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macrumors 603
Dec 20, 2002
sunny los angeles
You know, Yukon, that you *CAN* connect an external (Cinema HD Display) display or something to the 17" PB right? So if you need the high res, you can have it! And of course there's something called CALIBRATING THE DISPLAY. If the LCD on the PB doesn't look right when you compare to a PC laptop's LCD, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Don't tell the world you're not getting a PB because of the LCD and the "mediocre" screen! Why don't you just go down to the Apple Store the day the 17" PB arrives and check it out for yourself. You know out of all the Mac owners/users/potential users, fewer than a handful of people would want an LCD with a res of more than 1440x900 because noone needs it, almost nobody wants it and because 1600x1200 would look horrible on a 17" widescreen LCD. Oh, and fyi Jonathan Ive and the Apple ID team designs the computers, not just Steve.


macrumors 65816
Sep 4, 2002
Near a Mac since 1993.
I agree. From looking at the Monitor I'm using right now (20.1v@1600x1200) I can tell you if it where any smaller it would be annoying.
Sure there are those who care for super hi res for some Photo-work. They can get an external 19" CRT (because if you do that kind of work a CRT suits best anyhow) and crank that to 12,600x10,880 or whatever. And if you need that kind of hi tech stuff your making the bucks and can afford a nice external CRT.
It seems that the people that complain are those who want such specs simply for bragging. (Again, like the Mhz thing.)


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
i guess i must have better younger eyes since i am 17. i have a 17 adc apple studio display and a 21 inch applevision monitor. i run them both at 1600x1200. i find the text very easy to read and i can fit so much onto the screen. I think it was a bad idea for apple to do this since they are advertising this laptop great for video and design people who need many palletes. i am probably wearing my eyes out day by day looking at this screen though. but on the other hand, i think the rez is fine on the new ones, i would greatly sacrifice the less screen real estate for everything else. until we get our 17 inch powerbook in, i have been telling people to bring the 17inch imac screen down to the keyboard and you are looking at the new powerbook right there, it actuall works, people get a good idea of what it would be until we get ours in.



macrumors 65816
Sep 4, 2002
Near a Mac since 1993.
Originally posted by iJon
i guess i must have better younger eyes since i am 17. i have a 17 adc apple studio display and a 21 inch applevision monitor. i run them both at 1600x1200....
i have been telling people to bring the 17inch imac screen down to the keyboard and you are looking at the new powerbook right there, it actuall works, people get a good idea of what it would be until we get ours in.
Your right I'm 27 and my vision is not perfect. I had to get used to this (20.1@16x12) resolution. :)
That's a really good idea, to gauge the screen on the iMac down low by the keyboard.
I really want to see the 12" book though. Something about that tiny little thing with enough power to outdo my G4 and my iMac! Sweet.
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