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macrumors 604
Apr 6, 2007
This happens once every 20-24 hours, and I do work on this laptop. Thanks, though.

That doesn't prevent you from creating another user. It takes only a minute to do so, and does not affect your original account settings.

The General

macrumors 601
Jul 7, 2006
This happens once every 20-24 hours, and I do work on this laptop. Thanks, though.

Wow, you're totally missing the point. There might be something wrong with the system settings for your account.

Create another account and try using it for a while and see if the problem happens on that user account. If so, then you know it is not a problem with system settings for your user account, but rather a system wide problem, or hardware problem.

Instead of dismissing this as pointless, or inserting "thanks, though" ... maybe you should actually try some of the things these people are suggesting to help you. I mean, you DO want their help, don't you? That IS why you posted here in the first place...


macrumors 6502
Nov 10, 2005
Thanks. I did so, returned that there were no issues found with HW. Definitely SW then, so I'm somewhat happy.

This happens once every 20-24 hours, and I do work on this laptop. Thanks, though.

So I think people should explain WHY creating a new account might help.

There are a number of caches that OS-X maintains for users (and in fact the system, but this is "Level 2", and we should start at "Level 1"). If these caches become corrupt there can be unpredictable effects such as trouble logging in, random freezes, and sometimes what appears to be a locked machine.

All of these things can be fixed (that is to say caches deleted), but the quickest way to determine if a user cache is to blame is to quickly create a new user account and work with that for a day or so and see if it stops happening.

If it does... we can point you at what you need to do to delete the user caches, if it doesn't the same can be done for some system caches.

It's worth noting that I run 5 macs, and have done so since 2005 and only one has ever developed this problem because my daughter has a habit of switching off at the wall... of course it can happen in other less obvious ways.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 6, 2008
Have you tried creating a new user account... yet?

I haven't, since I have to do work daily on this machine. I'm pretty sure, from what I've heard, that it's a hardware issue and that I should wipe the disk and take it to the Apple Store to see if I can get it repaired / replaced (preferably replaced.)


macrumors 604
Feb 4, 2004
Florida Resident
My friend had the same problem on her iMac. I thought it was bad memory since with all my Macs I never had that problem. We contacted Apple over the phone and they said to create a new user account. Once we tested it with no problems, the Apple Rep suggested clearing out some preference files on the main account. Problem fixed. It took about 10 minutes.

Oh well.


macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2007
These are perhaps my favorite kinds of threads.

1. Person arrives with a problem.
2. People suggest likely solution to problem.
3. Person refuses to try solution, and instead,
4. Continues to complain about unfixed problem.


macrumors regular
Jan 30, 2006
I haven't, since I have to do work daily on this machine. I'm pretty sure, from what I've heard, that it's a hardware issue and that I should wipe the disk and take it to the Apple Store to see if I can get it repaired / replaced (preferably replaced.)

OMG, you don't get it huh? Do you have to work 24/7 non-stop.. I mean, in the video you could go downstairs to check your Mac from Windows machine... So INSTEAD of doing that, why don't you go to System Preferences > Account > click "+" sign, and create new user account... Restart your Mac, and login to this user account and see whether the freezing is still happening or not...

If it doesn't, that means there is something wrong with a Preference files or caches, or temporary files in your current account (the one that you have reluctantly logged off from)... If the freezing still occurs in the new user account, that probably a more serious, system level error in your Mac --> This might require reinstalling of your Leopard...

If the first case is what you observe.. Download a maintenance program called "Onyx" then run the fully automated maintenance procedure.. It'll run maintenance script, clean up all Cache, and unnecessary temporary files..

If you are familiar with Preference files, you could go to Home > Library > Preferences and check the files in there, whether there are any double entry for example office2004 and office2008... You could however, move all preference files from the folder above to the desktop for example, then restart your Mac (WARNING: by doing this, you will reset all programs to its original state... So you better do the "create new user" thingy which is basically the same)

Before you have done any of the following solutions (which has been suggested over and over again by many kind people in this thread, but apparently you haven't tried yet), please do not complain or ask any other solution...

To sum up:
1. Create new user account and see
2. Run Onyx
3. If you don't want to do any of this, scram!


macrumors 6502
May 11, 2007
Giving my 2 cent in here.....
My Macbook's lower case was replaced yesterday, after I got my mac back, I started to have freezing issues (were getting very annoying) While trying to get a solution to the problem, I decided to check the ram (boot times were taking up to 4 full minutes with 3 gb installed. I did a chart and recorded boot time with 3 gb, 2 gb stick and 1 gb stick. In 3gb, I got 4 min, in 2gb, I got 30 seconds and 1 gb I got 30 seconds as well. Then I mixed my 2 gb stick with stock 512 stick, 30 sec boot time and didnt tested the 1gb stick..... After removing the 1gb stick, computer was acting normal again, so I guess that my 2gb stick and 1 gb stick are not getting along together, which now pushes me to get another 2gb stick to have 4gb total and take advantage of dual channel technology :p


macrumors regular
Feb 7, 2005
Los Angeles, CA

OMG, you don't get it huh? Do you have to work 24/7 non-stop.. I mean, in the video you could go downstairs to check your Mac from Windows machine... So INSTEAD of doing that, why don't you go to System Preferences > Account > click "+" sign, and create new user account... Restart your Mac, and login to this user account and see whether the freezing is still happening or not...

If it doesn't, that means there is something wrong with a Preference files or caches, or temporary files in your current account (the one that you have reluctantly logged off from)... If the freezing still occurs in the new user account, that probably a more serious, system level error in your Mac --> This might require reinstalling of your Leopard...

If the first case is what you observe.. Download a maintenance program called "Onyx" then run the fully automated maintenance procedure.. It'll run maintenance script, clean up all Cache, and unnecessary temporary files..

