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macrumors 68020
Aug 14, 2010
Woah, hold your horses MacRumors. That's not Richard Ayoade (at least I'm sure it's not).
a) The voice has an unusual, almost mimic-y posh twang at the end of certain words.
b) It's not nasal enough.
c) Richard Ayoade would never say 'aluminum' out of respect for himself.

Anyway, the video isn't exactly a copy because it doesn't talk about the design process of their watch. Because that's made just like any other Samsung crap, cheap plastic, tacky design, how many Neo Gear whatsits have they sold...?


Jun 28, 2011
Honestly, I'm mostly in defense of Samsung on this one. I don't like seeing all this Apple-praising, Samsung-bashing stuff. My next phone will be an iPhone, and I don't like Samsung phones at all, but I think a lot of this is along the lines of following Kim Kardashian on TV (as in, when you spend your time bashing Samsung to this much, or praising Apple that much, it's just as bad as when my girlfriend sits down for 2 hours to watch junk reality TV). I do hope that Samsung's latest advertisement is satire though... it's not very effective, or good. If it's not satire, then they probably want to draw parallels with Apple's advertisement so that consumers make the comparison.

I do have to say this: I have never owned a Samsung phone that I have been impressed with. I had the Samsung Wave back when the iPhone 3 came out... the Samsung Wave was terrible!!! I wished I could've gone back to my flip phone, even though the Wave was supposed to compete with the iPhone at the time.

Then, the Samsung Galaxy S4 comes out, and I needed a new phone. I decided since the Galaxy S4 was new, and the iPhone 5 had been on the market for 6 months or whatever it had been, I would get the S4. Another mistake. The Galaxy S4 is just a terrible phone. All the fake metal painting has peeled off, the signal strength isn't very good, at least once a week (usually more) I get loud static that hurts my ears when I try to make a phonecall (instead of the phonecall going through), I have had bugs on top of bugs with the phone, etc... it *mostly* works, but it's a premium phone, and as such shouldn't have these issues. Worst of all, their S-Voice is *SOOOOOO* bad. I'm better off dialing a number while driving than using voice recognition; with voice recognition, I'm much more likely to get into an accident.

My next phone will be an iPhone. I do like the direction Samsung is going with their phone designs, but they need to work on things like the voice recognition, and bugs with the firmware/software/operating system of the phone. BUT, this "bla bla bla Samsung sucks because Apple is original bla bla bla" is just pure horse crap. If Samsung had great voice recognition, their phone didn't bug up, their signal strength was good, and everything else was improved upon, then I'd probably stick with them... but I'm not risking that.
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macrumors regular
Jun 7, 2008
Richmond upon Thames
Both well-crafted ads

They're both well-crafted ads but Samsung's has less specific than Apple's with its details on the gold alloys.

As someone else said, it sounds daft for a British actor to say 'aluminum' rather than 'aluminium,' rather as, to British ears, there is an off-note in The Maltese Falcon when Sidney Greenstreet says 'burglarize' instead of 'burgle'.


macrumors regular
Oct 13, 2013
Wow, this has really hit a nerve here.

So much spite and hate coming out here.

You know what I find funny, no matter WHAT Samsung do, so many here say it's wrong.

They make a high grade plastic phone, with removable battery / card slot, its a cheap junk phone unlike Apple.

They then make a more Apple like Aluminium phone, and now, it's wrong as it's copying Apple.

They make adverts like Apple used to, making fun of the competition and they are wrong, and they should focus on their product like Apple do.

So Samsung makes an advert similar to apple that focusses on the manufacturing, and are then wrong again for that.

It's a odd mental scenario on there forums.

Apple fans, criticise the hell out of Samsung for doing things there way, and not the way Apple would do it.

Samsung then do something more along the lines of Apple, and then they are moaned at again.

Basically whatever Samsung do, here, will be wrong, they can never ever win in many peoples eyes here.
The problem is that Koreans improve on inventions but they do not invent (speaking about consumer electronics and user experience etc).
That's the problem with them...they are "soulless" without and identity. They have yet to change their culture to really make a difference.

Do not take me wrong. Their products are great, they work their asses to be the best...but...They are ashamed of being an asian company and they are ashamed of going with their unique style. Hence they copy others and improve their products.

It's the same identity problem they have with Kia & Hyundai on a luxury cars segment (see hyundai genesis and k9 vs BMW,Lexus,Mercedes blah blah).
And it's the same when it comes to comparing cultures with Japanese. Yes Japan has a lot of unique things that are seen badass in eyes of western audience like samurais,ninjas, katana and a concept of honor (seppuku).

But koreans fail at promoting their stuff...they have the easiest most scientific alphabet out there which you can learn in 15 minutes, their admirals were one of the best in the world and their culture defended themselves against superpowers for 5000 years and survived.

They outplayed everyone in the world when it comes to building the largest, heaviest and most complex ships. The japanese, chinese constantly loses and even they build their ships in Korean shipyards. Most of the tallest and complex projects were built by korean heavy industries.

