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macrumors G3
Original poster
Feb 7, 2002
ok so here's the deal:

i was recently asked to make a multimedia marketing cd for a company that a friend of mine works for. i used director back around version 7 or 8, and have the general know how to be confident enough to create such a thing. it wouldnt' be terribly complex, and so i accepted.

i have yet to start work or anything yet, but they have asked me if i could redesign/update their website. essentially, they want me to make the marketing multimedia thing work on the web. here's my problem. i don't have any real complex web design experience, or flash experience. ideally, i'd like to create the site using director and as simply as possible have it translate to something that can be made into a projector (or whatever they call it now) for the cd...

the question is, is that possible? or would i need to use another application? i will be using director 2004, for what it's worth.

thanks a lot for any info.


macrumors G3
Mar 9, 2002
jelloshotsrule said:
the question is, is that possible?


Export it as a Shockwave file for use on the web, and export it as a Projector for CD-ROM use.


macrumors G3
Mar 9, 2002
jelloshotsrule said:
thanks mate. does it work out well?)

Depends on how you approach it.

How complex is the project?

For example you might only need one projector file for the CD-ROM, but if you Shockwave that, it might come in at 10MB for example, in which case you'd want to split the main 'movie' into smaller sections and have those as individual Shockwave movies so that rather than the end user having to D/L one big Shockwave file, they only have to D/L smaller ones as and when they access the information.


Home = home.dcr (.dcr being Shockwaves file format)
News = news.dcr
Products = products.dcr

etc etc.

Then you'd have to just change the lingo on the links... for the CD-ROM it'd look something like this

on mouseUp me
go to "News"

Which would take you to the marker called 'News'

Where as if you were dealing with multiple Shockwave movies, you'd want the lingo to look more like this

on mouseUp me
gotonetpage ""
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