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the mac docter

macrumors newbie
Original poster
my dad uses his computer for farming. he needs the power to look a his 5000 acres of land using infared satelites. i think i spelled sattelites wrong. anyway his computer also needs to last him a minimum of 7 years without upgrades. i imagine that in seven years 8gb of ram will be like 800mbs of ram in comparison. and we will all think how the $&(^% did we get by with only 8gbs of ram.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2011
What does he use this computer for? Also, make your case based on his computer, how it is useless to him since its much more power than what he needs it for and how THAT is a waste of cash vs $50 on your RAM which apparently you need.

It took me a very long time to understand that you can never win an argument. If you are right then it is a rare person indeed to admit that you are right but even then they likely hate you for knowing more than they do. If you loose then they'll dispise you. In 1887 (not a typo) a man by the name of Dickson G Watts said: "Fools try to prove they are right. Wise men try to find when they are wrong" and "Among crazy people a sane man is thought to be lunatic".

On this note I leave the thread, cannot offer the young man an easy solution (have run out of ideas for him).
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