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macrumors 6502a
Feb 5, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3)

I worked at the SoHo store for two years. A really great team. Can't wait to see the re-model!


macrumors 6502
Jun 23, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
Keep Both

If it is that busy, keep it when the old SoHo is finished! Two stores side by side, twice the revenue. Manhattan can feed them both with customers.


macrumors regular
Aug 4, 2006
"Rustic"? I'm sorry, but exposed brick does not make something look rustic, it makes it look industrial. Kind of the opposite thing, really. If it had a bunch of knotty, unplaned wood, that would be rustic.


macrumors 601
Mar 22, 2011
Nice looking for a temp store. However timing sucks with holidays coming.
maybe Apple has something up their sleeve.


macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2004
"Rustic"? I'm sorry, but exposed brick does not make something look rustic, it makes it look industrial. Kind of the opposite thing, really. If it had a bunch of knotty, unplaned wood, that would be rustic.

My thoughts exactly. Have we progressed so far that something that has been around for less than, what, 125 years (HVAC) is now rustic? Brick, I can understand.

As for the Covent Garden photo: No matter the reality of what happened after the pic was snapped...well, I would think twice about using it as a promo photo.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 31, 2011
Brooklyn, NY
I went to this temporary store a couple weeks ago to buy a new case for my iPhone. I love the normal SoHo store, but I can't decide if I like the aesthetic of this one even more! The lighting scheme is a little off and the space is a bit smaller than it needs to be but way to go Apple, you put just as much effort into a temporary store as a permanent one! I wish that Apple would adopt the rustic look for more of its urban retail stores.


macrumors regular
Oct 8, 2007
Apple stores being busy isn't a sign of people buying things at all. It's a sign they have some time to kill and want to play with toys on their lunch break.

I see it in every Apple store I've been in. I've done it too. That's why the ratio of people entering a store is higher than the people leaving with Apple bags.

Yes, but Apple stores overall have the highest revenue per square foot of any retailer in the U.S. (and maybe elsewhere as well.) And most stores do encourage "dwell time" because the longer someone stays in a retail environment, the more likely they are to buy something. So the fact that some people, even many people, going to an Apple store to play or waste time is not a problem for them at all, with the slight exception that they have to build larger stores in order to accomodate the non-purchasing crowd.
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