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macrumors 6502a
Oct 27, 2012
The Yoga certainly has a nice screen but Windows 8 is bleh. Get me a Yoga running OSX and I'd take it in a heartbeat.


macrumors 68000
Aug 8, 2008
Zurich, Switzerland
I suspect it's more a matter of novelty and learning something new.

Sort-of like with an affair?

Hopefully, he thinks different about women - or his wife either doesn't know his alias here or doesn't read.
Let's get back to this posting in six months, when the honeymoon is over and the novelty-effect has worn-off a bit.


macrumors newbie
Dec 6, 2013
Isn't there a car ad that goes "If your car doesn't excite you, get a new one."

Nobody is going to buy the same car each year just because they added 3 HP for the new model. You're gonna go buy something that's exciting.

Who wants to hear how they should he happy with what they get? You want to be wowed.

A retina update is good, but it's not that good. A slight boost here and there is just boring. We've already experienced the Air or the Pro, give us something to keep our attention.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 26, 2010


So everything was great and then I started to notice trackpad issues. Settings would not stick. After reboot or wake from sleep tap to click was getting enabled every time and no fix. Swapped for another one. Out of nowhere blue screen of death. Restarted, and windows fixed the issue. Next day, fatal windows crash while sitting at idle when I was away from the computer. Tried to reboot and it said I had to reinstall the whole operating system. LOL. RETURNED IT! Back on my macbook air and thinkpad w530 which is a rock by the way. No issues, just no touch and its huge. So anyways there you go.


macrumors 65816
Jun 16, 2014
Houston, Texas

So everything was great and then I started to notice trackpad issues. Settings would not stick. After reboot or wake from sleep tap to click was getting enabled every time and no fix. Swapped for another one. Out of nowhere blue screen of death. Restarted, and windows fixed the issue. Next day, fatal windows crash while sitting at idle when I was away from the computer. Tried to reboot and it said I had to reinstall the whole operating system. LOL. RETURNED IT! Back on my macbook air and thinkpad w530 which is a rock by the way. No issues, just no touch and its huge. So anyways there you go.

I appreciate the review/trial. Did you miss OSX?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 26, 2010
I appreciate the review/trial. Did you miss OSX?

I didn't miss it at all until windows started freaking out with problems then I couldn't wait to come back but I must say, I miss touching that screen to do stuff now.


macrumors 65816
Jun 16, 2014
Houston, Texas
I didn't miss it at all until windows started freaking out with problems then I couldn't wait to come back but I must say, I miss touching that screen to do stuff now.

I had a nightmarish experience last weekend in, what should have been, a painless update of my neighbors laptop from Windows 8 to 8.1. Long story short, MS Store would not open. Had to reinstall OS, store opened but wouldn't download 8.1 until important updates installed. Machine wouldn't finish installing important updates. Would then hang up and I had to reinstall OS AGAIN. Repeat process. Finally gave up. Windows is the devil sometimes.

Sorry it didn't work out for you. Sounded like you really liked it when you first got it.


macrumors newbie
Jul 19, 2014

So everything was great and then I started to notice trackpad issues. Settings would not stick. After reboot or wake from sleep tap to click was getting enabled every time and no fix. Swapped for another one. Out of nowhere blue screen of death. Restarted, and windows fixed the issue. Next day, fatal windows crash while sitting at idle when I was away from the computer. Tried to reboot and it said I had to reinstall the whole operating system. LOL. RETURNED IT! Back on my macbook air and thinkpad w530 which is a rock by the way. No issues, just no touch and its huge. So anyways there you go.


There is something perplexing about stuff that just works really well and reliably (i.e. MacBooks / OSX) in that they can be both fantastic and boring at the same time.

I drive a new Audi and feel the same about that. It's one of the new S3 models so not slow or boring on paper, but in reality it's just so good at everything it's like there is no fun left. On the flip side, my wife has a new Fiesta ST and it's brilliant. Less of everything compared to the Audi, more bumpy, more noise, cheaper plastics etc etc and it feels great with a real personality.

I can see the attraction of trying a Lenovo Yoga as I was tempted before buying my 11" Air last week, but in this case I'd rather take boring, efficient "it just always works" vs blue screens, dodgy hardware, nasty Windows 8.1 etc etc.

There is still something appealing about how apple stuff generally just works and is there for you when you want to use it without any messing about.


