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Original poster
May 28, 2011
Williamsburg, Virginia
What's everyone using? I was using Tweetbot but I don't think it's ever ever going to get a major update like the iPhone version did.

I have Osfoora, which is nice, but the other day I bought Tweetings and like it a lot. I started using Tweetings again on the iPhone and iPad and when I found out it can enable the Fleksy keyboard.


Original poster
May 28, 2011
Williamsburg, Virginia
Anyone using Tweetings on the Mac? Can someone explain to me like I’m a 5 year old here and tell me how to post a tweet using the @ symbol? Every time I do, when I type the @ symbol, my user list comes up and the first follower is typed out and the @ symbol disappears. Is this a serious bug or am I not getting it?


macrumors 65816
Feb 7, 2013
I'd like to use Tweetbot app but it stops responding every day or so. Needs to be force quit. Very annoying.


Anyone using Tweetings on the Mac? Can someone explain to me like I’m a 5 year old here and tell me how to post a tweet using the @ symbol? Every time I do, when I type the @ symbol, my user list comes up and the first follower is typed out and the @ symbol disappears. Is this a serious bug or am I not getting it?

The @ symbol is to send a tweet to a specific person. Say my name was @johnnnw you would do

"@johnnnw hey how are you"

If you want to tweet to all your followers you just type out the tweet with no @.

If you @ someone at the beginning of the tweet only that person will see it. Everyone else can if they look at your tweets but it won't show up on their timeline like a normal no "@" tweet would if they follow you.


macrumors regular
Jan 21, 2014
I'm apart of the #TweetDeckMasterRace :p

In all seriousness though, I've just gotten used to TweetDeck and use it more than any of the other clients.


macrumors 65816
Nov 11, 2009
The Netherlands
I am using Tweetbot. The last version is very stable (with earlier versions I had problems with syncing between my iPad/iPhone and iMac).


Original poster
May 28, 2011
Williamsburg, Virginia
I'd like to use Tweetbot app but it stops responding every day or so. Needs to be force quit. Very annoying.


The @ symbol is to send a tweet to a specific person. Say my name was @johnnnw you would do

"@johnnnw hey how are you"

If you want to tweet to all your followers you just type out the tweet with no @.

If you @ someone at the beginning of the tweet only that person will see it. Everyone else can if they look at your tweets but it won't show up on their timeline like a normal no "@" tweet would if they follow you.

No no, I know that. Tweetings is messed up on the Mac. I haven’t figured out how to send a tweet to someone. I know that sounds stupid, but if you’ve used the app, you’d see.


macrumors regular
Jun 23, 2009
I've been using Twitter for Mac, but I think it's abandonware once again. Not one single update this year.
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