was beautiful. In the Bath Cathedral, I got talking to the docent and it came out that he fought in Burma in WWII as an officer. I asked if he was with Ord Wingate and the Chindits and he was and he was amazed to meet someone who knew about it, much less an American (I served USMC early 70's and like military history). After that, he treated as royalty with a personal tour of the entire Cathedral. Lovely guy in a lovely city.
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