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macrumors 68020
May 27, 2014
Same here. However the coolness of the bezeless might wear off compared to having macOS.
MacOS is the reason I am torn. I have a 2012 MBP that still runs fantastic (non retina) and I don't even have 16 gigs of ram in it yet. It has kept up with everything I have thrown at it.

I find myself on the iPad just wanting it to do a little more - and with how light the macbook is, I think I would get that over an iPad that just feels like a watered down media consumption device.


macrumors 6502
May 20, 2006
Why would you update the mid size, lower cost option, to a bezel-less screen, and not the 12.9 iPad flagship? Seems odd. Of course so does not updating the mini at all. They know iPad sales are down, right? At least give it a bump.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 29, 2007
It’ll be interesting to see how Apple handles inadvertant touches along the edges of the device. With no bezel, there’s not “safe” place to grip the device while holding it. The OS will have to determine what’s a deliberite touch vs indiscriminate touch.

When they launched the mini they started doing something like this on the sides. It does a pretty good job of recognizing when you are holding it or trying to touch the screen.
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Return Zero

macrumors 65816
Oct 2, 2013
So the 10.9 will be to the iPad Pro lineup like the 12" rMB was to the MBA lineup... They'll keep the pros around with some spec bumps for a while but eventually the 10.9 will be the one left standing. Maybe this is Apple's way of acknowledging that their product lineup was getting too fragmented? It will soon be down to 3 laptop sizes and 1 iPad size. Makes me wonder if the iMac will only have one new model as well, 24" 5K perhaps. If they can ditch the 17" laptop, they can ditch these other large models as well.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 20, 2011
"More "revolutionary" changes to iPads, including a switch to OLED displays, are expected in 2018, according to Kuo's earlier report."

Well there will be a market just waiting in 2018 as well.


macrumors 68020
Jun 13, 2016
I guess they only have so much courage as the new iPads, just like the new MBPs, still have a headphone jack.
I don't know why people are complaining about this, so what if they are not consistent, at least it has it.


Jun 3, 2015
Okay, they are planning to keep 3.5 jack. That's good. I guess Tim didn't have encourage to go without 3.5. Okay...I don't get 10.1 inches. This appears to be a desperate move because I don't see the rationale of that. 12.9 has improve rear cam...12mp.


macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
Meh. Nano implies a much smaller device, tbh.

Does it in Apple-land though? The proportional difference between an iPod Classic, iPod Mini, and iPod Nano are about the same as the proportional differences between an iPad 9.7, iPad Mini, and iPod Touch.


macrumors 68030
Dec 10, 2002
It’ll be interesting to see how Apple handles inadvertant touches along the edges of the device. With no bezel, there’s not “safe” place to grip the device while holding it. The OS will have to determine what’s a deliberite touch vs indiscriminate touch.
Not only that but be very reliable touch rejection, which I seriously doubt. What is the benefit of losing bezels on an iPad? "Oh yay, my 12" wide device is 0.5" less wide but now it is painfully difficult to use and even more expensive! Awesome!"
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macrumors 68020
Jun 13, 2016
I knew it wouldn't be 10.2, but I tpdidnt think 10.9". I suppose the bezel free aspect will allow that however.

It's another example of form over function - smaller bezels looks a lot better but try holding an iPad 4 or below and the larger bezels make it more comfortable to hold.


macrumors 68040
Jan 8, 2003
I would buy the 10.9 in a heartbeat.

I use the iPad at work intensely throughout the day. I've longed for a size between the two Pro models. The 12.9 is just too big and bulky, the 9.7 is perfect to carry and not be obtrusive or rude in meetings. But the 9.7 could use a bit more screen real estate. A 10.9 in the package size of a 9.7 would be heaven. Happy to pay a premium for it.

Of course, it's a bummer there's no OLED, which in 2017 is shocking. But this is Tim Cooke's Apple now, and we're going to have to get used to MBAs and their spreadsheets trickling out technology over the years to keep us upgrading. The days of Steve getting on stage showing devices packed with the best Apple could make are over, alas.

But my main hope for 2017 is Apple has a serious fork in iOS and Apps for the iPad and gets serious about making the iPad a productivity device. Apple doesn't seem to get that what's holding back the line, and the reason I see more and more Surfaces on planes and in meetings, is the software.

It's not the lack of speakers or more microphones or the iPads needs more thinness. It's simply that it's harder to do a lot of productivity workflows with the limits of iOS and their first party apps. Moreover, a serious investment from Apple in iPad software would signal the app ecosystem their commitment.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2015
It’ll be interesting to see how Apple handles inadvertant touches along the edges of the device. With no bezel, there’s not “safe” place to grip the device while holding it. The OS will have to determine what’s a deliberite touch vs indiscriminate touch.

This is my main concern too, although I'm 100% confident Apple will implement a way that eliminates this issue. Unlike my S7 edge which can be simply a pain to use with random unintentional touches.


Jul 20, 2011
Some of Apple's moves (dongles, adapters, bluetooth reliance w/o reliable bluetooth connection) seem to be for the sake of doing it, not for the sake of improving the user experience.

I wish they'd focus on the user experience again and not just on being different for being different's sake.

Micky Do

macrumors 68020
Aug 31, 2012
a South Pacific island
Sorry, no. In the UK, they will be priced higher than £300 over the current iPads. ;)
Thank Brexit for that

What about the Mac mini and Mac Pro? They're in desperate need of updates!
My thoughts exactly….. though I'm not desperate. I reckon my 2009 Mac Mini should be good for my humble needs for a couple or three years yet. Might be another couple of iterations before then!

iDevices….. nah. A Mac on my desk is enough for me. When I leave it, I am off line, and happy to be so.
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