Ad promoting the korean culture, and achievments by samsung heavy industries and comparing them with a S6 Edge would be unique and an epic win.


macrumors 601
Jan 21, 2008
The music isn't copied tho.

Also, apple doesn't use CGI. which imo works better


macrumors newbie
Sep 12, 2013
If we just stay in 2015 territory then the design of the S6 is uncannily similar to the iPhone 6.


Beyond that you have the aptly named Samsung Pay (Apple's version is called Apple Pay).

The box and accessory design


The fingerprint scanner setup


The stock keyboard


Samsung Wallet


The headphones


And now this wonderful video. Don't forget that's just recently..

Apologies for quoting a massive post but...

I don't see how this approach will net then more top-tier sales. Copying the Apple signature packaging and new product 'experience' (you ALL know what I'm talking about ;)) won't convert most from Apple... If you want the real deal, you get the real deal, and not some second rate rubbish with that TouchWiz crap (though it's been MASSIVELY improved).

Long and short of it is, if they stuck to their own brand instead of trying to copy the top player, it wouldn't seem as though they're in second place. After all, you're spending ballpark the same amount of money whether you go for Apple's flagship or Samsung's.

Maybe they can pull it off though; the product is a lot stronger this iteration.


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
The problem is that Koreans improve on inventions but they do not invent (speaking about consumer electronics and user experience etc).
That's the problem with them...they are "soulless" without and identity. They have yet to change their culture to really make a difference.

Do not take me wrong. Their products are great, they work their asses to be the best...but...They are ashamed of being an asian company and they are ashamed of going with their unique style. Hence they copy others and improve their products.

It's the same identity problem they have with Kia & Hyundai on a luxury cars segment (see hyundai genesis and k9 vs BMW,Lexus,Mercedes blah blah).
And it's the same when it comes to comparing cultures with Japanese. Yes Japan has a lot of unique things that are seen badass in eyes of western audience like samurais,ninjas, katana and a concept of honor (seppuku).

But koreans fail at promoting their stuff...they have the easiest most scientific alphabet out there which you can learn in 15 minutes, their admirals were one of the best in the world and their culture defended themselves against superpowers for 5000 years and survived.

They outplayed everyone in the world when it comes to building the largest, heaviest and most complex ships. The japanese, chinese constantly loses and even they build their ships in Korean shipyards. Most of the tallest and complex projects were built by korean heavy industries.

Ad promoting the korean culture, and achievments by samsung heavy industries and comparing them with a S6 Edge would be unique and an epic win.

What you just described is exactly what Apple do.

They don't invent things, they take a type of product that's already on sale, and improve upon it.

Note: Humans have been doing this since one caveman spotted the wheel another caveman just invented.

Apple did not invent the home computer, the MP3 player, the Laptop, the Mobile phone, the Tablet, the TV playback box, the Smart watch.

Let me put it to you this way..........

You make product A: your way, you were early to market let's say.

Another company comes along, tweaks your design, perhaps improves upon it in some way, and the public like it, and this company sells lots.

YOU...... What do you do? Ignore this as a company, or take onboard the changes the other company made, add/incorporate some of these things into your next product, as it's what's selling and what consumers are buying.

I do worry how so many here are two faced. They moan at a company that is doing exactly what they would do in the same situation.

I make lemon lollies.
Another company starts making strawberry ones, and wow the public love them, in fact they like them even better than my lemon ones.

And sensible person, seeing what the public like would also offer Strawberry lollies to capture some of this market.

People here seem to think, nooooooo You should not make strawberry as that would be copying, make a lime one instead, ignore that fact, as a company strawberry is selling.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 6, 2010
Samsung always tries too hard on their marketing which makes it feel tacky to me. They need to find out what their style really is and play to that instead. Rather like Skoda did a few years ago I think they need to do some brand reinvention, the quality yet value brand perhaps. Although to be fair on Samsung they are the largest phone manufacturer so they must be doing something better than the other Android phone manufacturers!


macrumors regular
Aug 30, 2014
I just don't understand this company. Are they not embarrassed? Or do they actually convince themselves that they aren't copying everything apple does? It's even more baffling when samsung users try to defend them (usually with bad grammar and spelling of course). How can anyone say they don't copy Apple and actually keep a straight face?


macrumors regular
Oct 13, 2013
What you just described is exactly what Apple do.

They don't invent things, they take a type of product that's already on sale, and improve upon it.

Note: Humans have been doing this since one caveman spotted the wheel another caveman just invented.

Apple did not invent the home computer, the MP3 player, the Laptop, the Mobile phone, the Tablet, the TV playback box, the Smart watch.

Let me put it to you this way..........

You make product A: your way, you were early to market let's say.

Another company comes along, tweaks your design, perhaps improves upon it in some way, and the public like it, and this company sells lots.

YOU...... What do you do? Ignore this as a company, or take onboard the changes the other company made, add/incorporate some of these things into your next product, as it's what's selling and what consumers are buying.

I do worry how so many here are two faced. They moan at a company that is doing exactly what they would do in the same situation.

I make lemon lollies.
Another company starts making strawberry ones, and wow the public love them, in fact they like them even better than my lemon ones.

