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macrumors 65816
Jun 26, 2011
Yes I agree, it does suck dont get me wrong but their launches are massive, the biggest launches in the history of the planet. Once again though the verizon site came through with no problems right at 12:01 pst. I think that is one of those "you get what you pay for" kind of thing. Verizon is pricey but they have the cash to set up great servers and absorb the loads these preorders place on them.

Because Apple has no cash.....


macrumors regular
May 17, 2008
Think about this ...

Here we are a day after pre-ordering began and news media and social media are burning up with talk about Apple's new products.

Are the pre-ordering f**kups hurting Apple? I don't think so!


macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
And you have any proof of this??? Cause that is an apple holding page, not an error page.

Cause I was following it on MR and the consensus was that the store did not comeback online at the advertised time .

Well, I was able to get the page loaded on the apple store app while still seeing "we'll be back" on the desktop browser. In fact, the desktop browser store never loaded (for me) until about 12pm PST.

Further, there were people on MR that actually stated they were able to order BEFORE 12:01 am PST (we are talking a few minutes here, the earliest I read was 11:57 pm PST 9/10/14)... so my proof is my experience I guess?


macrumors newbie
Aug 3, 2014
This unhelpful post was made possible by Apple not accepting my personal Apple ID login for reservation for the first half hour (those CAPTCHAs are so annoying), I must've typed in my password at least 50 times (if anyone wanted to know what my password was, you should've been shoulder surfing at that moment). Which led me to use my dev account, worked instantly, but I didn't get the phone I wanted, or at the store I wanted.

Eventually, though, I did get my ideal phone reserved as well. About 30 minutes after pre-ordering started.

Now, which one: 128 Slate, or 64 Silver +?

I hope you found this post unhelpful.

Useless selfish post.


macrumors 68000
Sep 16, 2011
San Francisco, CA
I understand that. But why on earth does Apple release a phone (they know will be huge) when they can't keep up with the demand?

Because the demand is higher and higher every year. I think the volume of phones they get to people every year during preorders to several different countries is amazing. I don't know how they do it actually. You're just upset because your order got screwed up :rolleyes:


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2014
Absolute disaster that u can't get ur phone until first week October?

Reality check needed isle 1...


macrumors 68020
Jun 23, 2007
I am just curious if anyone else is as fed up as I am? Had to stay up until 5am CST to get my order in for a T-Mobile iPhone Plus 64GB Space Gray at I was trying to follow everyone on here, but the MacRumors forums were so busy, half the time the page would not load.

My beef is that after all these years was the worst place to get the phone from. Why is that? I tried to use the app on my 5S and iPad but the Apple store app DID NOT have the T-Mobile model off contract. I can't believe Apple would do that? Why? T-Mobile's own website was not even taking pre-orders at all, despite it before past 3am.

Finally got my order in, but the shipping time shows Oct 1-6. I tried like the second became available and that's the best I could get? Wow. I understand its a phone, and I'll wait, but I can't believe a company the size of Apple can't even get their 8th generation iPhone orders straight. I remember the same EXACT thing happening with the 4S, and 5, though not as bad.


Its a phone, you'll get it a little late...Not a big deal
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