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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 13, 2003
I admit it, I'm not a mac user and never have been...sorry.

However, I have a customer who is and wants to uplaod excel files to my website from their mac.

At the moment we have validation on the site to only permit files with a .xls or .csv extenstion to be uploaded - which I intend to sort out.
But in the meantime is there a way my customer can rename the file on their mac to have a .xls extension, therefore allowing it to be uploaded to my site? (I know the data is cross platform).

Any help much appreciated!


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2002
It should be a simple as that. Just tell your customer to rename the file with ".xls" at the end. Historically, the Mac OS didn't rely on the filename extension to determine file type or creator. That info was kept in the resource fork. This allowed the user to name the file without as many restrictions as in dos/windows.

This is changing with Mac OS X so that the filename extension is becoming more important.

Anyway, a good mac user who is aware of cross-platform networking issues should already be aware of this and using the filename extension even thought they aren't needed on the Mac.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2002
Tacoma, WA
Originally posted by FatTony

This is changing with Mac OS X so that the filename extension is becoming more important.

OSX (like BSD) doesn't require an extension on a file, heck the . is a semi normal character in a file (that's why hidden files have . in front of the name). You can even make a folder with the name text.txt and it will work just fine.

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