And sensible person, seeing what the public like would also offer Strawberry lollies to capture some of this market.

People here seem to think, nooooooo You should not make strawberry as that would be copying, make a lime one instead, ignore that fact, as a company strawberry is selling.
Ok you are absolutely correct at this. Apple did not invent it from scratch. That much is a fact. built something that koreans could not do. They built brand, ecosystem, hell they even built a new programming language for their stuff, they built a religion. They may use samsung components but everybody just see the product as a whole. The quality might be declining recently on apple's part but still...

Also what you think about this ad/promo ?
I know it's a bit too long but it's very well executed in my opinion.


Mar 23, 2006
Their strategy of trying to replicate the iPhone is clearly not working given their recent profit numbers. They should be trying to make a better device instead. Hire that Martin bloke who keeps coming up with the drop dead gorgeous iPhone concepts and get him to design something totally different.


Dec 17, 2013
I agree with all of those saying Samsung is making fun of Apple.
I doubt that this video was all too serious, the over the top accent, the shots and the narration that sounded all super fancy, but when you think about it, conveyed the most obvious things (like measuring in nanometers ;)). To me it's a parody, just like the the recent Collegehumor ones, and I love it! :D


macrumors member
Aug 13, 2013
United Arab Emirates
There is a key difference here in the each of their success.

What samsung said- "That looks like the future".

While apple will say (and they will mean it)- "This is the future"


Mar 23, 2006
The problem is that Koreans improve on inventions but they do not invent (speaking about consumer electronics and user experience etc).

You could say the same about Apple and they're doing ok.

Steve Jobs's strategy was to replicate the Japanese way. Take something that already exists and make it smaller, lighter and better. He often said how he admired Sony for their designs and innovation.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2007
While Samsung hasn't been accused of copying Apple's ads in recent years, the Korean company has been accused of copying Apple ....

Maybe this has been mentioned before in this thread ( havent' read all of it ) but Samsung actually DID copy some of Apple's ads before. Just out of memory, remember the white iPhone 4 that was delayed almost 7 months by Jobs ( because he couldn't get the right color or something like that ) ? The poster ad just showed the white iPhone with the text " It's finally here" .
Well Samsung released also a white phone with a poster only showing their phone with the text : " Finally in white " :D

There's also a video commercial a few years ago where Samsung even hired the same actress from the Apple video ad !!

If someone could locate these two again, it would be great fun to watch.


macrumors 68040
Jan 5, 2012
Why do companies think to be more successful they have to be more 'Apple-like'. Can't they do their own thing?

I thought Samsung had changed but it seems they're still shameless about their copying.

However, they used an actor for this video where as Apple uses the person who's actually in charge of products. One is an act, one is genuine.


macrumors 603
Nov 4, 2008
Wow. Copycat on the videos.

It won't be long until Samsung copies the whole software interface too.


The phone yes but there is no way they copied the manufacturing process. We all know that Jonson Ive has refined the design process so far that  only need one tool;


  • MAR10RPforweb.jpg
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 25, 2006
"... Carving from blocks of aerospace-grade aluminum, ..."

The person speaking is just trying to mimic an English accent. Samsung just HAS to copy everything Apple does... down to design videos, and the accent.

Yep it's getting more than lame...


macrumors 68040
Jan 5, 2012
Sorry. I have both... iPhone 6 has an "okay" design, but the S6 Edge is absolutly beautiful. Sooooo after iPhone 6 and now after S6 Apple is the one behind.

I have almost anything from Apple. Fanboy? Naaa not really. I still like other tech, and I'm not totally blind, for what else there is to buy. But always funny to see how this is almost religion to some people. Seek help, cos if this can make you go up in flames you have serious issues.

If you compared the iPhone 6 so the S5 it wouldn't feel like a fair comparison, because the iPhone is 6 months newer.

Yet now people say Samsung have started to pull ahead, even though the iPhone 6 is six months older than the Galaxy S6. In my book, that makes Apple superior.

But it's difficult to compare the two as they are six months apart. You can always say 'wait for the next phone from <company here>'.


macrumors 6502
Mar 26, 2010
Maybe this has been mentioned before in this thread ( havent' read all of it ) but Samsung actually DID copy some of Apple's ads before. Just out of memory, remember the white iPhone 4 that was delayed almost 7 months by Jobs ( because he couldn't get the right color or something like that ) ? The poster ad just showed the white iPhone with the text " It's finally here" .
Well Samsung released also a white phone with a poster only showing their phone with the text : " Finally in white " :D

There's also a video commercial a few years ago where Samsung even hired the same actress from the Apple video ad !!

If someone could locate these two again, it would be great fun to watch.
I was really "amazed", when I walked into a Samsung Store in Seoul 2012 and the interior really looked like I would be standing in an Apple Store (same colour wooden tables, ...). To be fair, they changed it later to an all white glossy design, but back then it was really funny to see that the even tried to imitate the atmosphere of an Apple Store in their own stores.


macrumors 65816
Jan 24, 2010
That's not an actual British guy. Every bit of his accent is a mock of different accents and not one Britiah person would say aluminium like that.
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