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macrumors 68000
Dec 17, 2009
Folsom, CA
Here's my WiFi problem. I'll notice that my internet stops responding, so I instantly go to restart the Airport card... then this happens.

The first thing you should do is move your Airport Connection to be the #1 connection in Network Preferences. I noticed in your video in the Network Preferences you have it as #3. Drag it to the #1 (top) position.

Next is read this article about DNS settings from MacWorld and change your DNS settings to the ones recommended.

If you still have issues then download iStumbler (Google it) and this will tell you all the Wi-Fi networks in your area and what channel's they're on. If you are competing for a channel then simply the channel on your router to one that not within close range of your system.


macrumors regular
Dec 8, 2009
Just out of curiosity folks: What exactly do you mean 'Wifi drops out?' What are the symptoms of this? I have been having some issues since my SL upgrade. If you note the picture below, it has a status of "on" next to airport. But if I just sit there watching it, the status will 'toggle' between "On" and "Looking for Networks."

Is that normal? Could be unrelated to my problem and yours, but just thought I would ask :eek:



macrumors 6502a
Sep 21, 2008
The first thing you should do is move your Airport Connection to be the #1 connection in Network Preferences. I noticed in your video in the Network Preferences you have it as #3. Drag it to the #1 (top) position.

Next is read this article about DNS settings from MacWorld and change your DNS settings to the ones recommended.

If you still have issues then download iStumbler (Google it) and this will tell you all the Wi-Fi networks in your area and what channel's they're on. If you are competing for a channel then simply the channel on your router to one that not within close range of your system.

Well I moved it up, right below Ethernet since I want Ethernet to take over when it's connected.

As far as DNS goes, I configured my router months ago to use OpenDNS, and so far it's been great. It just started having this problem. I think it's strictly with the OSX Software.

It works fine in Windows 7. When this happened, I booted Windows 7 and it was working 100% fine. Even used WiFi to upload the video.

I live in a rural area. I have the only wireless network in range.

OSX was just installed last Thursday when I got my new SSD drive. I also have very little non-Apple software. Those two prefpanes in my system preferences, iStat Pro, Windows Live, Firefox, and Chrome. That's it. I also have nothing downloaded and none of my files restored. It's basically a virgin system.

What happens is that my internet stops responding, right? Well, I turned off the Airport card. Then that happens when I try to turn it back on.

Screen shot 2010-07-28 at 11.04.50 PM.png
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