Oct 10, 2013
UPDATE:So everything was great and then I started to notice trackpad issues. Settings would not stick. After reboot or wake from sleep tap to click was getting enabled every time and no fix. Swapped for another one. Out of nowhere blue screen of death. Restarted, and windows fixed the issue. Next day, fatal windows crash while sitting at idle when I was away from the computer. Tried to reboot and it said I had to reinstall the whole operating system. LOL. RETURNED IT! Back on my macbook air and thinkpad w530 which is a rock by the way. No issues, just no touch and its huge. So anyways there you go.
Ive been reading this thread quietly to see what happens.
I was expecting Windows to be ... well windows.

Welcome back :D


macrumors member
Jan 28, 2013
Windows is always a deal breaker for me. Hate those updates that take hours to finish....By the time you've done them it's almost as if a whole raft of new ones are available.

If I ever leave OS X it will be for Linux.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2008
I bought a Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 11s about five months ago. I had to run some Windows software and could not afford to get a new Macbook Air and buy and install Windows over it. Furthermore, I just bought a 2013 MBA 11 with 4gb ram in August 2013. At first I loved the IPS screen and the innovative Lenovo design. I started using it over my MBA more and more. Then as the months went on, I missed the trackpad of my MBA. It was somewhat more responsive. The trackpad on my Lenovo is permanently oil stained. I am not sure why. The keys on the MBA also have deeper travel compared to that of the Lenovo Yoga 11s. Reading and scrolling through pdfs on a MBA was a breeze compared to the Lenovo Yoga 11s. Also about 30 gb of the 128 gb on my Lenovo was reserved as backup, that space was off limits to the user. The IPS screen on my Lenovo had image retention issues (similar to that of the MB Pro Retina). The Lenovo Yoga 11s is also heavier, though I loved its Clementine Orange colour. In future, if I were ever to have to use Windows again, I would get a Mac that is sufficiently spec'ed to handle the requirements of two OSes in one machine. I don't think I will buy another Windows PC for a while. The cheap ultra books are crappy while the those priced similarly to a MBA just do not match up in terms of quality. Just my personal opinion.


macrumors 65816
Nov 9, 2009
Did you really compare IPS to TFT? It's like comparing night to day - or even worse a rainy day to a sunny day.
How about a rMBP then? Sure it lacks the touch screen but you then have a IPS panel that stays clean ;-)


macrumors 6502
Jul 12, 2014
It's not fair to compare the MacBook Air to the Thinkpad Yoga. You would have t o compare the retina MacBook Pro seeing as its more on par in terms of processing power, battery life and weight.

In either case, I have to say Windows 8.1 is a good OS, but I'm getting tired of Windows in general. I was one of the more avid pro-Microsoft sort of people. I own a first-gen surface bought on launch day, a Windows Phone and I have windows 8 installed on my 6 year old laptop. Only recently have I decided to make the switch to OS X. I hope it lives up to my expectations.

Anyways, I can tell you that Windows modern apps are generally unstable. I thought it was the developers, but even professional apps (though, I have to say these are given much less attention than their iOS counterparts) crash frequently on all my windows devices. I also don't care about live tiles anymore. It's great on my tablet except it's slow. I can't wait to get an iPad and iPhone later on when my budget allows. Oh well, your preference. I'm switching mostly because I'm tired of the UI and instability apps; from my personal experience.

It'll also be nice to get the latest and greatest apps on my iOS devices rather than settling for (very good) albeit third-party app experiences provided by developers like Rudy who made 6snap for Windows Phone. I guess what you can get from this rant is that you should switch head-first into the eco-system. I think you'll miss Apple too much, but again, I haven't actually switched yet.


macrumors regular
Jul 19, 2014
I have only recently switched to OS X (hackintosh for 5 months and then last week I bought my first real mac) and I absolutely love it. I fix computers for money on the side so naturally I encounter windows the most. I just get so frustrated with windows sometimes; everything can be working 100% then the next minute everything is wrong. Then there's the useless error messages (0x000000 etc) which make it near impossible to solve your issue, so you're forced to reinstall.

So, while I used to be very interested in devices like the surface pro series and other tablets - I think the luster has really worn off because I know that windows will have issues at some point. It's simply inevitable. I can even install software that requires a password before it can edit the registry or change anything in critical spots of the computer (you'd be surprised at what doesn't even require UAC to come up without any sort of software) and it still manages to mess up.


macrumors 68040
Mar 2, 2009
Waterloo & Georgian Bay, Canada
Add me to the 'I bought a yoga and returned it camp'.

I was getting bored with my MacBook air and MacBook Pro so I decided to try a Lenovo Yoga for fun. Same thing, lots of problems with Windows, trackpad issues and windows apps just are'nt ready for the high-resolution screen.

It was a frustrating experience and reminded me of my old days in windows, that was enough for me.

