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Samurai Shampoo

macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 2, 2017

I have a long table that goes beyond the length of one page.

Pages does not split the table into 2 parts and it lays on top of the footer of the first and header of the next page.
It basically stays 1 table and there's no seperation.

How can I break the table or make it properly continue on the next page?

I want the table to stop before the footer on the first page and have the rest of its content start below the header of the next page.


macrumors 68020
May 11, 2012
Can you check the settings of your table?
I'm including a screenshot (Dutch, sorry for that).

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-02-04 om 16.24.07.png

Samurai Shampoo

macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 2, 2017
Can you check the settings of your table?
I'm including a screenshot (Dutch, sorry for that).

View attachment 2345390
Thank you for the screenshot. I have it set to "Stay On Page" but when I set it to the setting as shown in your screenshot, the entire table jumps to the next page but same problem persists as before. It does not split the table as shown in your document.

I even created a new table to see if mine was maybe "broken" but to no avail. Same problem there.


macrumors 68020
May 11, 2012
Thank you for the screenshot. I have it set to "Stay On Page" but when I set it to the setting as shown in your screenshot, the entire table jumps to the next page but same problem persists as before. It does not split the table as shown in your document.

I even created a new table to see if mine was maybe "broken" but to no avail. Same problem there.
Sorry, I can't replicate your problem.
Could you perhaps upload your document so I can study it closer?

Samurai Shampoo

macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 2, 2017
Sorry, I can't replicate your problem.
Could you perhaps upload your document so I can study it closer?
Apologies for the late reply. I tried figuring it out on my own but no success. It happens with any document when there's a header or text above the table. When I use an empty document it works. But when there's something above the table and its length exceeds one page, it jumps to the next page and the overreaches on to the next page. Really annoying.


macrumors 68020
May 11, 2012
Apologies for the late reply. I tried figuring it out on my own but no success. It happens with any document when there's a header or text above the table. When I use an empty document it works. But when there's something above the table and its length exceeds one page, it jumps to the next page and the overreaches on to the next page. Really annoying.

Again, I've spent quite some time trying to replicate your problem - without success.
Just create a sample document with this problem and upload it, so I might find the solution.

Schermafbeelding 2024-02-11 om 18.03.50.png


macrumors G5
If I'm understanding the problem correctly, switch the table from "Stay on Page" to "Move with Text" so that it can break and spread onto page 2+.

Since it is overlapping page header & footer, adjust Document margins to be greater than where you have header & footer positioned...


As you can see, top & bottom margin is set to 1 inch while header & footer is placed at .5 inch. This means the space for page content is INSIDE of the header & footer. Now you could have a thousand row table over many pages and none of them will overlap header & footer.

If you set the table to "stay on page" there isn't a latter page for it to flow onto. Instead, it's like it is BEHIND the next page, no longer respecting the document margin because it's like a very long table is laying on top of page 1 and flowing off the bottom. Then page 2 is laying on top of that (table). Switch my table example in the screenshot above to "stay on page" but leaving everything else the same yields the footer overlap (which is what I think you are experiencing)...


So switching the table back to "move with text" and adjust page margins to be INSIDE of header & footer positioning should allow a long table to split and roll onto subsequent pages while respecting (blank) header & footer areas)... which is what I think you want.

And I think the "Something above the table" (jumps to subsequent pages) problem is that you have what is called a "Header Row" at the top of the table, which will appear on subsequent pages in Pages...


The idea being that information you put in a header row rolls onto the next page(s) so that people looking at subsequent pages know what each column represents. If you see numbers above zero in headers & footer in the "table" tab, you have header rows and/or header columns.

If you do NOT want these table headers on every page, you can create tables without header rows or, if you've already created a table like this, click the "1" to select the entire Header row, right click, "delete row" OR change the "1" selections in the table tab to 0 and the headers will become normal table rows and/or column. Then, they will NOT "copy" to the top or far left of each subsequent page.
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