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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 6, 2002
Brooklyn, NYC
My sources tell me that all future macs will no longer have an "escape" key on the keyboard. this decision was made after a 2 years of testing which showed that the esc key way was the least used key on the Apple keyboard. After 10.2 is installed pressing the esc key on your current keyboard will result in a briefly flashing message that will read "live in the now!" and a grilled cheese sandwich will dispense from the optical drive. for users without a 32mb video card the message will simply read "Cough!" and a Saltine cracker will pop out the tray and onto the floor. so what will be there in the esc key's place? my sources say it will be a single red M&M. let's just hope it's peanut. What does this update mean for those of us on the east coast with inground pools and Braun coffee makers? Only time will tell...
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