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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 10, 2011
Hello. I'm new on jailbreaking and after reading some posts, I've learned that is good to save the iPhone shsh file. What is the proper method to successfully do it? Can I restore the iTunes's iPhone Backup and save the shsh or, should I save the shsh prior to restore the iTunes's iPhone Backup?

What is the right way or, are they both right?

Option 1º

a) Backup the iPhone to iTunes
b) Update to iOS 6.1
c) Restore iTunes Backup (activation included)
d) Save shsh on TinyUmbrella

Option 2º

a) Backup the iPhone to iTunes
b) Update to iOS 6.1
c) Activate the iPhone 4S
d) Save shsh on TinyUmbrella
e) Restore iTunes Backup

Are both ways right to save the shsh for future downgrade?

Thank you and regards,

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