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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 11, 2015
Hello All

I while ago I posted about getting Lync to work on Mac.
Well the good news it is all up and running at my work.
All of the Unix team has mac running natively on OS X using Lync
Now here comes the fun part.

On all other users - their Lync displays user profile pics. Mine doesn't.
If I log in on someone else machine (mac running OS X) I can log in perfectly AND the display pictures work!!

The unix department cannot seem to solve this!?
I've reinstalled lync.
I've created a completely new user account in OS X to log in and installed sync
I've reinstalled outlook and outlook preview 2016
When reading emails it shows people profile pictures and online status.

For the life of me I cannot get profile picture to work on lync.
Would anyone be kind enough to help out here and come with some advise?
Lync is running on a server at my work (350 employees) and not via Office 365

Any feedback would be much appreciated if at all possible!
So far 12 people can't seem to figure it out
p.s helpdesk "dont support apple" but luckily Unix department has tried their very best

Please help.
Kind regards


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 11, 2015
Lync version is 14.0.11
I while ago I tried some extra entries in plist for communicator.
I deleted communicator when we upgraded to lync though.
Just thought I would add incase helpful


macrumors newbie
Nov 2, 2014
Do you see your profile picture in Outlook?
Try using a cleaner program like Dr. Cleaner to delete the application cache.
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macrumors member
Aug 26, 2012
Auckland, New Zealand
You mention Outlook Technical Preview? Have you tried without using the TP and just Outlook 2011? As far as I know Lync relies on Outlook to supply profile pics, and some quick reading on the topic indicates ALOT of inconsistencies in the way profile pics are handled between various versions of Outlook (both Mac and Windows). Do you have colleagues who have working profile pics and are using Outlook TP?
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