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macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2007
Planet Earth
THAT my friend is a paying do that would take an amount of $100,000 (or £198,000) :p a year.

What, when did the £ crash against the $ :D only yesterday $100,000 would have been around £50,000. Well my trip to American later this year just got a whole lot more expensive.

Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
The idea of having to sit on these forums hour after hour fills me with dread. Unless I can moderate whilst I'm out with friends having a life.

I'm not here hour after hour; we're all volunteers, we do what we can when we can. I also have friends and have a life, possibly a more interesting one than you. ;)


macrumors 65816
Sep 30, 2007
Cambridge, UK
Speaking of moderators, you know what's one kind of moderator these forums need? A grammar moderator, who goes around editing people's posts for grammatical accuracy. All the misspellings, incorrect uses of words, and poor punctuation are getting on my nerves!

I'd pay for that!
"New Mac Pro's are out!"
"New Mac Pro is are out?"


Moderator emeritus
Jul 19, 2002
Well, I have been referred to many times as the MacRumors Grammar Nazi™... :D That being said, I much prefer being a bastard and pointing out people's incorrect grammar as opposed to actually fixing it in their posts... :p ;)
Oh, I forgot that bastard isn't blocked out. Bastard. Hey, I said it again, hehe.
Just remember, he's our MR Bastard :D

2 legit 2 legit 2 post.:p
That's because you looked at the thread and realized "you can't touch this."
"That's why we pray...pray...pray...we got to pray just to make it today!" :p

Don't get me wrong - the last thing I want to be is a moderator! The idea of having to sit on these forums hour after hour fills me with dread.
After you've been here a while, you will see how nicely this place is moderated compared to other places.

Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
If anyone feels the need to continually point out grammar mistakes in other's posts, then please don't.

It's not funny, it's not clever; we don't like it at all. Could I be any clearer?

Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
I'm closing this thread.

The answer to the original question was clearly answered here and I'm not going to have this thread descend into a spam-hole of laughing at and pointing fingers at other people's grammar, thinking it's somehow amusing.
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