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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 13, 2017
Lyman, SC
Moving from an Android for years I was disappointed that I could not merge in What'sApp Contacts with my other contacts. Normally, all my Google contacts, if they have a picture, then if I chat with someone on What'sApp it would show their What'sApp picture, but when they didn't have a whatsapp picture my phone showed their google picture. I don't want to use Facebook for this. But I was disappointed that neither What'sApp nor Linkedin show up as groups in iPhone contacts. I am only able to sync contacts to LinkedIn and WhatsApp, but not able to Link contacts to either. I have looked at a ton of contact managers, but didn't see one that would work either.
I am using an iPhone 8 Plus with iOS 11.2
Any advice or any recommended apps to allow me to truly link contacts.
Philip Wagner
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