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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 27, 2001
I have 2 Mac Mini's, both running Sonoma, on the same local network and I want them to both access a folder on a USB HDD that is shared through File Sharing. One mini is a 2018 i3 that has PrivateVPN running on it. The other mini is a M2 Pro. I don't care which mini the USB drive is physically attached to though it would be preferable if it was on the non VPN mini. When the VPN is running and I try to connect either way or screen share either way I get the below error messages. No issues when the VPN is off, so obviously I think, a VPN/IP problem for which I have scant networking knowledge? Is what I want to do possible or a I missing a step? Or is there a different/easier/better way to accomplish this?



Sep 20, 2013
The VPN is is a different network than local network. This is why when the one Mac is connected to the VPN, your Macs can’t see each other.

Marco Klobas

macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2017
It's true that VPN takes your Mac on a different network (it's the purpose of a VPN). It shouldn't prevent a local access, though.

I connect locally to my Mac (screen sharing) from an iPad even if the Mac is connected to a VPN and even if my iPad is simultaneously connected to another VPN. I don't have 2 Mac to test and don't use PrivateVPN.

Try with Finder -> Connect to Server... -> vnc://x.x.x.x (where x.x.x.x is the local IP address of the machine you want to connect to).


Sep 20, 2013
It's true that VPN takes your Mac on a different network (it's the purpose of a VPN). It shouldn't prevent a local access, though.
That depends on whether the vpn is a full tunnel or split tunnel vpn. Full tunnel routes all network traffic over the vpn.


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 27, 2001
Thank you for the replies, I tried Marco's suggestion about connecting through the finder and it was a no go. That method appeared to be just a different avenue to connect via screen sharing. I sent an email to the PrivateVPN support but I think I'm probably SOL... What VPN do you use Marco?


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 27, 2001
Update: I emailed PrivateVPN’s support and they suggested I turn off their KillSwitch feature which blocks all internet traffic if the vpn disconnects for some reason. With that turned off I can now file & screen share.
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