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The Cockney Rebel

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 16, 2018
As I stated in my other post, I'm a self taught street photographer, but "gave it up" when I became unwell, roughly 7 years ago.

I had some lovely gear (5D Mk II, 24-70 2.8L, 50mm 1.4, 100mm macro etc) but sold it all.

However, I've decided to get back into photography, but I'm going to use what I have right now (iPhone & two MacBooks) to see what I come up with. Rather than a "hindrance" I truly believe this approach will force me to be more creative. I'm going to have to manipulate situations, settings, and my POV to produce the composition I intend to achieve.

If I do get the "addiction" back, I'm going to go all out & buy a 5D Mk IV & 24-70 2.8L IS, but that will only be if I really fall in love with photography again (we're talking about 5.5k here, when including a second battery, memory cards etc) so I have to be sure.

But! For the time being, I think I'm going to really enjoy developing my photographic eye, once again, and maybe I'll venture out of street photography, and try other forms. They do say that a change is as good as a rest!

Are any of you purely iPhone photographers? If so, what flavour of photography are you into?

Wishing you all well, and keep shooting!
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