Just works and boring is a heck of a lot better than Windows nightmares. The quality of notebooks manufactured to run Windows is often a joke, don't understand why one company can't make one high-quality computer that just works like my Macs ...


macrumors 6502
Dec 9, 2012
I started another thread about this, but do some of you prefer Apple + bootcamp even if you are going to be in Windows 90% of the time? Or in that case would you just get a PC?

Also, to the OP, where can you get a ThinkPad Yoga for far less than full retail price, as you indicated in one of your posts? I'm probably going to have to get a PC ultrabook and the ThinkPad Yoga and X240 are probably my top choices.


macrumors regular
Jul 19, 2013
Hah... Last month I installed Windows 8.1 on an old laptop for backup use. It ran well for a week and I decided, for some reason, to turn on disk encryption. It was supposed to be a smooth experience. But then in the middle of the process something went wrong, and the computer refused to restart. And then, when I tried to re-install Windows 8.1, it refused to format or delete the half-encrypted partition and thus couldn't install because of lack of space. Now I have to download a program to delete the partition...

I enabled disk encryption on my Macbook Air with no hassle at all. :D


So everything was great and then I started to notice trackpad issues. Settings would not stick. After reboot or wake from sleep tap to click was getting enabled every time and no fix. Swapped for another one. Out of nowhere blue screen of death. Restarted, and windows fixed the issue. Next day, fatal windows crash while sitting at idle when I was away from the computer. Tried to reboot and it said I had to reinstall the whole operating system. LOL. RETURNED IT! Back on my macbook air and thinkpad w530 which is a rock by the way. No issues, just no touch and its huge. So anyways there you go.


macrumors regular
Jul 19, 2014
I started another thread about this, but do some of you prefer Apple + bootcamp even if you are going to be in Windows 90% of the time? Or in that case would you just get a PC?

Also, to the OP, where can you get a ThinkPad Yoga for far less than full retail price, as you indicated in one of your posts? I'm probably going to have to get a PC ultrabook and the ThinkPad Yoga and X240 are probably my top choices.

If you are going to use Windows 90% of the time, then it really doesn't make sense to get a Mac. Just not sure why in 2014 you'd need to use Windows that much. Most programs seem to have a Mac edition or work fine in Parallels.


macrumors 6502
Dec 9, 2012
If you are going to use Windows 90% of the time, then it really doesn't make sense to get a Mac. Just not sure why in 2014 you'd need to use Windows that much. Most programs seem to have a Mac edition or work fine in Parallels.

Parallels IS using Windows, isn't it?

The vast majority of what I use my computer for is to remotely access my work vpn. For better or worse, I can only access my work vpn using Windows. So yes, I could do it using a Mac running VMWare or bootcamp, but that gets me back to my original question... would I just be better off with a real PC if I'd just be using VMWare or bootcamp 90% of the time on a Mac?

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
I started another thread about this, but do some of you prefer Apple + bootcamp even if you are going to be in Windows 90% of the time? Or in that case would you just get a PC?

Also, to the OP, where can you get a ThinkPad Yoga for far less than full retail price, as you indicated in one of your posts? I'm probably going to have to get a PC ultrabook and the ThinkPad Yoga and X240 are probably my top choices.

Apple hardware is simp[ly better than Lenovo. I was a long time Thinkpad user but they have los their way and their keyboards are horrible. Ordered a W540, ove $3000, and it would not even boot up out of the box. Keyboard was horrible with scratching sounds when you hit a key and some key even got stuck!

The new X1 Carbon's keyboard is just as bad and I returned it, too!


macrumors 6502
Dec 9, 2012
Apple hardware is simp[ly better than Lenovo. I was a long time Thinkpad user but they have los their way and their keyboards are horrible. Ordered a W540, ove $3000, and it would not even boot up out of the box. Keyboard was horrible with scratching sounds when you hit a key and some key even got stuck!

The new X1 Carbon's keyboard is just as bad and I returned it, too!

What did you end up with, then? A Mac running Windows?


macrumors 604
Apr 6, 2007
Add me to the 'I bought a yoga and returned it camp'.

I was getting bored with my MacBook air and MacBook Pro so I decided to try a Lenovo Yoga for fun. Same thing, lots of problems with Windows, trackpad issues and windows apps just are'nt ready for the high-resolution screen.

That's a real shame, because ThinkPads used to be excellent laptops. My last Windows laptop was a ThinkPad T42 (last one made by IBM before Lenovo took over) and it was rock solid, the best Windows laptop I had ever owned. I had always assumed that if for any reason I needed to leave Apple products behind, I would get a Thinkpad again and maybe install linux on it.

I wonder fi the problem is the hard are, or Windows? Maybe the Yoga would run better under Linux?
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