If you are familiar with Preference files, you could go to Home > Library > Preferences and check the files in there, whether there are any double entry for example office2004 and office2008... You could however, move all preference files from the folder above to the desktop for example, then restart your Mac (WARNING: by doing this, you will reset all programs to its original state... So you better do the "create new user" thingy which is basically the same)

Before you have done any of the following solutions (which has been suggested over and over again by many kind people in this thread, but apparently you haven't tried yet), please do not complain or ask any other solution...

To sum up:
1. Create new user account and see
2. Run Onyx
3. If you don't want to do any of this, scram!

I find it very amusing that this post took about 10 times longer to type and create than the original poster needs to try the often mentioned suggestion of making a new user account.


macrumors regular
Jan 30, 2006
I find it very amusing that this post took about 10 times longer to type and create than the original poster needs to try the often mentioned suggestion of making a new user account.

Yeah, but that kind of post is what this kind of community needs to keep itself alive... People giving suggestions and the poster should at least try or else stop complaining..


macrumors regular
Jan 30, 2006
Giving my 2 cent in here.....
My Macbook's lower case was replaced yesterday, after I got my mac back, I started to have freezing issues (were getting very annoying) While trying to get a solution to the problem, I decided to check the ram (boot times were taking up to 4 full minutes with 3 gb installed. I did a chart and recorded boot time with 3 gb, 2 gb stick and 1 gb stick. In 3gb, I got 4 min, in 2gb, I got 30 seconds and 1 gb I got 30 seconds as well. Then I mixed my 2 gb stick with stock 512 stick, 30 sec boot time and didnt tested the 1gb stick..... After removing the 1gb stick, computer was acting normal again, so I guess that my 2gb stick and 1 gb stick are not getting along together, which now pushes me to get another 2gb stick to have 4gb total and take advantage of dual channel technology :p

John, I'm using 2 and 1 GB RAM, different company as well... 1 GB from Apple possibly hynix or other brand.. The 2GB is Kingston and they are working happily ever after... :p Just make sure that they have the same clock speed otherwise some unnecessary things might occur...


macrumors 6502
May 11, 2007
They were working happily BEFORE the lower case swap, after that, some problems started to occur (freezing) by some reason is happening again with 3g but no with 2.5gb or 1.5 or the 1gb stick alone..... dunno :(


macrumors 6502
Sep 25, 2007
Nerd Cave
These are perhaps my favorite kinds of threads.

1. Person arrives with a problem.
2. People suggest likely solution to problem.
3. Person refuses to try solution, and instead,
4. Continues to complain about unfixed problem.

lol indeed


macrumors 68040

1. Back up
2. Erase and Install OS X
3. Problem persists? Probably the HDD (sounds like what happened to my Mac mini just before it died), need replacement. Off to Apple you go.

Reinstalling OS X is nowhere near as time-consuming as reinstalling Windows on a PC, and nowhere near as much hassle either. When simple options have been exhausted it's usually a pretty good option to take.


macrumors 6502
Sep 25, 2007
Nerd Cave
When simple options have been exhausted it's usually a pretty good option to take.

yes but thats his problem. Simple options have NOT been exhausted coz he wont try any of the suggestions. In my opinion, its all a cache problem, but he cant be sure if he doesnt try making a new user account or using onyX or IceClean or whatever...


macrumors 6502
May 11, 2007
Can TechTools Deluxe diagnose my system to find the source of my problem? After further reading, I think my HDD might be dying... Now my system freezes every 3 min with whatever ram setup I have


macrumors regular
Jun 7, 2007
Vancouver, British Columbia
I haven't, since I have to do work daily on this machine. I'm pretty sure, from what I've heard, that it's a hardware issue and that I should wipe the disk and take it to the Apple Store to see if I can get it repaired / replaced (preferably replaced.)

Okay... I don't think you understand that creating a new user account doesn't affect the one you are currently using. You can have an unlimited number of user accounts, one for each member of your family, for example.

Something may have been corrupted in the user account you are currently using. What many people have suggested is that you go ahead and create an additional user account (call it "Test" for example). Go in and muck around in there and see if it still happens. You still have access to the same applications and even files if configured as admin.

I think (and hope) this is the knowledge gap that was existing. Otherwise, you seem to be perfectly willing to put up with constant interruptions in your productivity just because you don't want to take some similar steps (i.e., new user account, or even reformatting) to potentially solve them.

Good luck!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 6, 2008

1. Back up
2. Erase and Install OS X
3. Problem persists? Probably the HDD (sounds like what happened to my Mac mini just before it died), need replacement. Off to Apple you go.

Reinstalling OS X is nowhere near as time-consuming as reinstalling Windows on a PC, and nowhere near as much hassle either. When simple options have been exhausted it's usually a pretty good option to take.

I'd like to apologise for my stubbornness to do the suggestion of the new user account. Instead, I got enough work done prior to yesterday, backed up my files, did a clean reinstall (not archive/install) of Leopard, and tried it again - problem still persists.

Made an appointment at the Genius Bar and I hope they agree to a replacement (or a repair if possible - if they know what is going on.)

Thank you, everyone!


macrumors regular
Jun 7, 2007
Vancouver, British Columbia
I'd like to apologise for my stubbornness to do the suggestion of the new user account. Instead, I got enough work done prior to yesterday, backed up my files, did a clean reinstall (not archive/install) of Leopard, and tried it again - problem still persists.

Made an appointment at the Genius Bar and I hope they agree to a replacement (or a repair if possible - if they know what is going on.)

Thank you, everyone!

Good. You definitely wont get a replacement at this point. They will repair it though. However, I would suggest that you get things taken car of a lot sooner than this. Random full system freezes are almost always hardware related. Good luck!
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