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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 1, 2002
I've just been reading a review of the new iMac by Edward C. Baig (USA TODAY)

Although he says the iMac he tested was a pre-production model, he found some problems with the superdrive and also with ejecting CDs. He also mentions the Pro Speakers. Hope these problems were sorted out before full production commenced.

But not everything is flawless. The spherical Apple Pro Speakers (included in the top two models) are visually appealing but sound tinny. If you are the least bit serious about listening to music, you'll probably want to consider better speakers.

When listening to some CDs, the optical SuperDrive labored unnaturally. I had intermittent problems syncing music on an iPod. Worst of all, after inserting a CD of Franz Schubert's The Trout, the iMac froze and I had to reboot. I could not then dislodge the CD, even after calling tech support.

Apple tried to explain away the problem by saying I was testing a preproduction unit. True enough. But given that people sometimes screw up when they insert CDs, Apple missed out on one small but potentially important feature standard on many other machines: an accessible pinhole for manually ejecting a stuck disk. I had to take the computer to a nearby Apple retail store, where surgery was done and the disk was successfully extricated. It was not damaged and worked normally on an ordinary CD player.

But I'm a glutton for punishment. I inserted it again. And it got stuck -- again.

Has anyone who has already received their new iMac encountered any problems such as the ones listed above? Also if there is no pin hole eject for the CD, how do you eject a "stuck" CD manually?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 20, 2002
Washington DC
you got to be kiddining me no pinhole eject, I will be going to the apple store sunday to get your answere!

Apples acting like gateway if this is true


macrumors 6502a
Nov 3, 2001
Indianapolis, IN
Originally posted by whfsdude
you got to be kiddining me no pinhole eject, I will be going to the apple store sunday to get your answere!

Apples acting like gateway if this is true

ummm.. is there an eject pinhole on any of the slot-loading iMacs, either? Or the QuickSilver's? I'm in front of a slot-loading iMac right now and don't see one.. and I am pretty sure the QuickSilver in the other room doesn't have one... perhaps it's good news that I never had to look for one.. so I will assume that this problem is an aberation. I also believe you'll find the TiBooks, at least the 400's and 500's, don't have one.

The only machine of that list that I have ever gotten a CD stuck in was the slot-loading iMac, and all that required was flipping it over, pulling a few screws to get the bottom plastic off, and pushing the eject button on the drive itself. (May be possible to hit it without pulling off the bottom, but I never bothered to try)


macrumors 601
Oct 4, 2001
Natick, MA
no biggie

If you have a cd that is in the drive, and you need to eject it, use the eject button on the keyboard, drag it to the trash, use apple+y key combination after selecting it. If you have to restart the computer, and want to eject it before the computer comes up, then either hold down the eject key on the keyboard, or hold down the mouse button as soon as you hit restart. That will get the drive to eject the media.

Even the slot load drives have the eject button on them, just un-bend a paper clip and look for a small hole in the flap. It might take a little fishing, but the button is still there, under 1/4-1/3" from the left edge of the slot.


macrumors 68030
Nov 4, 2001
The Tibook's do actually have a manual eject system. Well, my 500 does anyway! It's located on the far right of the slot. If you use a thin object and press gently in the corner, there's a button that forces the cd/dvd to eject.


macrumors 68000
Dec 9, 2001
State of Denial
Slot loading iMac's have one

There is a pinhole eject for the SL iMacs. To find it:
1. find where the right 1/8" of that fabric stuff meets the main part. For those who haven't noticed, the cloth stuff is divided into three sections: 1/8" on the right and left, and the rest in the middle.
2. Use a straightened paperclip exactly where the right and middle parts meet. There should be an eject button. If it doesn't work, jiggle it around a little. You'll find it. If not, restart with the mouse button held down. That WILL eject it.

Also, it doesn't eject some CD's properly: they get stuck halfway through. This is due to the CD edge being uneven. The drive doesn't like that, and can't eject it properly.

There's two ways to get the CD out, depending on how far it comes out. If it goes far enough, grab and pull. Don't worry, it won't damage the drive. The other option is if it's not out enough to grab. When it doesn't come out, quickly take a large NON-straightened paperclip and insert it about where the "pinhole" is. Push. That will unstick on of the gates, and the CD will come out.


macrumors 65816
Jan 23, 2002
Here and there!
Originally posted by IndyGopher

ummm.. is there an eject pinhole on any of the slot-loading iMacs, either? Or the QuickSilver's? I'm in front of a slot-loading iMac right now and don't see one.. and I am pretty sure the QuickSilver in the other room doesn't have one... perhaps it's good news that I never had to look for one.. so I will assume that this problem is an aberation. I also believe you'll find the TiBooks, at least the 400's and 500's, don't have one.

The only machine of that list that I have ever gotten a CD stuck in was the slot-loading iMac, and all that required was flipping it over, pulling a few screws to get the bottom plastic off, and pushing the eject button on the drive itself. (May be possible to hit it without pulling off the bottom, but I never bothered to try)
....on the side of the slot-load's drive slots are little hole that you stick a paperclip in to eject the disc...

Kid Red

macrumors 65816
Dec 14, 2001
Some of you guys are rediculuous, sorry. I have the QS and while there is no pinhole on the outside, once you get the door cover open, there is, wow, a pinhole. There's just no pinhole on the outside of the drive door, jeesh


macrumors 65816
The ol' mouse trick.

Yes, as AlphaTech pointed out, the ol' "hold the mouse button down upon restart" ejects cd's. It's my trick of choice 99% of the time, and always works.

Some may take to task Apple not putting an obvious button by their cd drives to perform this function, and I would tend to agree. This really is a case where fashion came before function, and I recently had to tell a Mac-Head friend of mine (who has worked with Macs since 1984) how to eject a cd from his Quicksilver because there wasn't an obvious eject button or hole to stick a paper clip into and the eject key on the keyboard was not functioning.
He was getting ready to tear the thing apart, or stick a knife under the pretty front flap to get to the stubborn cd.

On PC's, because there's usually no "fashion plate" in front of the drive, the button is exposed and it seems no matter what is going on with the cd at the time, I can just hit the button and it pops right out. That's pretty nifty and logical...but it ain't pretty.;)


macrumors 604
Jan 21, 2002
Langley, Washington
In the New iMac (I've been forunate enough to hav access to one), If a disk gets stuck, you only have to use a knife or finger nail to open the drop down door. Inside is in Industury Satndard Drive, with Pin hole and Eject Button.


macrumors newbie
Jan 13, 2002
London, England
Re: The ol' mouse trick.

Originally posted by voicegy

On PC's, because there's usually no "fashion plate" in front of the drive, the button is exposed and it seems no matter what is going on with the cd at the time, I can just hit the button and it pops right out. That's pretty nifty and logical...but it ain't pretty.;)

I disagree. So you could be copying a really big document, playing an enjoying game or burning a CD and your trusty knee hits the button by accident, wheres the safety precautions in that?
At least on our macs when the CD ejects, it's because it is ready to eject and not being forced to because it's in use.


macrumors 65816

My "trusty knee" would either have to be located just below my chest or I'd have to have skipped my meds to control my spastic behaviour to accidently hit the eject cd button on a PC. It seems to me it needs to be a pretty deliberate act, and if ever accomplished by accident, one would quickly learn future appropriate behaviour.:eek:

It is amusing how nit picky we can be about our machines.:) Could you imagine a PeeCee stranger dropping in here and having a laugh over how we suggest ever so calmly that one can simply use a "knife or paper clip or a finger nail (if it's long enough) or nail file" to get a cd out of some of the most beautifully designed computers in the world? Perhaps Apple should start shipping Swiss Army Knives with their products!

(but Behold the Ever Important Paper Clip...if there ever was a tool that was MADE for Apple troubleshooting, there it is. I never leave the office on my fix-it rounds without one!)

Kid Red

macrumors 65816
Dec 14, 2001
My "trusty knee" would either have to be located just below my chest or I'd have to have skipped my meds to control my spastic behaviour to accidently hit the eject cd button on a PC

Have you SEEN the size of eject buttons on PCs? Very easy to hit with a basketball being knocked around by a blindman in a wheelchair.

Also, PCs belong on the floor, as all messy ugly crap does, we display our macs proudly on the desktop in full view for all to see (that's why there's no eject button)


macrumors 65816
Jan 31, 2002
Ejecting with my foot.

I've actually ejected my CD on my PC at work with my foot. I use my Dell as a computer/footrest (how appropriate!) and am always kicking it and opening my CD tray at inopportune times.

Its not the first nor last reason I'd rather have a Mac at work!



macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002

I work for an authorized apple dealer in arkansas. We have recieved our new iMac and from what I have looked at it it does not have a pinhole. This will definintly cause some problems. For the guy earlier who said he pretty much disassembled his iMac to get the slot load out was wrong. If you take a paperclip and flip up the felt that covers the slot load you will see a little pinhole in the far right side. Looks like you did all that work for nothing.

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